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12-07-2010, 02:59 PM
by the_ripper :


Pls stop updating to E2 test till I figure it out safe way to back original FW, becasue some of you doesnt get IP address so cant telnet/ftp

Hello guy's,

With big thanks to the The_ripper, we got the First version of Enigma 2 which we can test on our AzBox HD Receivers :

This version is only for Elite and Premium.

Premium+ version will be out also today.

Raskino we are shame on YOU !!! And all what You said against AzBox HD devices !!!

Elite / Premium:


Premium+ :


Transfer the patch.bin file to the FA**2 formated usb stick, and update Your receiver like with normal azbox fw.

All comments are welcome.

Web If working, Telnet working, FTP working.

BEFORE Puthing this Enigma 2, take care to also connect receiver with Your local area network, so if something goes wrong, You can use rescue files to back to the original version of FW !!!

Small app for returning back on AzBox Official FW will be ready today

Keep in the mind, that this enigma is running without Tuner drivers, which still have to be finished !!!

Once more thanks to The_ripper and telesat for this nice release !!!

Please re-upload files and mirrors to Rapidshare, as download limit is 10 times...

If You have problem with E2 and want to go back to the original FW, as this is beta version :

Download file BACK TO ORIGINAL FW.rar , attached to this post.

First DELETE 2 pictures from the MMP directory !!! and than transfer this files !!!

Put file update in the /tmp directory and give CHMOD 755 .

Also , put the file backup_kernel in /MMP directory .

Connect to telnet, and run this command :

./update /MMP/backup_kernel

NOTE: Also You can put this files on usb and run them from it !!!

After, that flash AzBox with original fw, that is all.

AzBoxE2Rescue.rar is setup with added FileZilla Portable and Putty, and Rescue Files.

12-07-2010, 03:27 PM
As I said before,

no audio/video/demux/tuners support. But it's on current stage that can be tested what is working for now.

Image is build with Makefile-opendreambox-1.5 for dm800(didnt try new OE 1.6), but for e2 to works, it will need some patches. I will try to upload main diff/write here what I changed.
Many Python code is disabled in mytest.py , Harddisk.py is used from Sh4 build, etc ...
so guys who wants/know Python can start playing/repairing because it want work with default Python code for Dreambox ...

12-07-2010, 03:49 PM
The_Ripper congratulations on the great work you are doing to my question may usd tdt tuner in the future.


12-07-2010, 03:56 PM
The_Ripper sorry to be a pain in the ass :)
HUGE thank you so much for this, all your hard work, you're truly a genious and patient guy.

Can u please create a svn?
so now everybody can help you out?

12-07-2010, 04:05 PM
Raskino we are shame on YOU !!! And all what You said against AzBox HD devices !!!


12-07-2010, 04:07 PM
source code please...

12-07-2010, 04:12 PM
Awesome!!! Thank you sooo much for ALL your hard work!

12-07-2010, 04:15 PM
source code please...
are you kidding ?..

12-07-2010, 04:22 PM
Kernel used in this release of E2 ( 2.6.22-19 patched by Sigma ) :


Here is make file for OE od DM 800 , 2 small diff files for sources which have to be changed ( for FB , and for priority of process for Kernel 2.6.22-19 ) and .config file for Kernel 2.6.22-19 .

Makefile-opendreambox-1.5 ( for whole image , crosscompiler, and all lib's etc. )

All files provided by the_ripper, thanks goes to him.

12-07-2010, 04:56 PM
Look the first post, all who want to back to original fw of azbox.

12-07-2010, 05:03 PM
MickeySa & The_Ripper
Huge thanks to The_Ripper for all this development and to MickeySa as you have a hand in it somewhere I am sure. This is very big day for the AZBox and I hope that Openshat sit up and look!
Before I go off and flash the filrmware I have a question though.
When you say there no tuner drivers, does this mean that no satellite signals can be recieved as the satellite tuner will not initialise and work, or are you referring to the UHF TV output tuner?
Many thanks.

12-07-2010, 05:08 PM
Hello yes(no SAT tuners support or any tuner/no signal),
there is to much work needed to be done on Python code/bootup scripts/removing some sh**s that just DM boxes have, before work on second part of the drivers ...

12-07-2010, 05:11 PM
It is lack of drivers for tuners I think that this would be seen channels.

12-07-2010, 05:11 PM
Thanks mate.
I am sure that will come very very soon. Many thanks again. I guess you have spent a lot of time getting it this far.

12-07-2010, 05:12 PM
No satellite signal since there is no tuner initialization. Don't rush to update. All is still in experimental stage and needs some tweakinig and a bit of work, specially in Pyton code.. For example the Webif won't start for me and I can't use telnet at the moment to go back to original software..

12-07-2010, 05:32 PM
Put file update in the /tmp directory and give CHMOD 755 .

I not see file update in your post ??

p.s Cestitke za dosadasnji rad izgleda jako obecavajuce.

12-07-2010, 05:34 PM
Well, I do not now what happens to the deco I remove the Sun where the enigma taxes and I put the adapter sata with 160gb hd where taxes and put the original firmware stays in booting I will not start.

12-07-2010, 05:37 PM
as it was mention no tuner no audio i try to go back to original but fail and also the program not started after rebooting however i can communicat with ftp when upload to temp it deny and stop at 26 MB. waiting for your help and advice.

12-07-2010, 05:41 PM
Download again files BACK TO ORIGINAL FW.rar

So, copy the file backup_kernel by ftp to /MMP

copy the file update to /tmp folder, and add CHMOD rights to 755 .

Now, connect to Your azbox with telnet, and type :

cd /tmp

./update /MMP/backup_kernel

And wait, that process complete.

After that, You will be able to flash receiver again with Enigma 2 by the_ripper, or to use AzBox Official firmware, it is up to You.

12-07-2010, 06:07 PM
Download again files BACK TO ORIGINAL FW.rar

So, copy the file backup_kernel by ftp to /MMP

copy the file update to /tmp folder, and add CHMOD rights to 755 .

Now, connect to Your azbox with telnet, and type :

cd /tmp

./update /MMP/backup_kernel

And wait, that process complete.

After that, You will be able to flash receiver again with Enigma 2 by the_ripper, or to use AzBox Official firmware, it is up to You.

Thanks for you reply but the broblem i have patch file is not completely uploaded to tmp may be because of memory space can idelet some file to increase that when i delet the 2 pictures i upload 35.6 Mb plus back to original file

12-07-2010, 06:14 PM
well did u send file backup_kernel to MMP folder, as it is 6.5 mb, and update app is arround 65 kb ?!

12-07-2010, 06:15 PM
As I will not let me get me by telnet.

12-07-2010, 06:19 PM

Pls stop updating to E2 test till I figure it out safe way to back original FW, becasue some of you doesnt get IP address so cant telnet/ftp

What are you transfering ? kernel is 6.6 MB and prog is 65 KB ...

Did you had HD driver inside or not ?

12-07-2010, 06:20 PM

12-07-2010, 06:24 PM
The update file was not posted pleasu could you upload it

12-07-2010, 06:27 PM
But the hard disk HD but I have the original firmware on the Sun will put the puzzle to try to remove it and put back the HD but stays in loading.

I really rip works by hdmi and all but absent tuner drivers but the problem I can not enter the deco telnet into the router gives me the ip of the router but I do not enter.

12-07-2010, 06:37 PM
Is there a work-around if one doesn't get and ip-address? I've tried dhcp and self configured one but to no luck. Restarting the router also gave no results. BTW is there a preset telnet password eg: root/dreambox?

12-07-2010, 06:52 PM
here, everyting ok

Put enigma 2 , i did the steps to put original FW and now im already running original firmware.

No problems here.

Now, is needed the guys that are enigma experts, helping with the drivers and removing bugs.

Great step for The_Ripper and company.

Thanks to all

12-07-2010, 07:12 PM
I found update file in the rescu and follow instruction now my box not started and stop with booting in its screen, for your help and advice

12-07-2010, 07:18 PM
i need your help The_ripper
after i update my receiver with Premium__E2 patch. my receiver keep saying booting
i tried to telnet but no way i cannt get my receiver ip. how can get it back to normal

12-07-2010, 07:24 PM
I found update file in the rescu and follow instruction now my box not started and stop with booting in its screen, for your help and advice "

same problem, start update, stop on 58% 4/5, and now i have "booting" on display.no ftp, no telnet.

12-07-2010, 07:25 PM
i need your help The_ripper
after i update my receiver with Premium__E2 patch. my receiver keep saying booting
i tried to telnet but no way i cannt get my receiver ip. how can get it back to normal

Remember guys this is a very beta firmware. Tests are a risk anyone have to take to test'it.

In my side, everiting worked ok, the enigma and the rollback to original firmware.

Dont put the pressure in mower to solve possible problems that can happen in the instalation.

12-07-2010, 07:30 PM
Can we have E2 as movieplayer with this beta realease?

12-07-2010, 07:39 PM
Moicas, how did you do it? Explain a litle .....

12-07-2010, 07:43 PM
if u guys cant find ip, try to use DCC (dreambox control center) to search range ip's interval to see if it can find azbox ip

12-07-2010, 07:58 PM
Although I don't own an Azbox I have nothing but admiration for the guys that can make this work. I wish them success with the project.
However from my experience testing E2 on SH4 processor receivers I would urge patience and not to expect everything to run smoothly.
Teams have been working and improving E2 on Cuberevo and Kathrein for what seems like years now and although many advances have been made there are still bugs and problems that need fixing.

12-07-2010, 07:59 PM
Good thing is that AzBox is running on MIPS platform, and not on SH4, which i think is bigg advance....

12-07-2010, 08:04 PM
if u guys cant find ip, try to use DCC (dreambox control center) to search range ip's interval to see if it can find azbox ip

i found the ip but when try to connect i get

Telnet Connected
Telnet Disconnected

then i get error 10057

12-07-2010, 08:07 PM
1 wonder what s mean this sentence
OpenDreambox 1.5.0 AZBox

AZBox login: root
root@AZBox:~# ./update /MMP/backup_kernel
-sh: ./update: not found
ı dont return original firmware where am ı mistake

12-07-2010, 08:08 PM
Good thing is that AzBox is running on MIPS platform, and not on SH4, which i think is bigg advance....

yep, indeed!! :)

oscam.mips and cccam.mips :P :P :P

BTW: any info about dvbapi The_Ripper?, how is the situation?

thank you.

12-07-2010, 08:15 PM
1 wonder what s mean this sentence
OpenDreambox 1.5.0 AZBox

AZBox login: root
root@AZBox:~# ./update /MMP/backup_kernel
-sh: ./update: not found
ı dont return original firmware where am ı mistake

the update file goes to /tmp
and you run inside the tmp directory

To run eveting ok read the first post and follow it

The guys are doing it wrong, and that's its what is causing the errors and mistakes.

12-07-2010, 08:15 PM

Put a
"cd /tmp"


login and "./update"


12-07-2010, 08:54 PM
so for those that tested this do we have GUI? can we use azbox as a movie player only?

12-07-2010, 09:03 PM
pegaman, to soon for those questions.

yes of course it has GUI. all works, remote too.
but we dont have tunner drivers so..and no video or audio.

give it about 2 weeks till we can do something more.

ALSO thank you so much for the so easy setup mower! :)

12-07-2010, 09:08 PM
pegaman, to soon for those questions.

yes of course it has GUI. all works, remote too.
but we dont have tunner drivers so..and no video or audio.

give it about 2 weeks till we can do something more.

