View Full Version : SBCL v1.0i Problem

12-07-2010, 12:21 AM
Can anyone help ?????? when i run SBCL on my main pc (vista) it works fine but with my laptop (xp home) it wont work, i have put the libeay file in the system 32 folder but still no joy.

12-07-2010, 02:22 AM
Are you sure you're not just trying it on your laptop at such a time when coincidentally you can't connect to a server? It is nice of Compass to offer these packages, but it is very hit and miss. I never expect it to connect and treat it as a bonus if it does. The days of easily and reliably watching channels via a neat little patch seem to have all but gone.

Apart from that, check which COM port is in use in your XP laptop and see if it differs to your Vista pc. Device Manager would probably be the place to look to find it.
I and Giga have posted somewhere or other on how to then set the relevant COM port in Compass's download package.

Beyond that I have no idea and have only posted this as a brief passer by.

12-07-2010, 07:04 AM
Can anyone help ?????? when i run SBCL on my main pc (vista) it works fine but with my laptop (xp home) it wont work, i have put the libeay file in the system 32 folder but still no joy.
We can't see what is working and not on your laptop? You need to give details, what is happening and what not.
It runs on XP, so get that file out of the system 32 folder.

12-07-2010, 08:30 AM
basicly everthing is set up correctly and Cliquer works fine for jsc etc but when i run sblc program i dont have the active option

12-07-2010, 09:30 AM
when you run SBCL v1.0i in the system tray you should have showing a square: white red horizontal bar.
When you double click it should come in foreground or show on task bar.
Bring it in foreground. In the menu you find SBCL & vPlug.
In vPlug drop down menu mark Active, it should show then v Active.
Now click in the same menu Show monitor.
Vplug should now be in foreground. Top left you have option [ ] Active, thick that box, should show: [v] Active

12-07-2010, 09:56 AM
thx for your help giga but i don't have the v plug drop down box option, originally i had the same prob on my pc with vista on but the libary file fixed it but no joy with the laptop.

12-07-2010, 10:08 AM
windows / internet security problem? some other issue on your xp and laptop? Remove completely, re-download the package unpack including folders in new folder. Try another unpack program like

12-07-2010, 07:53 PM
champion giga, different unzipping prog sorted it. :respect-069:

13-07-2010, 06:33 AM
Weird is it not? Seen this behavior a lot lately: unzipping not happening correctly with certain programs. One wrong bit is enough to screw up a function/program. Glad it is working now.

06-08-2010, 05:23 PM
Have had trouble unpacking. (XP). Rar finally did it correctly.

06-08-2010, 06:18 PM
yup quirks of xp/windows