View Full Version : An Ex dreambox user Need help on flashing Vu+duo

19-06-2010, 10:27 AM

Can any of the experts advise me on the following issues:

1/ Upgrading Vu+duo for the first time. By this I mean when we receive the new vu+ duo does it come with an image in the internal
flash of the box. If this is the case, do we have to upgrade it to a different image ( Dreambox example Boxman image). In this cast need help on :-

A/ Which is the best image for the internal flash of Vu+duo.

B/ How do we flash this image to the internal Flash memory? ( In case of dreambox we used the "webinterface" method using the ip address of the dream.
What is the easiest and safest method to use for Vu+duo.

2/ I would like to leave the image installed in the internal flash memory of Vu+duo alone and install more than one images on an external flash memory stick( Ex Kingston Stick). In this case which images for external USB stick you recommend I should use.

A/ How do I flash these images to the External USB stick ( in dreambox we used the "Flash****** application"). Is there an application similar to Flash****** for Vu+Duo.

Sorry for the long post but hope I receive a detailed answer as I am afraid to mess around with the Vu+duo which does not have an official dealer in my country.


19-06-2010, 10:32 AM
Forget what you know about your Dreambox for starters.

Update the image with this method described by hda5


And I suggest your try the image posted by irishchris


Good luck and come back when you need more help.

19-06-2010, 09:20 PM
Thanks for your help