ALSO thank you so much for the so easy setup mower! :)

Good!!! Thanks mower !!! you give hope with fact sand not just rumors... thank you

12-07-2010, 09:12 PM
by the way...when i say "we" i mean they :)
again, thank you mower and company for your work.

12-07-2010, 10:14 PM
Thanks for all the work done so far.

I've a quick question which it may be too early to ask yet but here goes, will the new e2 firmware be compatible with 4.2.2 transmissions the same as the original firmware.

I know the boxes hardware is usually the reason that most receivers can't display these transmissions, but seen as the Az hardware can, will the e2 firmware interfere with this.

Its brilliant news today anyway.

12-07-2010, 10:28 PM
Guys, it would be most important a SVN for developers to start helping you guys with E2. Put it GPL so everione with the know how to help developing.

Today is a great day for AZBOX Users.

Thanks alot for this first preview.

12-07-2010, 10:56 PM
Moicas, how did you do it? Explain a litle .....

I did as it sayd in the first post.

Copied the patch.bin to a fa**2 usb pen.
Rebooted the azbox
in the update menu, first, format aplication area
then, update usb
Box updated with E2 just fine.
The to reverse, Just deleted the 2 pictures in /MMP directory, copyed backup_kernel to the /MMP directory, go back to root, and enter /tmp, copy update inside /tmp dir.

CHMOD 775 update file, CHMOD 775 backup_kernel

Then inside /tmp, just run ./update /MMP/backup_kernel

After the update file completes operation, inser the usb pen in the box and repeat the process but with original firmware, reboot and everiting when back to original firm.

12-07-2010, 11:08 PM
Maybe an executable script may be in order for the non linux savvy members.
Just a suggestion?

12-07-2010, 11:13 PM
I did as it sayd in the first post.

Copied the patch.bin to a fa**2 usb pen.
Rebooted the azbox
in the update menu, first, format aplication area
then, update usb
Box updated with E2 just fine.
The to reverse, Just deleted the 2 pictures in /MMP directory, copyed backup_kernel to the /MMP directory, go back to root, and enter /tmp, copy update inside /tmp dir.

CHMOD 775 update file, CHMOD 775 backup_kernel

Then inside /tmp, just run ./update /MMP/backup_kernel

After the update file completes operation, inser the usb pen in the box and repeat the process but with original firmware, reboot and everiting when back to original firm.

Ok this is very simple, but what about:
1) IP address: do You have DHCP or fixed IP?
2) user and password is still the same as old azbox brand firmware or with E2 we must use different user and/or password?

The problem about telnet/ftp connection is due to different behavior of E2 on different box or user who had not bothered to copy the device address?
Thanks very much!!!

12-07-2010, 11:23 PM
Ok this is very simple, but what about:
1) IP address: do You have DHCP or fixed IP?
2) user and password is still the same as old azbox brand firmware or with E2 we must use different user and/or password?

The problem about telnet/ftp connection is due to different behavior of E2 on different box or user who had not bothered to copy the device address?
Thanks very much!!!

I use in the box dhcp from router and my box ip is My router gives my IP, and in the router i have set the mac of the box to be always this IP.
The user and pass is the default of azbox, root - azbox.

I think the problems by other users are bad install of patch.bin. I do the install like any other FW of opensat, always format aplications area before updating the box with new firmware.

And to rool back to the original firmware, just follow the steps in the first post.

12-07-2010, 11:24 PM

Put a
"cd /tmp"


login and "./update"


please help me
after back to original fw procesing finished.my receiver still booting level now. unfortunately does not go forward for a hour.

12-07-2010, 11:41 PM
please help me
after back to original fw procesing finished.my receiver still booting level now. unfortunately does not go forward for a hour.
Sanırım türksün.Bilader
yapman gerkenler şunlar
backup_kernel dosyasını ftp ile /MMP klasörünün içime at.
update dosyasını /tmp klasörüne at.
telnet ile bağlan ve şu komutları aynen yaz
cd /tmp
chmod 755 update
./update /MMP/backup_kernel

bu komutları sıra ile telnetten verirsen eski yazılımını kurabilirsin usb den. kolay gelsin.

12-07-2010, 11:51 PM
Sanırım türksün.Bilader
yapman gerkenler şunlar
backup_kernel dosyasını ftp ile /MMP klasörünün içime at.
update dosyasını /tmp klasörüne at.
telnet ile bağlan ve şu komutları aynen yaz
cd /tmp
chmod 755 update
./update /MMP/backup_kernel

bu komutları sıra ile telnetten verirsen eski yazılımını kurabilirsin usb den. kolay gelsin.

kanber usta ben aksaraydayken sizle yemliha hoca tanıştırmıştı. doktor hakan .. selamlar öncelikle.
hocam ben bu işleri yaptım sonra cihaz reboot ettikten sonra booting yazısı bir türlü kaybolmuyor devamlı görünüyor.. şimdi ftp ile de bağlananmıyorum çünkü ip de görmüyor. sadece booting seviyesinde dönüyor yuvarlak usb bellekle patch. bin dosyası şeklinde tanıtayım dedim oda olmuyor...varmı çaresi acaba..

12-07-2010, 11:56 PM
usb ile fw atacaksın. orjinl fw
eğer patch.bin kabul etmiyor ise işin kötü.
patch.bin isminin dogrulugunundan emin ol.

12-07-2010, 11:58 PM
Well guys I have it all settled and entered my router and gave it to upgrade to the LAN and I had grabbed the default ip Deco login root - pass dream and now the whole process and returned to their original state.

13-07-2010, 12:10 AM
usb ile fw atacaksın. orjinl fw
eğer patch.bin kabul etmiyor ise işin kötü.
patch.bin isminin dogrulugunundan emin ol.

valla üstad dediğiniz gibi yaptım cihaz booting demeye devam ediyor ve usb flash belleği tanımıyor acaba flashmı çöktü booting yazısından öte geçmiyor dolayısı ile maz yada ftp ile bağlanmak da imkansız...cihaz yarın başka usb ile deneyeceğim ama sanmıyorum..cihaz öldümü sizce...

13-07-2010, 12:17 AM
valla üstad dediğiniz gibi yaptım cihaz booting demeye devam ediyor ve usb flash belleği tanımıyor acaba flashmı çöktü booting yazısından öte geçmiyor dolayısı ile maz yada ftp ile bağlanmak da imkansız...cihaz yarın başka usb ile deneyeceğim ama sanmıyorum..cihaz öldümü sizce...
büyük bir ihtimalle kerneli geri yüklerken hata oluşmuş olabilir.(yarıda kesdiniz ise kesin).Checking displayde yazmıyor ise büyük bir olasılıkla flash gitti. benim başıma daha önceden böyle birşeyler gelmişti. Cihazı komple değiştirmişlerdi.Tamiri olmuyor. Cihazın clonlanmasını önlemek için flash ve cpu arasında bir imza bağlantısı var. Bir arkadaşın başına bu şekilde bir olay gelmişti o türkiyede bir yere yaptırmıştı sanırım 100-150 tl civarı bir paraya flash ve cpu yu değiştirmişler. sen birde ciazın pilini sök dene veya cihazzı arkadan açtıktan sonra devamlı ok tuşuna basıp basıp elini çek. inş. düzelir.

13-07-2010, 12:29 AM
olmadı üstad gerçi orjinal yazılıma dönerken processing 101seviyesine ilerlediğini falan hatırlıyorum en son finishing rebooting diye yazdığını hatırlıyorum telnette ama maalesef booting yazısı değişmiyor devam ediyor. checking yazısı bile gelmedi.sanırım farklı usb belleklede düzelmez yarın cihazı aldığım karabalikelektronikle bir görüşeyim bari. cihazdan da sıkılmıştım vallahi artık...yinede sağolun selamlar...

13-07-2010, 05:32 AM
hmm, i didn't get any telnet/ftp access too, besides after reboot, it just stays in 100% and black screen, i only get GUI first time.

just a question.....now what? :)

edit: after a restart i got ftp and telnet access but now i have blackscreen and 100% showing up, nothing happens.
before i got this problem, i went to network configuration in enigma2 and used manual ip, netmask and gateway, i dunno if this helped...but it's working.

13-07-2010, 05:39 AM
OpenDreambox 1.5.0 AZBox

AZBox login: root
root@AZBox:~# cd ..
root@AZBox:/home# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# ls
MMP bin dev hdd lib mnt sbin sys usr
autofs boot etc home media proc share tmp var
root@AZBox:/# cd var
root@AZBox:/var# ls
backups cache lib lock run spool tuxbox
bin etc local log share tmp
root@AZBox:/var# cd bin
root@AZBox:/var/bin# ls
root@AZBox:/var/bin# ./CCcam.mipsel -dv
01:08:26.572 CCcam: ================================= =========================== ==========
01:08:26.575 CCcam: starting CCcam 2.1.3 compiled on Nov 14 2009@00:37:55
01:08:26.576 CCcam: ================================= =========================== ==========
01:08:26.578 CCcam: online using nodeId 9c238883455b26f0
01:08:26.582 CCcam: read config: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.cfg or not found
01:08:26.584 CCcam: DM7025 detected
01:08:26.585 CCcam: create 8 cam device(s)
01:08:26.828 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/SoftCam.Key or not found
01:08:26.829 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key or not found
01:08:26.830 CCcam: static cw not found or bad
01:08:26.831 CCcam: parsed 0 entries from /var/etc/CCcam.prio
01:08:26.831 CCcam: readProviderfile: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.providers or no t found
01:08:26.832 CCcam: readChannelList: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo or n ot found
01:08:26.833 CCcam: server started on port 12000

:) muahhaha

13-07-2010, 05:51 AM
back to original firmware progress:
pls fix paths in first post MickeySA

e have to ./tmp/update :)

AZBox login: root
root@AZBox:~# cd ..
root@AZBox:/home# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# cd MMP/
root@AZBox:/MMP# ls
backup_kernel gdb strace
fb_test set_outports tmp
root@AZBox:/MMP# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# ./update /MMP/backup_kernel
-sh: ./update: not found
root@AZBox:/# ./tmp/update /MMP/backup_kernel
INFILE: /MMP/backup_kernel, OUTFILE:/dev/mtdblock4
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HX_DD: 6656+0 records in
HX_DD: 6656+0 records out
Updating old kernel finished!

Broadcast message from root (pts/1) (Sat Jan 1 01:23:32 2000):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!

13-07-2010, 06:28 AM
A BIG thanks to The_Ripper for his work and MickeySa for his support to this project.

For who wants to build an E2 image I found this instruction written by Eagle from EDG forum.Thank Eagle!

The follow packages are needed:

monotone ( ver. 0.31)

use this script to verify package's version.

