View Full Version : CT Movie Maker (.TS 2 .TRP)

28-06-2010, 08:43 PM
Just found this little gem on the internet circulating on it since 2008. For all who wishes to use their pvr Technomate or Clarke Tech as a media player.
CT Movie Maker 1.3.3394:respect-040: :respect-051:

Very straight forward in use convert the media you want to play to .TS once that is finished. Run this little program, select the newly made .TS file and it will convert to .TRP in a named folder with the necessary files in it. Copy this folder in to the Records folder of the usb hard disc or memory stick.

It works with SD and HD recordings

so in short this one converts .TS to .TRP

other usage take your recordings .TRP convert to .TS cut, edit, ... save the end result in .TS and convert it back to .TRP

28-06-2010, 09:41 PM
I would love to be able to use this could u explain it a bit more in simple steps,
i could not get it to work new to this stuff.

28-06-2010, 10:58 PM
if you don't have a .TS file to play with, you can find one here:
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=135338 (180 MB download)
OK, here we go, try with a small file!
Suche Eingansstream (Search source file): browse to the .TS file where it is.
Bestimme zielordner (Browse to destination folder) where the result should go
If you have media files with an *.ifo file accompanying the media file you can get the information from there, not needed in this case.

Name: fill in here the name of the file you want to create like "My Movie"
Beschreibung: description of what is in the movie (short overview)
Aufnahmedatum: Date you want to show as recorded
Aufnahmezeit: time recording was made

Erstellen: Make the conversion

That is it :cheers2: