View Full Version : Cyfra+ on Icecrypt s4000

06-07-2010, 12:34 PM
Hi Guys, Anybody watching Cyfra+ on s4000, and if so what are your experiences? I am having problems with original cyfra card an Aston cam-(mediaguard/seca) works for 10 secs and then I get a message that the chanel is scrambled.
Any suggestions?

06-07-2010, 07:00 PM
Used the card slot for my Cyfra card, worked for some channels better than a Cam, think Diablo might have messed my card up.

07-07-2010, 09:14 AM
I installed IRD version of 1.08.26 firmware and Mcas plugin yesterday (advised by Icecrypt official tech support line). My Cyfra+ is working better now, but I still get scrambled channel message occasionally. I need to restart the tuner or sometimes taking the card out and putting it back does the trick. I wonder if the present setup would work with Polsat. Anybody tried?

10-07-2010, 08:32 AM
Every time I want to watch one of the Cyfra+ channels, it works for a bout 15 sec and then the message comes up scrambled channel. I have to go up and then down a channel to be able to watch it. It's ennoying, but I can put up with it. What I can't put up with is when I want to record the channel using the timer recording. You can guess what happens. I've tried May and June versions of the plugin and newest firmware and v. 1.08.09 versions. No joy :mad: Any suggestions?