#! /bin/bash

CUT=`which cut`
GREP=`which grep`

echo ""
echo ""

### cvs ###
CVS=`which cvs`
if ( test -e $CVS ) then
echo "cvs: "`$CVS --version | $GREP Concurrent | $CUT -f5 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mcvs nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### autoconf >= 2.57a ###
AUTOCONF=`which autoconf`
if ( test -e $AUTOCONF ) then
echo "autoconf >= 2.57a: "`$AUTOCONF --version | $GREP "autoconf " | $CUT -f4 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mautoconf nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### automake >= 1.7 ###
AUTOMAKE=`which automake`
if ( test -e $AUTOMAKE ) then
echo "automake >= 1.8: "`$AUTOMAKE --version | $GREP "automake " | $CUT -f4 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mautomake nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### libtool >= 1.4.2 ###
LIBTOOL=`which libtool`
if ( test -e $LIBTOOL ) then
echo "libtool >= 1.4.2: "`$LIBTOOL --version | $GREP "libtool)" | $CUT -f4 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mlibtool nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### gettext >= 0.12.1 ###
GETTEXT=`which gettext`
if ( test -e $GETTEXT ) then
echo "gettext >= 0.12.1: "`$GETTEXT --version | $GREP gettext | $CUT -f4 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mgettext nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### make >= 3.79 ###
MAKE=`which make`
if ( test -e $MAKE ) then
echo "make >= 3.79: "`$MAKE --version | $GREP Make | $CUT -f3 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mmake nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### makeinfo (texinfo) ###
MAKEINFO=`which makeinfo`
if ( test -e $MAKEINFO ) then
echo "makeinfo: "`$MAKEINFO --version | $GREP makeinfo | $CUT -f4 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mmakeinfo nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### tar ###
TAR=`which tar`
if ( test -e $TAR ) then
echo "tar: "`$TAR --version | $GREP tar | $CUT -f4 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mtar nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### bunzip2 (bzip2) ###
BUNZIP2=`which bunzip2`
if ( test -e $BUNZIP2 ) then
echo "bunzip2: "`bunzip2 --help 2> btmp; $GREP Version < btmp | $CUT -c 50-54; rm btmp`
echo -e "\033[37;41mbunzip2 nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### gunzip (gzip) ###
GUNZIP=`which gunzip`
if ( test -e $GUNZIP ) then
echo "gunzip: "`$GUNZIP --version | $GREP gunzip | $CUT -f2 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mgunzip nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### patch ###
PATCH=`which patch`
if ( test -e $PATCH ) then
echo "patch: "`$PATCH --version | $GREP "patch " | $CUT -f2 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mpatch nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### infocmp (ncurses-bin / ncurses-devel) ###
INFOCMP=`which infocmp`
if ( test -e $INFOCMP ) then
echo "infocmp: "`$INFOCMP -V | $GREP ncurses | $CUT -f2 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41minfocmp nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### gcc 2.95 or >= 3.0 ###
GCC=`which gcc`
if ( test -e $GCC ) then
echo "gcc 2.95 or >= 3.0: "`$GCC --version | $GREP gcc | $CUT -f3 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mgcc nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### g++ 2.95 or >= 3.0 ###
CCC=`which g++`
if ( test -e $CCC ) then
echo "g++ 2.95 or >= 3.0: "`$CCC --version | $GREP g++ | $CUT -f3 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mg++ nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### flex ###
FLEX=`which flex`
if ( test -e $FLEX ) then
echo "flex: "`$FLEX --version | $GREP flex | $CUT -f2 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mflex nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### bison ###
BISON=`which bison`
if ( test -e $BISON ) then
echo "bison: "`$BISON --version | $GREP Bison | $CUT -f4 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41mbison nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### pkg-config ###
PKGCONFIG=`which pkg-config`
if ( test -e $PKGCONFIG ) then
echo "pkg-config: "`$PKGCONFIG --version | $GREP .`
echo -e "\033[37;41mpkg-config nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

### wget ###
WGET=`which wget`
if ( test -e $WGET ) then
echo "wget: "`$WGET --version | $GREP Wget | $CUT -f3 -d " "`
echo -e "\033[37;41wget nicht installiert\033[37;40m"

echo ""

Then create a new directory:
mkdir OpenDream2
cd OpenDream2

Copy Makefile-opendreambox-1.5 provided by The_Ripper into the previous directory, give the 755 right permission and execute the follow command:

make -f Makefile-opendreambox-1.5 image

At this point, starts the compilation and then download all the necessary packages, you may need to wait up to 2-3 hours (if all goes well!, But generally not good, because he finds many packages will be searched to hand in network and also when you give inexplicable errors, the compilation will be relaunched every time ..).

The finished image will be under ../OpenDream2/build/tmp/deploy/images/dreambox-image-dm800-yyyymmmddhhmmss.nfi

Apply the patches made by The_Ripper and build again.

13-07-2010, 06:34 AM
what about the interest thing? sourcecode
me and moicas are talking to pli admins, they maybe could have a look at it.

The_Ripper is that the help u wanted?

13-07-2010, 07:15 AM
[QUOTE=hfmls;736173]back to original firmware progress:
pls fix paths in first post MickeySA

e have to ./tmp/update :)

AZBox login: root
root@AZBox:~# cd ..
root@AZBox:/home# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# cd MMP/
root@AZBox:/MMP# ls
backup_kernel gdb strace
fb_test set_outports tmp
root@AZBox:/MMP# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# ./update /MMP/backup_kernel
-sh: ./update: not found
root@AZBox:/# ./tmp/update /MMP/backup_kernel
INFILE: /MMP/backup_kernel, OUTFILE:/dev/mtdblock4
Progress 0
Progress 1
Progress 97
Progress 98
Progress 99
Progress 100
HX_DD: 6656+0 records in
HX_DD: 6656+0 records out
Updating old kernel finished!

Broadcast message from root (pts/1) (Sat Jan 1 01:23:32 2000):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!
I've done all of these stages. ı think made mistake return to the original image from the e2 image . because receiver at the level of the receiver is booting always wonder what do I do. azbox dead

13-07-2010, 07:21 AM
Fantastic work i will watch the progress with this with interest. as soon as we have a az E2 firmware working with no audio/video/demux/tuners support I will scrap openshats fws forever.

13-07-2010, 08:38 AM
[QUOTE=hfmls;736173]back to original firmware progress:
pls fix paths in first post MickeySA

e have to ./tmp/update :)

AZBox login: root
root@AZBox:~# cd ..
root@AZBox:/home# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# cd MMP/
root@AZBox:/MMP# ls
backup_kernel gdb strace
fb_test set_outports tmp
root@AZBox:/MMP# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# ./update /MMP/backup_kernel
-sh: ./update: not found
root@AZBox:/# ./tmp/update /MMP/backup_kernel
INFILE: /MMP/backup_kernel, OUTFILE:/dev/mtdblock4
Progress 0
Progress 1
Progress 97
Progress 98
Progress 99
Progress 100
HX_DD: 6656+0 records in
HX_DD: 6656+0 records out
Updating old kernel finished!

Broadcast message from root (pts/1) (Sat Jan 1 01:23:32 2000):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!
I've done all of these stages. ı think made mistake return to the original image from the e2 image . because receiver at the level of the receiver is booting always wonder what do I do. azbox dead
what does it show in display?
do u get any image?

13-07-2010, 09:20 AM
what does it show in display?
do u get any image?
just BOOTING ....
Unfortunately I could not get the image.
receiver does not see to usb flash disc

13-07-2010, 09:39 AM
but this was after u aplied the update to get back to azbox firmware?

if u put azbox beta firmware in usb what does it happen?
explain a little more every step please

13-07-2010, 10:02 AM
[QUOTE=hfmls;736173]back to original firmware progress:
pls fix paths in first post MickeySA

e have to ./tmp/update :)

AZBox login: root
root@AZBox:~# cd ..
root@AZBox:/home# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# cd MMP/
root@AZBox:/MMP# ls
backup_kernel gdb strace
fb_test set_outports tmp
root@AZBox:/MMP# cd ..
root@AZBox:/# ./update /MMP/backup_kernel
-sh: ./update: not found
root@AZBox:/# ./tmp/update /MMP/backup_kernel
INFILE: /MMP/backup_kernel, OUTFILE:/dev/mtdblock4
Progress 0
Progress 1
Progress 97
Progress 98
Progress 99
Progress 100
HX_DD: 6656+0 records in
HX_DD: 6656+0 records out
Updating old kernel finished!

Broadcast message from root (pts/1) (Sat Jan 1 01:23:32 2000):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!
I've done all of these stages. ı think made mistake return to the original image from the e2 image . because receiver at the level of the receiver is booting always wonder what do I do. azbox dead

Most probably as my self and others have this problem. and the flash or DOM is might corrupted and not easy to be solve except by serial interface.

13-07-2010, 10:03 AM
but this was after u aplied the update to get back to azbox firmware?

if u put azbox beta firmware in usb what does it happen?
explain a little more every step please

USB is not recognized

13-07-2010, 10:25 AM
USB is not recognized

try diferent USB

13-07-2010, 10:32 AM
format in fa**2

13-07-2010, 02:36 PM
few questions if I made:

no sound no video == No drive for hdmi SiI9030CTU-7, or using one made by "sigma retail".

RF Modulator samsung not working (have no drive) ?

Anyone have full list of ic's/chips of this box....?

When compiling Kernel are any modulo compiled with?

well, just asking this:

What drives are now ready? If I may ask...

Personal note:
A few times ago I do a search about hardware of this box and like I already now things like avs, rf, and some others chips/ic's are not on kernel and need to be ported to linux-mips, or uclib, and because sigma don't use standard stuff(can't dasm), we are talking of made new drive to this "guys", aren't we, and when we don't have datasheet, what to do...like rf....(example)??

CU and best of luck, for all coders


13-07-2010, 02:39 PM
Hadi e2 azcilere hayırlı olsun.Ben hala deneme şansım olmadı.Ev oldukca dağınık boya badana işleri.Görüyorumki bazı arkadaşlarda sıkıntı olmuş en iyisi ben denemeyeyim,üstat biliyorsun aksilikler hep benim başıma gelir. hehehe

13-07-2010, 03:01 PM
@The_Ripper and Co.

I have tested 2 times and the biguest bug is that after 2 or 3 reboots the image in TV goes away. Stops apearing, the VFD shows a few times 60% - 100%, 80%-100%.

In my second install, i also been without conection to Network, but i manage to solve'it by introducin manualy the IP.

13-07-2010, 03:03 PM
Hadi e2 azcilere hayırlı olsun.Ben hala deneme şansım olmadı.Ev oldukca dağınık boya badana işleri.Görüyorumki bazı arkadaşlarda sıkıntı olmuş en iyisi ben denemeyeyim,üstat biliyorsun aksilikler hep benim başıma gelir. hehehe
Abicim sakın sendeneme.
Bu üçüncüsü olur yoksam.
bende denemedim. Şuan gerek görmüyorum zaten.

13-07-2010, 03:21 PM
English please !!!

13-07-2010, 03:44 PM
English please !!!

I agree, please always write in English, so anyone can read.:respect-055:

13-07-2010, 05:00 PM
For all people who got stuck just in BOOTING in vfd display, box isnt dead, but to back in original state there is 2 more posible ways:
1. Is serial cable and hardware interface to hook up to receiver board, user "telesat" put schematic diagram here on forum, just search it ...
2. Is to remove DOM from receiver/board and hook it up to external IDE rack. "telesat" is writing right now some tutorial because power connection isnt the same, so it will need some explanation what to do about that, plus he will upload what to put in DOM and with what partition app. So pls stay tuned .

If this 2 posibility is hard for someone, then unfortunately there is no other way, I can just apologize to everyone and to ashure that their receiver isnt damaged in terms of hardware.

I added now in new kernel build initramfs root filesystem, so if needed rescue shell it will enable ftp/telnet and show you your IP address from dhcp app on VFD so backup original FW will not be the problem any more.

13-07-2010, 05:06 PM
first of all a big thanks to the ripper and all the team who are working on this and bringing new life to the azbox. respect to you guys.

i installed the image and its great but i have no network access to the box to put the origional firmware back on. i have tried everything but i cant connect or even see the box over my network.

at the moment i cant do anything with it.

any help from anyone on this matter would be very much apprichiated

thanks in advance

13-07-2010, 05:30 PM
For all people who got stuck just in BOOTING in vfd display, box isnt dead, but to back in original state there is 2 more posible ways:
1. Is serial cable and hardware interface to hook up to receiver board, user "telesat" put schematic diagram here on forum, just search it ...
2. Is to remove DOM from receiver/board and hook it up to external IDE rack. "telesat" is writing right now some tutorial because power connection isnt the same, so it will need some explanation what to do about that, plus he will upload what to put in DOM and with what partition app. So pls stay tuned .

