View Full Version : cannot load new patch with usb stick

23-06-2010, 10:21 PM
been trying to load the new patch and after 20% a message comes up and says
update fail please check your usb memory

have checked and theres is 90% memory left

also now my nuevoxstream server setup has disconnected next to the connection status

i didnt have any problems using it to put the original patch on it in may:confused:

23-06-2010, 10:33 PM
just seen the other thread on the previous page will try what it says on there

23-06-2010, 11:33 PM
the only patch it will let me load is the very first patch + gift
when i try to load any of the others it only goes to 20%

also my connection status has changed to disconnected
and the expired date has changed to blank _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

anyone any ideas how to sort this problem

24-06-2010, 06:54 AM
Although I don't own a Spiderbox, yet, I have been reading about them and this problem has affected a few people.
One of the threads, I have read, suggests first loading New patch gift file from the 20th December 2009 then loading the latest patch, this seems to work.

I have uploaded the file to satpimps:
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=732456#post73245 6

24-06-2010, 07:01 AM
was it the boxer patch you loaded andy? if so that was the patch that messed my box up,what i did to restore to an earlier patch was.
turn box off with remote then with switch on back waited a while then switched back on,then loaded the darkman spider patch and now my box is back up and running,not sure what the boxer patch was for,but from now on
i wont load any patches unless they are critical updates and i know what they
are for

24-06-2010, 01:13 PM
no it was the darkman patch that i was trying to load
thanks to mickha it is allowing me to add the patches now i had the very first gift patch dated from 3.12.09 i have applied the 20th dec one now and it is allowing me to add the others

24-06-2010, 02:18 PM
was it the boxer patch you loaded andy? if so that was the patch that messed my box up,what i did to restore to an earlier patch was.
turn box off with remote then with switch on back waited a while then switched back on,then loaded the darkman spider patch and now my box is back up and running,not sure what the boxer patch was for,but from now on
i wont load any patches unless they are critical updates and i know what they
are for

i,m told by a good source that the boxer patch is for sly italia card and will kill your gift!!! do not load this patch

24-06-2010, 02:37 PM
have you try this mate ?
ihave used boxe patch from day one and still have my GIFT activated :number-one-043:

i,m told by a good source that the boxer patch is for sly italia card and will kill your gift!!! do not load this patch

24-06-2010, 02:52 PM
iv'e loaded the boxer patch and it does'nt kill the gift
with a gift it is said load all update patchs as software only
plus if you cant load the latest patch and your certain your
memory stick is ok and formatted correctly then i would factory re-set
your spiderbox and even the factory reset does'nt kill the patch.
it is suggested you always keep a copy of your gift number,mac address long/lat settings etc: even if you are not doing a factory reset,you never know when a box will get a glitch or crash

25-06-2010, 10:19 AM
quote, just for the unsure [me]

That boxer patch isn't a patch+ gift patch.

Be sure you only ever download and install patches from the patch+gift section or you'll kill your gift key.

The boxer patch is to enable the use of a Sky Italia viewing card in the receiver's card slot.