View Full Version : AAF VU+ DUO WM Image

29-06-2010, 01:51 PM
AF VU+ Duo Image

The FIRST AAF VU+ DUO WM Image 2010

This should be the first AAF VU+ Duo Image

emu's > /var/bin or /usr/bin
config files > /var/keys or /usr/keys
softcam config *.emu > /var/etc or /etc

Configurable color buttons:

BlueKey Action: bind a extension to the blue button (

Default/Softcam/single EPG/multi EPG/graphic EPG/MyTube Player/AAF-Panel)
RedKey Action: bind the AAF-Panel to the red button ( Default/AAF-Panel )
GreenKey Action: Shows the plugin browser when the channel has no

subchannels (not configurable )

AAF WM Image VU+ Duo:

- Adjust remote control response time a bit more
- Fix virtual tuner problem.
- Turn off LNB power when not in use
- Adjust remote control response time
- Screen blank when zapping
- Fix video event problem
- Fix VFD display problem
- Fix 4:3 video mode at 576i resolution


+ AAF-Panel
+ Volume Adjust
+ BlueKey Action
+ RedKey Action
+ GreenKey Action (open Plugin Browser when no subchannels)
+ Fancontrol (credits to scope34 Vu+ Team)
+ new Grab (credits to scope34 Vu+ Team)
+ new default skin DMConcinnity-HD ( credits to Mister-X for making this

skin VU+ compatible )
+ new bootlogo's
+ fix automount
+ fix webremote buttons
+ mediacenter
+ change font default skin (for better reading)
+ small change in the camstarter
+ Addon-Manager V2.02

Got the above from the vuplus-support site...