If this 2 posibility is hard for someone, then unfortunately there is no other way, I can just apologize to everyone and to ashure that their receiver isnt damaged in terms of hardware.

I added now in new kernel build initramfs root filesystem, so if needed rescue shell it will enable ftp/telnet and show you your IP address from dhcp app on VFD so backup original FW will not be the problem any more.

Hello The_Ripper,

Could you maybe provide us with some steps howto compile mrua with gcc 4.3, so the compiled executables will run on your kernel? This way somepeople could work on media stuff.

13-07-2010, 05:36 PM
For all people who got stuck just in BOOTING in vfd display, box isnt dead, but to back in original state there is 2 more posible ways:
1. Is serial cable and hardware interface to hook up to receiver board, user "telesat" put schematic diagram here on forum, just search it ...
2. Is to remove DOM from receiver/board and hook it up to external IDE rack. "telesat" is writing right now some tutorial because power connection isnt the same, so it will need some explanation what to do about that, plus he will upload what to put in DOM and with what partition app. So pls stay tuned .

If this 2 posibility is hard for someone, then unfortunately there is no other way, I can just apologize to everyone and to ashure that their receiver isnt damaged in terms of hardware.

I added now in new kernel build initramfs root filesystem, so if needed rescue shell it will enable ftp/telnet and show you your IP address from dhcp app on VFD so backup original FW will not be the problem any more.
thank you very much for the backup thing :)
when will u release it?
i got a question mower, what's your next step, or what do u expect from users/coders before u release sourcecode/svn ?

thank you so much again.

13-07-2010, 05:42 PM
TO Coders:

To try to made drives can some of the coders compile I2CTools to see what kind of chips/ic's we have on this kernel?

You can find ic2 tools here:w3w.lm-sensors.org/wiki/I2CTools

With this tool we can have some info to see if is possible work on kernel drives.



Did you try media programs compile on this kernel, like the one you have on NAS "boxes"?


I added now in new kernel build initramfs root filesystem, so if needed rescue shell it will enable ftp/telnet and show you your IP address from dhcp app on VFD so backup original FW will not be the problem any more."

On Busybox?

13-07-2010, 05:46 PM
Kernel used in this release of E2 ( 2.6.22-19 patched by Sigma ) :


Here is make file for OE od DM 800 , 2 small diff files for sources which have to be changed ( for FB , and for priority of process for Kernel 2.6.22-19 ) and .config file for Kernel 2.6.22-19 .

Makefile-opendreambox-1.5 ( for whole image , crosscompiler, and all lib's etc. )

All files provided by the_ripper, thanks goes to him.

What version of GPL Code?

Back to do one more question...

Because of kernel can't see usb stick's....

If usb modules are incompatibility with kernel, then they can't be loaded, then if you compile new usb-storage ...bla bla for this kernel how usb drive can be compatibility with this new kernel?....

Modules can be linked with kernel (M) or can not, what is the best choise?...

WDTV_Live_GPL_code_package_1.0?.? ?.zip

13-07-2010, 06:04 PM
For all people who got stuck just in BOOTING in vfd display, box isnt dead, but to back in original state there is 2 more posible ways:
1. Is serial cable and hardware interface to hook up to receiver board, user "telesat" put schematic diagram here on forum, just search it ...
2. Is to remove DOM from receiver/board and hook it up to external IDE rack. "telesat" is writing right now some tutorial because power connection isnt the same, so it will need some explanation what to do about that, plus he will upload what to put in DOM and with what partition app. So pls stay tuned .

If this 2 posibility is hard for someone, then unfortunately there is no other way, I can just apologize to everyone and to ashure that their receiver isnt damaged in terms of hardware.

I added now in new kernel build initramfs root filesystem, so if needed rescue shell it will enable ftp/telnet and show you your IP address from dhcp app on VFD so backup original FW will not be the problem any more.

Thanks for your extreme effort to help those who stuck in booting station
is this the schem of serial interface if that what is file we would sent and how?

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=728389#post72838 9

13-07-2010, 06:06 PM
Yes it works over busybox ...

I use mrua_SMP8634_2.8.5.1-celrun-08062009-2.6.15K_facsprod_legacy_dev.mips, this MRUA packet, but now for compilation part , you will need gcc over glibc and to add this switches
L=/MMP/tmp -> for example
gcc ********** -Wl,--dynamic-linker,$L/ld-uClibc.so.0 -Wl,-rpath-link,$L/
With this you will tell what LD library to use and on start where to search for libs
So all MRUA uClibc libs/main uCLibc libs must be in that paths.

This is how should look after for example you open binary in IdaPro

.init:00401208 # Format : ELF (Executable)
.init:00401208 # Imagebase : 400000
.init:00401208 # Interpreter '/MMP/tmp/ld-uClibc-0.9.27.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmcw.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmcore.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libruahdmi.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librua.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libllad.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmhdmi.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmedid.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmi2c.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libruai2c.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmsha1.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmcec.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libstdc++.so.6'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libm.so.0'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libgcc_s.so.1'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libc.so.0'
.init:00401208 # Library Search Path '/MMP/tmp'

EDIT: Not gcc over glibc, it's gcc over uClibc, sorry for confuse ...

13-07-2010, 06:15 PM
Yes that's it, that post show some YAMON commands too,after you break boot and enter YAMON.

You have on first post "backup_kernel" file

After you set all networks data (for example)
setxenv y.gateway ""
setxenv y.subnetmask ""
setxenv y.ipaddr ""
net up
net init
/* You will need working tftp server on PC machine */
load -b tftp:// 0xb0100000
pflash write -f 0x80000 0xb0100000 0x680000
After that you should see Erasing and Writing, it will take a while, but after it finish you just reboot and you are back with original kernel and you can continue to upgrade FW over USB ....

13-07-2010, 06:43 PM
ma ku..c bi ovi nesta sami napravili da nije nasih mozgova.svaka vam cast,nije da mi je do E2,nego mi je drago da ste uspjeli:respect-067:

13-07-2010, 06:58 PM
@The_Ripper: Excelleent work.
The git is ready to use for some devs - you know where to have a look.
If all works well we will open it ro for the public.

13-07-2010, 07:47 PM
Yes it works over busybox ...

I use mrua_SMP8634_2.8.5.1-celrun-08062009-2.6.15K_facsprod_legacy_dev.mips, this MRUA packet, but now for compilation part , you will need gcc over glibc and to add this switches
L=/MMP/tmp -> for example
gcc ********** -Wl,--dynamic-linker,$L/ld-uClibc.so.0 -Wl,-rpath-link,$L/
With this you will tell what LD library to use and on start where to search for libs
So all MRUA uClibc libs/main uCLibc libs must be in that paths.

This is how should look after for example you open binary in IdaPro

.init:00401208 # Format : ELF (Executable)
.init:00401208 # Imagebase : 400000
.init:00401208 # Interpreter '/MMP/tmp/ld-uClibc-0.9.27.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmcw.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmcore.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libruahdmi.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librua.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libllad.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmhdmi.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmedid.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmi2c.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libruai2c.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmsha1.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'librmcec.so'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libstdc++.so.6'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libm.so.0'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libgcc_s.so.1'
.init:00401208 # Needed Library 'libc.so.0'
.init:00401208 # Library Search Path '/MMP/tmp'

EDIT: Not gcc over glibc, it's gcc over uClibc, sorry for confuse ...

Can I use the debian install you explained earlier? Where do I get the uclibc files, can i get them from you enigma2 image. Where do i put the dynamic linker stuff?

Thnx for the hassle

13-07-2010, 08:24 PM
@The_Ripper and Mickey_Sa: Please post the unpacked software to install on the internal HDD with the vmlinux.bin or compile the kernel with nfs to test over nfs.

13-07-2010, 08:42 PM
Find and download smp86xx toolchain and MRUA I mentioned,just extract it and export toolchain environment script "toolchain-path.env" and you have ready uclibc compiler.
For where to hold libs files on receiver DOM it's up to you, when compiling ,with -L switch you will need to point location to MRUA libs , they are in "extracted folder/lib" of the MRUA packet.

I will see to upload somewhere just vmlinux.bin ....

13-07-2010, 09:15 PM
@The_Ripper. Thanx - the files are already on my nfs mount. So please compile nfs support in the kernel.

13-07-2010, 09:41 PM
Yes that's it, that post show some YAMON commands too,after you break boot and enter YAMON.

You have on first post "backup_kernel" file

After you set all networks data (for example)
setxenv y.gateway ""
setxenv y.subnetmask ""
setxenv y.ipaddr ""
net up
net init
/* You will need working tftp server on PC machine */
load -b tftp:// 0xb0100000
pflash write -f 0x80000 0xb0100000 0x680000
After that you should see Erasing and Writing, it will take a while, but after it finish you just reboot and you are back with original kernel and you can continue to upgrade FW over USB ....

can this procedure run in windows or it should be in linux, which nightmare for my self as i am only windows user.
i will try in the week-end to try this. and will post my result.

13-07-2010, 09:55 PM
I've missed all the fun. and now "The uploader has removed this file from the server." How was that? HD support? recording? everything was OK? :(

13-07-2010, 10:27 PM
I've missed all the fun. and now "The uploader has removed this file from the server." How was that? HD support? recording? everything was OK? :(

What file? All files are uploaded in this thread.

13-07-2010, 10:54 PM
What version of GPL Code?

Back to do one more question...

Because of kernel can't see usb stick's....

If usb modules are incompatibility with kernel, then they can't be loaded, then if you compile new usb-storage ...bla bla for this kernel how usb drive can be compatibility with this new kernel?....

Modules can be linked with kernel (M) or can not, what is the best choise?...

WDTV_Live_GPL_code_package_1.0?.? ?.zip

Ok looks like is hard to tell things...

And all you now I don't have this box... rrrrrrrrrr

Anyway i will make my posts because Helder is a good friend...

On filesystem i have from Opensat, i don't extract this one yeat, I saw the linux used is 2.6.15 here we can find the modules:

Ralink 3070 chipset r**070sta.ko (wireless) - this can be compiled on new kernel because of android port.

RaLink RT2561/RT61 PCI Wireless Card rt61.ko (wireless) - this can be compiled on new kernel because of android port.

sckernel.ko - is smartcard used by Opensat, then have no use here...

em8xxx.ko - processor (no use have no DirectFB) is need a em8xxxfb.ko.

sr_mod.ko - for RHEL 6 to see CD-ROM devices

fuse.ko - Fuse

ftdi_sio.ko - Linux FTDI USB

cdrom.ko - Usb Cdrom (in this stb)

usbserial.ko -USB

llad.ko - llad kernel module for standalone configuration (can someone type modinfo llad.ko on shell and put here output???)


What is missing here?

azbox_frontend.ko (Frontend device)

azbox_dvb-core.ko (DVB)

azbox_dvbs2tuner.ko (Tuner for Sat)

azbox_dvbts2.ko (Tuner for TDT).

azbox_control.ko (remote control).

azbox_rf.ko (RF).

azbox_frontpanel.ko (Frontpanel).

azbox_ic2.ko (ic2). (For example: PI5V330 Low ON-Resistance Wideband/Video Quad 2-Channel MUX/DEMUX or MAX11506, MAX11507 Low-Cost, 6-Channel SD Plus HD/SD Selectable or The TVP5150 device is an ultralow-power video decoder for NTSC and PAL video signals...)

