View Full Version : The VU+ SOLO is out in the UK

22-06-2010, 10:50 PM

It is available now for sale in the UK for £299

This is a first Impressions of the new VU+ Solo by RealMagic911 who is a member of the VTI team:

" enough VuvuZela last time - it's time for Vu Solo

As member of vti team, i got the possibility to test a vu solo. I want to give you some first impressions.

The vu solo doesn't have a display and doesn't have a fan. It works complete silence. There is a bicolour led on front shown on / off state and the finish of a flash progress (green blinking)

The box is equipped with 2 USB Ports. One in the front behind the "Cam and Cardslot door" another in the back. The box has 1 Smartcard Interface and 2 Common Interface slots.

A short test shows that the cams and smartcards already tested in Vu Duo are also working in the solo.

The solo box hasn't a main power switch on the back, but there is an reset button instead.

Something about performance: Even if the box has the slower CPU than the duo series, it it s responding fast, only a little bit slower then the duo, but you only will see this in the direct comparison. I think zapping feels faster on solo than on duo.

Temperature: The box has no fan, but it isn't getting hot. even after hours of operation it is only slightly warm.

Some short test with an external hdd shows that HD recording is working also (intense testing of timshift will follow).

AND: timer recording from deep standby is working ;-) "

Thanks to RealMagic911 for sharing his experience with us and hope more full reviews will follow soon.

For me, for just an extra £90 i would go for the VU+ Duo with its twin tuner, faster CPU, Internal HDD, Front display, extra slots and connections options and established support