View Full Version : PC won't download to Hummy

18-06-2010, 07:44 PM
Hi all,
I have a Hummy5400, has not been upated for some time, due to various reasons, but I am now trying to do this, have downloaded files, but I cannot get the box to be rcognised by the PC (Windows 7) I have bought a USB converter for the lead, this is recognised OK, but as soon as I press download to STB it simply says waiting for connection, no matter what i do it is always the same!:willy_nilly:
is there anything I am doig wrong??

18-06-2010, 08:37 PM
turn the box off then back on then it should download.

19-06-2010, 06:40 AM
check in devise manager its set to correct comport in advanced menu.

19-06-2010, 08:15 AM
I have done both those, comport is the correct one, althought it was not at first!, and have switched Humax on/off, still comes up 'waiting for connection ' ! could it be WIN7 does not like the Hummy, or vice versa ?

19-06-2010, 08:16 AM
but I cannot get the box to be rcognised by the PC (Windows 7)It's not supposed to be recognised by the pc, so nothing wrong till here. Follow what ferddie and swills said

19-06-2010, 08:56 AM
It's not supposed to be recognised by the pc, so nothing wrong till here. Follow what ferddie and swills said

Okey dokey, will give it another go, by the way does anyone know where to get a 'good' copy of Humax Toolbox, the one I have redownloaded does not work 100% which could be part of the problem!

19-06-2010, 12:46 PM
Are you sure you have a null modem cable? A serial cable is different from a null modem cable.

Also there is a chance that your usb to serial converter is not working properly. Are you trying to dowload settings, new firmware, something else? I use humbox for settings and humax uploader 1.5 for firmware. Have a look in the tools and editors section of this forum.

Before downloading anything to your box put your humax on standby. Press the appropriate button (in humbox for example) in order to start downloading to your box and then turn on your box. If everything has gone ok you will see the progress bar progressing.

19-06-2010, 01:05 PM
Are you sure you have a null modem cable? A serial cable is different from a null modem cable.

Also there is a chance that your usb to serial converter is not working properly. Are you trying to dowload settings, new firmware, something else? I use humbox for settings and humax uploader 1.5 for firmware. Have a look in the tools and editors section of this forum.

Before downloading anything to your box put your humax on standby. Press the appropriate button (in humbox for example) in order to start downloading to your box and then turn on your box. If everything has gone ok you will see the progress bar progressing.

Deffo right cale, as I tried it at work a few months back, not sure what I downloaded to it tho! but my 'works' have now A) locked down even more the PC's, so you can't do much with them at all, and B) at home I only have USB, this I bought a serial - USB converter says it supports all RS-232 ports

maybe I should try a different programme that the 'toolbox'

19-06-2010, 01:52 PM
I've seen on other forums that people have problems with these adapters not working with some kit. Have you got anything else that it could talk to? I use mine with my amateur radio gear and the software auto detected the com port setting but I also use it with a file on here for my Technomate receiver and had to manually set the com port under device manager as it wanted to see com 1.

19-06-2010, 02:32 PM
No, it's this or nothing! I will download another uploader, I just did toolbox 1.33 agian, but that is full of viruses!

19-06-2010, 06:53 PM
Why bother with toolboxes? You still haven't told us what you are trying to download to your box. Is it settings? New firmware?

20-06-2010, 10:08 PM
just use the firmware uploader tool to upload firmware and settings editor to upload settings, amd pmc editor to upload pmc tables

you also need to use a null modem serial lead, not a standard serial lead

and check your com port settings in device manager(device manager double click com port, click on port setting)

baud rate should be =9600

data bits =8

parity = none

stop bits = 1

flow control = none