Note: TVP5150 can be find on android.

Well, this is missing, correct?...

(I my forget something...)

Somewhere we have too:

13-07-2010, 10:59 PM
my azbox's problem continous. the box shows BOOTING and doesn't go any further. Also it doesn't detect the stick, which would be useless anyway.
tell me please how this problem will be solved. Could you pls explain

13-07-2010, 11:07 PM
What file? All files are uploaded in this thread.

haven't noticed the links below. Have you tried it? How is it?

13-07-2010, 11:31 PM
haven't noticed the links below. Have you tried it? How is it?
No I have yet to try it.

14-07-2010, 12:46 AM
you have in atach
Premium Plus E2.rar (44.70 MB, 50 views)

14-07-2010, 07:37 AM
please help me ...please...my box is not running still....
tell me a way for solve...

14-07-2010, 08:27 AM
how do i solve this guys im stuck with a box that i cant do anything with.

the new e2 is still on the dom but i have no internet access so i cant connect to it to revert back to the origional so im stuck with a box that i cant do nothing with

14-07-2010, 08:28 AM
how do i solve this guys im stuck with a box that i cant do anything with.

the new e2 is still on the dom but i have no internet access so i cant connect to it to revert back to the origional so im stuck with a box that i cant do nothing with

get a rs232 cable, connect and invoke a net init & net up in yamon. This solved my problems. had internet since then even after i unplug the power for a while.

14-07-2010, 08:32 AM
thanks m8 i have an rs232 cable but there's no connection on the box for it

14-07-2010, 08:37 AM
thanks m8 i have an rs232 cable but there's no connection on the box for it

You need an rs232 to ttl converter like an old nokia cable. There is some thread explaining on this forum

14-07-2010, 08:42 AM
thanks m8 i've found the thread al need to buy the ttl converter to get this up and running again so once connected by serial do i need to transfer any files if so which ones

14-07-2010, 08:48 AM
thanks m8 i have an rs232 cable but there's no connection on the box for it

You also need an RS232 to TTL interface as well as the Reciever works on 3 - 5 volts and RS232 is +/-12 volts so the all you'll read on boot is garbage without it as the signal levels are too low. They're available on the 'bay cheaply or you can build one youself using a MAX232 chip and a few capacitors.

The connections inside the AZBox for the rs232 are below.


Picture gratuitiously pogged from This Thread! (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=728389#post72838 9)


14-07-2010, 08:54 AM
thanks very much for your help guys would this do the job

h**p://cgi.eb*y.co.uk/RS232-TTL-converter-MAX232-/270603231174?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Components_S upplies_ET&hash=item3f01359fc6

14-07-2010, 09:16 AM
please help me ...please...my box is not running still....
tell me a way for solve...
cihazı düzeltemedinmi.

14-07-2010, 09:59 AM
You need an rs232 to ttl converter like an old nokia cable. There is some thread explaining on this forum

Or the old season interface.

14-07-2010, 10:24 AM
For all people who got stuck just in BOOTING in vfd display, box isnt dead, but to back in original state there is 2 more posible ways:
1. Is serial cable and hardware interface to hook up to receiver board, user "telesat" put schematic diagram here on forum, just search it ...
2. Is to remove DOM from receiver/board and hook it up to external IDE rack. "telesat" is writing right now some tutorial because power connection isnt the same, so it will need some explanation what to do about that, plus he will upload what to put in DOM and with what partition app. So pls stay tuned .

If this 2 posibility is hard for someone, then unfortunately there is no other way, I can just apologize to everyone and to ashure that their receiver isnt damaged in terms of hardware.

I added now in new kernel build initramfs root filesystem, so if needed rescue shell it will enable ftp/telnet and show you your IP address from dhcp app on VFD so backup original FW will not be the problem any more.

1 - You dont have to apologize to anyone, because in this topic it already says that this firmware is very beta and only for test. Only tests who whats to doit at their own risk.

2 - I just love your dedication to this reciver, first with Mbox and now with this enigma FW.

3 - I think you, and the guys who are helping, to create a svn, or an svn tracker, like OSCAM to anyone who wants to help to get their hands on the job. Other team just dont want to help because there is no GPL, or SVN to pick up and help you guys.

Continue the good work.

PS: I have a FW with a diferent version postes in another site E2 1.0.8. Is this a real file from you guys , because the version you have lunched was E2 1.0.7.

14-07-2010, 11:05 AM
I can confirm, only one version, which is real and public is 1.0.7 .


14-07-2010, 11:15 AM
I can confirm, only one version, which is real and public is 1.0.7 .


OK thanks. So version E2 1.0.8 Is a FAKE.

ATTENTION GUYS do not use it. Version posted on another site as Patch_4973.bin is a FAKE.

14-07-2010, 11:35 AM
Hi Guys,

Found this on another forum.... thanks to "erminio"..... & translated by google

attached files
- Update
- Backup_kernel
copy "update" in / tmp (set to 755)
copy "backup_kernel" in / MMP
type: cd / tmp
in tmp, type:. / update / MMP / backup_kernel
and the decoder are restoring the preparation to receive the file from usb patch.bin (with firmware az or more E2)

HOPE it can help:bravo-009:

14-07-2010, 11:40 AM
Completely agree.

@Ripper ,

Thanks for your great job and dedication ! Waiting good news from you and other friends working on E2 !

1 - You dont have to apologize to anyone, because in this topic it already says that this firmware is very beta and only for test. Only tests who whats to doit at their own risk.

2 - I just love your dedication to this reciver, first with Mbox and now with this enigma FW.

3 - I think you, and the guys who are helping, to create a svn, or an svn tracker, like OSCAM to anyone who wants to help to get their hands on the job. Other team just dont want to help because there is no GPL, or SVN to pick up and help you guys.

Continue the good work.

PS: I have a FW with a diferent version postes in another site E2 1.0.8. Is this a real file from you guys , because the version you have lunched was E2 1.0.7.

14-07-2010, 12:07 PM
Off topic:


Can you please move post from "(How to) RESTORING E2 FIRMWARE TO ORIGINAL" sub for other post with same name?

Thanks in adv

Back to this post...

About i2c @Ripper can you add to kernel config:

set to Y:

and please put output here, tk's.

About USB I think you froget to add:


14-07-2010, 12:49 PM
It will be activated in next test ...

14-07-2010, 01:12 PM
thanks very much for your help guys would this do the job

h**p://cgi.eb*y.co.uk/RS232-TTL-converter-MAX232-/270603231174?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Components_S upplies_ET&hash=item3f01359fc6

That's the very one you need. :king-042:


14-07-2010, 02:04 PM
cihazı düzeltemedinmi.

kanber hocam cihazı karabalik elektronikle görüştüm gönderin hemen dediler zaten alalı 3 ay olmuştu.hemen kargoladım bugün....
my azbox is currently in technical services.
on the other hand.. in my opion nobody did not help me except kanber kav.
thank you kanber...

14-07-2010, 02:11 PM
english please ....

14-07-2010, 02:24 PM
I've tried E2 on azbox premium and restored back to original firmware without any problem. It works as Ripper said. It's very exciting that we could have a chance for running E2 on azbox. Huge thanks to Ripper and his mates.

14-07-2010, 02:37 PM
Yet to try, but wanted to say a big thank you to Ripper and those who have helped. :respect-067:

Thanks Ripper :champion-018: of the azbox.

14-07-2010, 03:18 PM
kanber hocam cihazı karabalik elektronikle görüştüm gönderin hemen dediler zaten alalı 3 ay olmuştu.hemen kargoladım bugün....
my azbox is currently in technical services.
on the other hand.. in my opion nobody did not help me except kanber kav.
thank you kanber...
inş. düzeltirler. yoksa bende şu rs232 var. (benim cihaz bozulunca yapmıştım) onla kurtarmayı denerdik. zboot bozulmadı ise.

14-07-2010, 04:30 PM
Was just a couple days away from the net, and wow, what a development, and wow, what a lot of messages...

First BIG thanx to the ripper, i see only 1 problem ...opensat will stop now with developing firmware LOL..

@ The Ripper..don't apologize if something goes wrong with others....you did warn them...

But you ask for fellow developers...Will it not be easy to make a topic for developing and testing, and another for the problems and the thank you's

Is more easy to read....This is just a thought


14-07-2010, 04:37 PM
Yes i agree, for developers a SVN tracker would be the best, and a topic only for bug detected by users.

14-07-2010, 04:39 PM
Please can someone upload some video of this enigma for azbox (something like video few months ago) so ewerybody can see it without installing it.

14-07-2010, 05:34 PM
Was just a couple days away from the net, and wow, what a development, and wow, what a lot of messages...

First BIG thanx to the ripper, i see only 1 problem ...opensat will stop now with developing firmware LOL..

@ The Ripper..don't apologize if something goes wrong with others....you did warn them...

But you ask for fellow developers...Will it not be easy to make a topic for developing and testing, and another for the problems and the thank you's

Is more easy to read....This is just a thought


Didn't they already stop? I mean, the last firmware available on fw.azupd.com is from 2010.06.18. Almost one month with no news.

14-07-2010, 05:55 PM
After restoring mtdblock4 the box is running up and working
fine with 4931FW.
Now,my problem is,"DD if" does not work,so after reboot
all is gone.
Have somebody a solution for this?

---Problem is now solved:i have done the pflash-way how "the ripper" described.
Thanks for this.

Maybe helpful for someone,after "single" ask for manuals.
For the first time,here are the manual for samsung tuner:

and for the Vfd-Driver chip:

14-07-2010, 09:18 PM

Have you got any interess in bulding a trac opensorce server, so you, developers, can stay tuned with bugs, changes in code, and svn release.

I found this software and i could get it to work in a server. Check it if its off any interess for you.


This is the system that PLI uses in their opensouce images of Enigma2

Another option is to create a Sourceforge project for this Enigma2 and by this all can contribute with bug reporting and with development.

14-07-2010, 09:54 PM

Have you got any interess in bulding a trac opensorce server, so you, developers, can stay tuned with bugs, changes in code, and svn release.

I found this software and i could get it to work in a server. Check it if its off any interess for you.


This is the system that PLI uses in their opensouce images of Enigma2

Another option is to create a Sourceforge project for this Enigma2 and by this all can contribute with bug reporting and with development.

I agree, something like that what's needed to get other coders interrested

14-07-2010, 11:42 PM
Is this what your looking for?

14-07-2010, 11:45 PM
I agree, something like that what's needed to get other coders interrested

my opinion too, only when a tracking system would be done will "call" major programmers and people wiling to help so start patching/cleaning up and help The_Ripper
just like oscam tracking system, is really good.

Please The_Ripper make this as soon as possible :)

15-07-2010, 04:33 AM
leave the man alone with his work,whatever he or they do,there is always something and somebody who want more :(
@hfmls-dont be so boring

15-07-2010, 04:51 AM
i can tell whatever i want, i'm not breaking forum's rules.

15-07-2010, 07:46 AM

15-07-2010, 11:25 AM
I think mod's should remove this posts which are not in direct relation with Enigma 2 project.

15-07-2010, 12:01 PM
Maybe helpful for someone,after "single" ask for manuals.
For the first time,here are the manual for samsung tuner:

and for the Vfd-Driver chip:

Vdf drive are now dev from sh4 boxes, then is good.

About tuner, are you sure this is the nim? (note: Is a question)

15-07-2010, 03:01 PM
Recovery procedure

* For all people which have a problem with fleshing Enigma 2 in AzBox , where installation stop ~58% and now have a BOOTING message on display.

You will need :

- Application Acronis True Image

- E2Backup.tib

- External HDD case with IDE controller ( or if You are working on PC, Motherboard which have IDE controller ) .

