View Full Version : Has My HH Motor Died?

19-06-2010, 02:17 PM
I have been driving my HH motor via USALS from my DM 800 and it's just not moving the dish anymore. I'm unable to move the dish via the manual buttons in fact the East manual button is showing a Red LED. I've tried de powering and resetting, but still no movement. If I try the West manual button, showing a Green LED, the East LED will change to Red after powering up. The HH is only 18 months old. Do you think I need a new device?
Any help appreciated.

Best wishes from,


19-06-2010, 02:32 PM
sounds like a dodgy cable giving overcurrent to motor causing the red light to appear when trying to drive motor .
check cables carefully ive had this problem in the past and making new ends on the cable solved it ... and checking there is no break in cable or try a temp. cable and see if that will drive motor ?? i would check cables first ,

what make/model of motor is it ?? darkmotor ? tmate/motek ? StaB ?

19-06-2010, 02:37 PM
Thanks barneycarlton for the quick response. I got the motor from Map**s it's their DiSEqc 1.2 model. I will check the coax though.

Best wishes from,


19-06-2010, 05:42 PM
i had simular prob long time ago...i did as barneycarlton suggests
new ends etc...but unfortnunatly did not cure mine...
i was then told on here by who i forget at this moment..
to hold both buttons on motor..both manual buttons east /west
at same time...hold for 10 seconds...
was told this resets motor...it cured mine...hope this helps
ps...useing a darkmotor...dont know if that makes a difference
as in holding buttons for a motor reset

20-06-2010, 01:43 PM
Thanks for that EXTRAFACTO, just picked your message up. Given it a try, but red LED still glows. Looks like a new motor. I wonder which one to buy though.

Best wishes from,