Take the DOM from AzBox and connect it with IDE connector from Your external usb case for HDD .

Connect the red wire from power cable ( 4-pin Molex connector ) from case ( +5V ) ( picture: Molex and pwrcom ) with right oriented pin on connector which is on DOM - pictures DOM1 and DOM2

Connect USB cable from the HDD case with Your PC.

Now, startup Acronis True Image application, and choose Recovery from the menu on right side - picture 1

Choose Disk Recovery on the top of the window and load file E2Backup.tib and press next - picture 2

Choose Recover whole disk and partition and press next - picture 3

Check-all whole Disk, so it means two partitions : Ex** and Linux Swap and press next - picture 4

Choose on which disk You will restore content, in our case DOM, and press next - picture 5

Commit with OK - picture 6

Choose Proceed - picture 7

Wait for few minutes that process complete - picture 8

When the restore of data and partitions finish, press Ok - picture 9

now You can exit from application, 'Safely' eject Your external USB HDD, in our case DOM.

Disconnect usb cable, and put back the DOM on AzBox, turn on AzBox and wait for 20 seconds that E2 boot.

Now you can take a look on enigma, and when You decide to go back on Official version of Firmware, that You can do with plugin from DDdamir.

Installation od DDamir plugin is described in another tutorial.



Dig Deep
15-07-2010, 08:19 PM
Nice, clear and well done !

15-07-2010, 09:26 PM
Carp95 i read in nabilo forum you saying that u talked to coders and tunner audio/video is ok now.

Can u tell us more? :)

15-07-2010, 09:30 PM
Looks like hardware (modules) are on the way, then can someone do a update to me here?

What hardware is missing?


15-07-2010, 10:19 PM
Carp95 i read in nabilo forum you saying that u talked to coders and tunner audio/video is ok now.

Can u tell us more? :)

Please qoute my message the right way!!

There's nothing there about talking to the coders.

15-07-2010, 10:22 PM
Nope, just insiders!

Had a "chat" with some "insiders" in E2 project for Azbox HD last night.

Seems much work is already done ( yes tuner drivers are already rewritten also audio and video).

Seems the hole thing is goona be throuly open-source ( whitin short time).

15-07-2010, 10:28 PM
ok, sorry for misunderstanding .... can u explain what u mean with insiders, and can u tell us more?

15-07-2010, 10:38 PM
Recovery procedure

* For all people which have a problem with fleshing Enigma 2 in AzBox , where installation stop ~58% and now have a BOOTING message on display.

You will need :

- Application Acronis True Image

- E2Backup.tib

- External HDD case with IDE controller ( or if You are working on PC, Motherboard which have IDE controller ) .

Take the DOM from AzBox and connect it with IDE connector from Your external usb case for HDD .

Connect the red wire from power cable ( 4-pin Molex connector ) from case ( +5V ) ( picture: Molex and pwrcom ) with right oriented pin on connector which is on DOM - pictures DOM1 and DOM2

Connect USB cable from the HDD case with Your PC.

Now, startup Acronis True Image application, and choose Recovery from the menu on right side - picture 1

Choose Disk Recovery on the top of the window and load file E2Backup.tib and press next - picture 2

Choose Recover whole disk and partition and press next - picture 3

Check-all whole Disk, so it means two partitions : Ex** and Linux Swap and press next - picture 4

Choose on which disk You will restore content, in our case DOM, and press next - picture 5

Commit with OK - picture 6

Choose Proceed - picture 7

Wait for few minutes that process complete - picture 8

When the restore of data and partitions finish, press Ok - picture 9

now You can exit from application, 'Safely' eject Your external USB HDD, in our case DOM.

Disconnect usb cable, and put back the DOM on AzBox, turn on AzBox and wait for 20 seconds that E2 boot.

Now you can take a look on enigma, and when You decide to go back on Official version of Firmware, that You can do with plugin from DDdamir.

Installation od DDamir plugin is described in another tutorial.



Thanx for extrem effort to help others I have done followinf your instruction using PC motherboard IDE socket and it recovery was succeful but still nightmare booting exist.
in mycase the problem start when i run update to recover the original can you please uplaod recover of ooriginal Firmware it might solve the problem Thanks in advance.

15-07-2010, 10:38 PM
Tuner driver?
Have a look one the E2 drivers for the DNBU24511IST-NIM ,used in
Opti*** 9500.
It uses demodulator STV0903B, STV6110A


The tuner of the premium+ should be compatible in electrical design.
The last number of part numbering describes only what mechanical
type it is.See uploaded manual,side 13.
24511 is : vertical
24512 is : horizontal
24513 is : not described,but also horizontal with changed if-input

The Opti*** is also produced with other frontends.
An ICC-Version you can buy,but no drivers yet.

Here an overview(not complete),of azbox tuners(dvb-frontends)

DNBU24512ICC Elite/Premium / Connexant?
DNBU24513IST Premium+ /demodulator STV0903B, STV6110A

DNOD44QZH Elite/Premium

DNQS44CPP Premium+


all frontends came from samsung.

15-07-2010, 11:50 PM
sweeet :woot-035:
this going faster than i thought
too many thanks for those who r making this dream finally comes true:cheers2:


16-07-2010, 12:01 AM
Tuner driver?
Have a look one the E2 drivers for the DNBU24511IST-NIM ,used in
Opti*** 9500.
It uses demodulator STV0903B, STV6110A


The tuner of the premium+ should be compatible in electrical design.
The last number of part numbering describes only what mechanical
type it is.See uploaded manual,side 13.
24511 is : vertical
24512 is : horizontal
24513 is : not described,but also horizontal with changed if-input

The Opti*** is also produced with other frontends.
An ICC-Version you can buy,but no drivers yet.

Here an overview(not complete),of azbox tuners(dvb-frontends)

DNBU24512ICC Elite/Premium / Connexant?
DNBU24513IST Premium+ /demodulator STV0903B, STV6110A

DNOD44QZH Elite/Premium

DNQS44CPP Premium+


all frontends came from samsung.

Hi, just see op..9000/9500 use sh4 sti processor "stmdvb.ko".

Thanks anyway...

Can someone now's what Tuner is used on:
DNBU24512ICC Elite/Premium / Connexant? "CX24116"???



"are processor talking with standard api linux" - Without that "LOL"...


Ok Get it:

DVB-S2(QPSK)NIM24CC,CONEXNT CX24116&24118(CX24128)

CX24128 - Digital Satellite Dual Tuner RF IC - Conexant Systems, Inc

16-07-2010, 12:11 AM
yeah ....without that...shot in the foot :)

16-07-2010, 08:11 AM

Now you can take a look on enigma, and when You decide to go back on Official version of Firmware, that You can do with plugin from DDdamir.

Installation od DDamir plugin is described in another tutorial.


Where can I find DDdamir Plugin & Tutorial?

(Thx, @telesat for your tuto)

16-07-2010, 08:15 AM
Is there any way to get a dual (even multi) boot azbox that's pointing to DOM or internal HDD?

This provides both a way for running opensat firmware + E2 and also enable the box using different opensat firmwares:

Boot Selection 1: E2 for TV
Boot Selection 2: Latest firmware with EPG fixes for TV (as an alternative for TV)
Boot Selection 3: An old firmware without DTS sount drop problem for multimedia playback

16-07-2010, 09:50 AM
I think that we have to get u-boot running to manage this. Take a look at the sh4 ufs910 projects.
The u-boot must be placed at a unused part ot the ram.It also has to compiled with fs support and maye remote contorl support.
It exists also a bootmgr - but I haven't looked at it yet.

16-07-2010, 09:54 AM
Recovery procedure

* For all people which have a problem with fleshing Enigma 2 in AzBox , where installation stop ~58% and now have a BOOTING message on display.

You will need :

- Application Acronis True Image

- E2Backup.tib

- External HDD case with IDE controller ( or if You are working on PC, Motherboard which have IDE controller ) .

Take the DOM from AzBox and connect it with IDE connector from Your external usb case for HDD .

Connect the red wire from power cable ( 4-pin Molex connector ) from case ( +5V ) ( picture: Molex and pwrcom ) with right oriented pin on connector which is on DOM - pictures DOM1 and DOM2

Connect USB cable from the HDD case with Your PC.

Now, startup Acronis True Image application, and choose Recovery from the menu on right side - picture 1

Choose Disk Recovery on the top of the window and load file E2Backup.tib and press next - picture 2

Choose Recover whole disk and partition and press next - picture 3

Check-all whole Disk, so it means two partitions : Ex** and Linux Swap and press next - picture 4

Choose on which disk You will restore content, in our case DOM, and press next - picture 5

Commit with OK - picture 6

Choose Proceed - picture 7

Wait for few minutes that process complete - picture 8

When the restore of data and partitions finish, press Ok - picture 9

now You can exit from application, 'Safely' eject Your external USB HDD, in our case DOM.

Disconnect usb cable, and put back the DOM on AzBox, turn on AzBox and wait for 20 seconds that E2 boot.

Now you can take a look on enigma, and when You decide to go back on Official version of Firmware, that You can do with plugin from DDdamir.

Installation od DDamir plugin is described in another tutorial.


Have done this twice now and no luck still just booting! followed the instruction to the letter and it always told me opiration successful but still my box just showing booting on display any suggestions?

16-07-2010, 10:40 AM
Have done this twice now and no luck still just booting! followed the instruction to the letter and it always told me opiration successful but still my box just showing booting on display any suggestions?

I think you need to get the serial interface and do the procedure that has been explianed in this thread before. You might have another type of problem then the one described (54%).

Best regards!

16-07-2010, 10:45 AM
the recovery to old fw..for all azboxes same=? i mean for plus also same? :S

16-07-2010, 11:53 AM
Am I correct in thinking that an image of a DOM with the original firmware loaded to the corrupted Azbox's DOM will get people out of trouble?


16-07-2010, 12:05 PM
Am I correct in thinking that an image of a DOM with the original firmware loaded to the corrupted Azbox's DOM will get people out of trouble?


May be you are correct but usually when box started Booting then checking and loading so when it stuck in booting most probably the problem is in flash and need to use ttl serila interdace.

16-07-2010, 05:38 PM
Looks like tuners is not a problem, then go head.

Others chips are missing on this post's too, like scart (avs), ethernet, ic2 chips bla bla...


16-07-2010, 06:20 PM
Well, if I can help decorificador Azboxhd elite motherboard information and tuners.

Motherboard: DRACO_M / B: Rev3.00


Draco_DVB-S-S2_REV 3.00
080514 EAAATR


Demodulation IC STV0297E
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
090621 HAT.-LF

16-07-2010, 07:22 PM
Looks like tuners is not a problem, then go head.

Others chips are missing on this post's too, like scart (avs), ethernet, ic2 chips bla bla...


I believe all the audio and video will be accessed through sigma audio video calls. Same goes for the demux, but dvbapi needs to made to work with this.

Ethernet is also provided by the kernel. I think main thing to build now is the dvbapi part, with the demux and sending the audio video through sigma chip.

Any progress on this the_ripper?

16-07-2010, 09:10 PM
Any new Info on development?

when you have a second test version please release it, so i can test it.

16-07-2010, 09:16 PM
Think about create silent az e2 team and donate function.

16-07-2010, 10:22 PM
"Recovery procedure

* For all people which have a problem with fleshing Enigma 2 in AzBox , where installation stop ~58% and now have a BOOTING message on display.

You will need :

- Application Acronis True Image

- E2Backup.tib

- External HDD case with IDE controller ( or if You are working on PC, Motherboard which have IDE controller ) .

Take the DOM from AzBox and connect it with IDE connector from Your external usb case for HDD .

Connect the red wire from power cable ( 4-pin Molex connector ) from case ( +5V ) ( picture: Molex and pwrcom ) with right oriented pin on connector which is on DOM - pictures DOM1 and DOM2

Connect USB cable from the HDD case with Your PC.

Now, startup Acronis True Image application, and choose Recovery from the menu on right side - picture 1

Choose Disk Recovery on the top of the window and load file E2Backup.tib and press next - picture 2

Choose Recover whole disk and partition and press next - picture 3

Check-all whole Disk, so it means two partitions : Ex** and Linux Swap and press next - picture 4

Choose on which disk You will restore content, in our case DOM, and press next - picture 5

Commit with OK - picture 6

Choose Proceed - picture 7

Wait for few minutes that process complete - picture 8

When the restore of data and partitions finish, press Ok - picture 9

now You can exit from application, 'Safely' eject Your external USB HDD, in our case DOM.

Disconnect usb cable, and put back the DOM on AzBox, turn on AzBox and wait for 20 seconds that E2 boot.

Now you can take a look on enigma, and when You decide to go back on Official version of Firmware, that You can do with plugin from DDdamir.

Installation od DDamir plugin is described in another tutorial.


rgs, "

Again " booting " ! what now ?

16-07-2010, 10:33 PM
"Recovery procedure

* For all people which have a problem with fleshing Enigma 2 in AzBox , where installation stop ~58% and now have a BOOTING message on display.

You will need :

- Application Acronis True Image

- E2Backup.tib

- External HDD case with IDE controller ( or if You are working on PC, Motherboard which have IDE controller ) .

Take the DOM from AzBox and connect it with IDE connector from Your external usb case for HDD .

Connect the red wire from power cable ( 4-pin Molex connector ) from case ( +5V ) ( picture: Molex and pwrcom ) with right oriented pin on connector which is on DOM - pictures DOM1 and DOM2

Connect USB cable from the HDD case with Your PC.

Now, startup Acronis True Image application, and choose Recovery from the menu on right side - picture 1

Choose Disk Recovery on the top of the window and load file E2Backup.tib and press next - picture 2

Choose Recover whole disk and partition and press next - picture 3

Check-all whole Disk, so it means two partitions : Ex** and Linux Swap and press next - picture 4

Choose on which disk You will restore content, in our case DOM, and press next - picture 5

Commit with OK - picture 6

Choose Proceed - picture 7

Wait for few minutes that process complete - picture 8

When the restore of data and partitions finish, press Ok - picture 9

now You can exit from application, 'Safely' eject Your external USB HDD, in our case DOM.

Disconnect usb cable, and put back the DOM on AzBox, turn on AzBox and wait for 20 seconds that E2 boot.

Now you can take a look on enigma, and when You decide to go back on Official version of Firmware, that You can do with plugin from DDdamir.

Installation od DDamir plugin is described in another tutorial.


rgs, "

Again " booting " ! what now ?

get a serial to ttl adapter....

17-07-2010, 12:40 AM
some more hardware-infos:

Realtek RTL8201CP

Boot flash:
Eon EN29LV640B-90TIP 64mbit(8MB)

SATA-to-PATA bridge:
Marvel 88SA8052 (SATA 3 Gb/s to PATA 133)

-Silicon image SIL9030

-Silicon image SIL9134 (Premium+ only)

DDR-SDRAM 512mbit(64MB)
-Hynix HY5DU121622DTP-D43
_xxx.hynix.co.kr/datasheet/eng/consumer/details/consumer_02_HY5DU121622DTP.jsp?se archType=2&menuNo=1&m=2&s=2&RK=02&RAM_NAME=

-Zentel a3s12d40etp (Premium+)

common interface controller

-STARCI2WIN V1.1 (Premium+)

driver(sh4) for both,see here:
_hxxp://gitorious.org/open-duckbox-project-sh4/tdt/commit/4eac4a45bbac9eee336b320005b2ce3ba 7756f98

multiplexer bus-switch

USB 2.0 Host Controller
Via VT6212L

ISDB-T Frontend only brasil
Samsung DNVS22CXP241A Elite/Premium
90507XBG demod

About connexant demod-chips.
In the manual for a LG frontend,you can see a "little"more,
how the work.

17-07-2010, 03:14 AM
VFD, IR and Ethernet are things which already working !!!

So why some of You mentioning ethernet drivers ?

It is working normally, and even it is faster in transfer of files, than on Official AzBox Firmware......

17-07-2010, 06:12 AM
VFD, IR and Ethernet are things which already working !!!

So why some of You mentioning ethernet drivers ?

It is working normally, and even it is faster in transfer of files, than on Official AzBox Firmware......
Thanks for your information, are You able to report the status of the project?
In last days we have heard many rumors from people who reported significant progress confided by coder or insider E2 project.
I'd like to ask You (if You can) to report the status of the project:
- What is already working (since the last alpha public release)
- What's not working, but people are working on.
- what's not working and nobody start to work on.
- The_ripper said:
Many Python code is disabled in mytest.py , Harddisk.py is used from Sh4 build, etc ...
so guys who wants/know Python can start playing/repairing because it want work with default Python code for Dreambox ..I think that team want to publish sources. Is true?
- If is true, when?
- Last important question: who are the components of the project, some of them we know, others have insights (maybe), but it is possible to know at present who are the people of this phase of the project?

Thanks for all

17-07-2010, 07:46 AM
I think we have to give them some time. I also offered The_Ripper to use our git. We are ready for it, so let's wait. I'm working on some files to be adapted on OE to have a azbox specific files, like linux-azbox.bb. At the moment the build kernel is not booting via tftp - but I will get it to work.
It is very important that a lot of coders and Python specialist will have access to the toolchain to support the project.
Maybe I can offer today some stuff to start.

17-07-2010, 07:53 AM
I think we have to give them some time.

Yes You are right, my intention wasn't to increase the pressure(I didn't ask them about time to finish or time to next release, I know, they are approaching E2 as hobby althoght they are very good coders, so for this reason they can't work all time on the project), but only to clarify the situation, because someone make confusion.

17-07-2010, 10:35 AM
At the moment only the four files of The_Ripper are available but we can put more in it.

git clone git://kf-repos.de/oe-azbox.git
( "git pull" to get updates if any available)
make -f Makefile-opendreambox-1.5

I will put the azbox specific stuff in it later. I will just modify the linux-dm800.bb and put the right path fot the kenerl source in it.

The original Makefile hast dm8000 acitivated - is there a reason for this?

17-07-2010, 11:38 AM
Added a simple linux-azbox.bb
no you can use
bitbake -c compile - b ../openembedded/packages/linux/linux-azbox.bb
to build the kernel. No additional Patches at the moment (are there any missing yet?) and you first have to build the crosscompiler. It is possible to link an existing to build/tmp/cross/bin.

17-07-2010, 11:40 AM
VFD, IR and Ethernet are things which already working !!!

So why some of You mentioning ethernet drivers ?

It is working normally, and even it is faster in transfer of files, than on Official AzBox Firmware......

yes, in my tests the ethernet is working much faster than in original firmware.

17-07-2010, 01:21 PM
At the moment only the four files of The_Ripper are available but we can put more in it.

git clone git://kf-repos.de/oe-azbox.git
( "git pull" to get updates if any available)
make -f Makefile-opendreambox-1.5

I will put the azbox specific stuff in it later. I will just modify the linux-dm800.bb and put the right path fot the kenerl source in it.

The original Makefile hast dm8000 acitivated - is there a reason for this?

I tryed to get the files but is gives an error conection time out

i have tryed several times.

sorry, already resolved

17-07-2010, 04:34 PM
At the moment only the four files of The_Ripper are available but we can put more in it.

git clone git://kf-repos.de/oe-azbox.git
( "git pull" to get updates if any available)
make -f Makefile-opendreambox-1.5

I will put the azbox specific stuff in it later. I will just modify the linux-dm800.bb and put the right path fot the kenerl source in it.

The original Makefile hast dm8000 acitivated - is there a reason for this?

Hello ,

edit it from dm8000 to dm800 ;)

and for all other people, please consider the true news, only from the_ripper, telesat and me .

As You can see, there is no need that some persons spread rumors or news which are not true. We are on forums, like You guy's, and we are watching. So , as something new appear You will have information.

Also, thanks to all of You for supporting the ripper, as he is really doing amazing job, also thanks for support us ( telesat, me and other guy's involved in project ).

17-07-2010, 04:44 PM
Well it is edited a while ago ;) just git pull.
We should also modify openembedded/conf/machine/dm800.conf to azbox.conf and put the wanted PREFERRED Versions. and kernel-modules. At the moment I have no idea which they are.

17-07-2010, 04:57 PM
Hi, i follow the steps, with git, just fine but the make file gives me this error:

miguel@miguel-desktop:~/oe-azbox$ make -f Makefile-opendreambox-1.5
mkdir -p /home/miguel/oe-azbox/dm800/cache
mkdir -p sources
mkdir -p /home/miguel/oe-azbox/dm800/build
mkdir -p /home/miguel/oe-azbox/dm800/build/conf
mkdir -p /home/miguel/oe-azbox/dm800/build/tmp
git clone -n git://git.opendreambox.org/git/openembedded /home/miguel/oe-azbox/dm800/openembedded
fatal: destination path '/home/miguel/oe-azbox/dm800/openembedded' already exists and is not an empty directory.
make: ** [/home/miguel/oe-azbox/dm800/openembedded/.git] Erro 128

17-07-2010, 05:05 PM
cd /home/miguel/oe-azbox/
mv dm800 _dm800
make -f Makefile-opendreambox-1.5

The problem is that git is not amused that there is a directory.
After OE is finished you can
cp -rd /home/miguel/oe-azbox/_dm800/openembedded/packages/linux/linux-azbox* /home/miguel/oe-azbox/dm800/openembedded/packages/linux/

To build the kernel alone (but you must have the crosscompiling stuff before)
cd ~/oe-azbox/dm800/build
bitbake -c compile -b ../openembedded/packages/linux/linux-azbox.bb

I'll fix this, that it is right in the git with _ .

EDIT: fix done

17-07-2010, 05:14 PM
ok its working now, with your instructions


17-07-2010, 05:46 PM
But remember it is just a start. There must be some change made to get the stuff working like the one from The_Ripper. But it is a way to get it working.

17-07-2010, 07:19 PM
But remember it is just a start. There must be some change made to get the stuff working like the one from The_Ripper. But it is a way to get it working.

One question, are you working in this server with the coloboration of the The_ripper and co?

17-07-2010, 07:40 PM
you guys are the best :)
i'm really happy all good users/programmers are coming together.

i just can't wait for the "boom" that svn will bring :)

17-07-2010, 07:45 PM
@moicas3004: I offered him but at the moment I'm nearly the only one. But I wanted a git server for other projects.
One of the advantages of git is that it can be cloned very easy - no problem for me if it will be on another server.
We'll see what happens in the next few days.

17-07-2010, 08:21 PM
it would be good a word from the developers, givin us a feedback how the work is.

17-07-2010, 08:39 PM
TONYBAM, do you recovery your box , and how ?

17-07-2010, 08:58 PM
TONYBAM, do you recovery your box , and how ?

in progress I got nokia KU-42 with 3 wire only i connect to RX GND TX and with putty i connected and got

the following information

وxosPe0 serial#cf9f27d02f2f8cbe8fb8e5d313 c5b853 subid 0x50
xenv cs2 ok
�ـ�xosPe0 serial#cf9f27d02f2f8cbe8fb8e5d313 c5b853 subid 0x50
xenv cs2 ok
power supply: ok
dram0 ok (8)
dram1 ok (9)
zboot (0) ok
********************************* *****
* SMP863x zboot start ...
* Version: 2.4.0-
* Started at 0x91000000.
* Configurations (chip revision: 6):
* Use 8KB DRAM as stack.
* Support XLoad format.
* Enabled BIST mode.
* Enabled memory test mode.
* Use internal memory for stage0/1.
********************************* *****
Boot from flash (0x48000000) mapped to 0x8c000000.
Found XENV block at 0x8c000000.
CPU clock frequency: 300.37MHz.
System clock frequency: 200.25MHz.
DRAM0 dunit_cfg/delay0_ctrl (0xf34111ba/0x000a7876).
DRAM1 dunit_cfg/delay0_ctrl (0xf34111ba/0x000a7676).
Using UART port 0 as console.
Board ID.: "852-E2"
Chip Revision: 0x8634:0x86 .. Matched.
Setting up H/W from XENV block at 0x8c000000.
Setting <SYSCLK avclk_mux> to 0x00000000.
Setting <SYSCLK hostclk_mux> to 0x00000100.
Setting <IRQ rise edge trigger lo> to 0xff28ca00.
Setting <IRQ fall edge trigger lo> to 0x0000c000.
Setting <IRQ rise edge trigger hi> to 0x0000009f.
Setting <IRQ fall edge trigger hi> to 0x00000000.
Setting <IRQ GPIO map> to 0x20090820.
Setting <PB default timing> to 0x10101010.
Setting <PB timing0> to 0x10101010.
Setting <PB Use timing0> to 0x000003f4.
Setting <PB timing1> to 0x00110101.
Setting <PB Use timing1> to 0x000003f3.
Setting <PB timing2> to 0x105f1010.
Setting <PB Use timing2> to 0x000003f8.
PB cs config: 0x000e0040 (use 0x000e0040)
Enabled Devices: 0x00021ace
MAC: 00:02:14:15:d1:83
PCI IRQ routing:
IDSEL 2: INTA(#14) INTB(#14) INTC(#14) INTD(#14)
IDSEL 3: INTA(#15) INTB(#15) INTC(#15) INTD(#15)
Smartcard pin assignments:
OFF pin = 0
5V pin = 1
CMD pin = 2
Setting up Clean Divider 2 to 96000000Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 4 to 33333333Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 5 to 25000000Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 6 to 20000000Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 7 to 20000000Hz.
GPIO dir/data = 0x76000038/0x76000000
UART0 GPIO mode/dir/data = 0x6e/0x00/0x00
UART1 GPIO mode/dir/data = 0x6e/0x00/0x00
XENV block processing completed.
Found existing memcfg: DRAM0(0x08000000), DRAM1(0x08000000)
Heap/Temp/Temp1/Dest start at 0x14000000/0x16000000/0x15000000/0x12000000.
Default boot index: 0
Scanning ROMFS image at 0x8c040000 (0x48040000) .. Found.
ROMFS found at 0x8c040000, Volume name = YAMON_XRPC
Found 1 file(s) to be processed in ROMFS.
Processing xrpc_xload_yamon_ES4_prod.bin (start: 0x8c040090, size: 0x0002fe84)
Checking zboot file signature .. Not found.
Trying xrpc_xload format .. OK
Checking zboot file signature at 0x13000000 .. OK
Decompressing to 0x91200000 .. OK (453328/0x6ead0).
Load time total 173/255 msec.
Execute final at 0x91200000 ..

********************************* *
* YAMON ROM Monitor
* Revision 02.06-SIGMADESIGNS-01-
********************************* *
Memory: code: 0x11000000-0x11040000, 0x11200000-0x11204000
reserved data: 0x11240000-0x12440000, PCI memory: 0x12440000-0x12840000
Environment variable 'start' exists. After 1 seconds
it will be interpreted as a YAMON command and executed.
Press Ctrl-C (or do BREAK) to bypass this.

xrpc failed (9)--- if a xtask is using a cipher or if you reboot
--- xrpc will fail with RM_BUSY
Checking zboot signature.. it's not zboot file.
Error : Internal, code = ffffffff

the problem i have i cannot write coomand in putty
for net initialization and IP for box i keeping try till I success

17-07-2010, 09:10 PM
I wait telesat new file with old kernel and I will try again.

18-07-2010, 08:35 AM
the problem i have i cannot write coomand in putty
for net initialization and IP for box i keeping try till I success

I had the same problem with Windows, using Linux solved it. Also make sure that TX is connected properly.

19-07-2010, 04:40 PM
VFD, IR and Ethernet are things which already working !!!

So why some of You mentioning ethernet drivers ?

It is working normally, and even it is faster in transfer of files, than on Official AzBox Firmware......

Good, nice to hear it

Can you tell us what is missing on modulos?

19-07-2010, 04:44 PM
some more hardware-infos:

Realtek RTL8201CP

Boot flash:
Eon EN29LV640B-90TIP 64mbit(8MB)

SATA-to-PATA bridge:
Marvel 88SA8052 (SATA 3 Gb/s to PATA 133)

-Silicon image SIL9030

-Silicon image SIL9134 (Premium+ only)

DDR-SDRAM 512mbit(64MB)
-Hynix HY5DU121622DTP-D43
_xxx.hynix.co.kr/datasheet/eng/consumer/details/consumer_02_HY5DU121622DTP.jsp?se archType=2&menuNo=1&m=2&s=2&RK=02&RAM_NAME=

-Zentel a3s12d40etp (Premium+)

Zentel 32*16 512Mb DDR A3S12D40ETP
### My note Single

common interface controller

-STARCI2WIN V1.1 (Premium+)

driver(sh4) for both,see here:
_hxxp://gitorious.org/open-duckbox-project-sh4/tdt/commit/4eac4a45bbac9eee336b320005b2ce3ba 7756f98

multiplexer bus-switch

USB 2.0 Host Controller
Via VT6212L

if (pdev->device == 0x3104 && (pdev->revision & 0xf0) == 0x60) {
/* The VT6212 defaults to a 1 usec EHCI sleep time which
* hogs the PCI bus *badly*. Setting bit 5 of 0x4B makes
* that sleep time use the conventional 10 usec.
pci_read_config_byte(pdev, 0x4b, &tmp);
if (tmp & 0x20)
pci_write_config_byte(pdev, 0x4b, tmp | 0x20);
My note Single ###

ISDB-T Frontend only brasil
Samsung DNVS22CXP241A Elite/Premium
90507XBG demod

About connexant demod-chips.
In the manual for a LG frontend,you can see a "little"more,
how the work.

The symbol rate coverage is corrected
according to CX24116 IC spec. (2-6)
DVB-S QPSK : 2 ~ 45Msps
My Note Single

Fantastic work @pascha99, thanks :respect-013:


EDIT: I add some notes to your quote, for personal use I hope you don't mind, thanks.

19-07-2010, 09:46 PM

I sent you a link in pm with an interesting discussion

I hope it is useful

edit: I'm sorry but I did not realize that it had sufficient msgs to send pm
I sent PM on e2az

20-07-2010, 12:29 PM

I sent you a link in pm with an interesting discussion

I hope it is useful

edit: I'm sorry but I did not realize that it had sufficient msgs to send pm
I sent PM on e2az

Are that forum the dev forum?


20-07-2010, 04:19 PM
Help trouble with Enigma2...azbox keep booting
I installed Enigma2 yesterday & get stuck,wanted to go back to Azbox fw (tried old & new version) but the box don't recognize it ...
I connected trough Filezilla and I made the biggest mistake ever...I deleted some files thinking that was related to Enigma2 files...now the box doesn't respond it stuck at "BOOTING".
I've been looking everywhere how to reinstall fw but no luck...
-I unplugged power cable for few hours,tried differents fw,tried emergency flash...but nothing it keeps booting ...

20-07-2010, 04:25 PM
indeed , big problem.

It as already sayd here, guys that dont have big know how in linux don't install this first image. ITS ON THE FIRTS POST.

Now you have to get a serial cable with RS232 to conect the box or folow the procedure that is on this post a few pages back, removing your DOM from the box and do as it says.

20-07-2010, 04:43 PM
Dear friends, as we got many inquires on PM about that user hfmls spreading rumors about some release dates, and current progress on this project, We want to say that we are not speaking with him, and we dont know from which persons he is getting this informations, but absolutly NOT from us. Also we dont know what is the reason for that, like he is telling dates when something should be released, maybe to rise up his popularity or ?

Point of this post is not to insult anybody or to discredit anybody , just precaution that in future everybody of You know, that this guy is not representing our work, opinnion or any news, and as I mentioned before, all work will be published public, so nobody needs any kind of rumor.

20-07-2010, 04:43 PM
Help trouble with Enigma2...azbox keep booting
I installed Enigma2 yesterday & get stuck,wanted to go back to Azbox fw (tried old & new version) but the box don't recognize it ...
I connected trough Filezilla and I made the biggest mistake ever...I deleted some files thinking that was related to Enigma2 files...now the box doesn't respond it stuck at "BOOTING".
I've been looking everywhere how to reinstall fw but no luck...
-I unplugged power cable for few hours,tried differents fw,tried emergency flash...but nothing it keeps booting ...
trash discard or send a guarantee. :07:

20-07-2010, 04:56 PM
Thanks very encouraging...

trash discard or send a guarantee. :07:

20-07-2010, 05:50 PM
Thanks very encouraging...

I see that you get the answer from the expert - clear and fast solution
but don't worry, you have an answer in this forum - how to ...

Regards expert : if you don't want to help - don't lie to people.


20-07-2010, 06:11 PM
trash discard or send a guarantee. :07:


20-07-2010, 06:18 PM
Dear friends, as we got many inquires on PM about that user hfmls spreading rumors about some release dates, and current progress on this project, We want to say that we are not speaking with him, and we dont know from which persons he is getting this informations, but absolutly NOT from us. Also we dont know what is the reason for that, like he is telling dates when something should be released, maybe to rise up his popularity or ?

Point of this post is not to insult anybody or to discredit anybody , just precaution that in future everybody of You know, that this guy is not representing our work, opinnion or any news, and as I mentioned before, all work will be published public, so nobody needs any kind of rumor.

where and when did i mentioned dates????
when and where did i mention i talked to you, the_ripper or telesat?

stop assuming, stop guessing, why i say this and that!
i mentioned what i read from Carp95, and IT WAS NOT MUCH of a big deal!

BTW, everybody can read what Carp95 said in that forum/thread! I'm not the only one! So, now i can't pass the word?? It's public forum.


So, this discussion is over.

20-07-2010, 06:35 PM
where and when did i mentioned dates????

:) - just read back the enigma2 thread how many times you wrote about e2...

20-07-2010, 06:53 PM
that has nothing to do with this subject, i already discussed that. the point here is i never said any dates and didn't lied about anything, i just passed the info that i read (as you all can read too in other forum) to other foruns...(i'm talking about this weekends info)
so i just "quoted" nothing else!

nor me or any other user said any names, or dates.

20-07-2010, 08:07 PM
C'mon ............get a life.Stop fighting for this stupid box

20-07-2010, 08:24 PM
telesat , mozes li na skype ?

20-07-2010, 08:27 PM
Help trouble with Enigma2...azbox keep booting
I installed Enigma2 yesterday & get stuck,wanted to go back to Azbox fw (tried old & new version) but the box don't recognize it ...
I connected trough Filezilla and I made the biggest mistake ever...I deleted some files thinking that was related to Enigma2 files...now the box doesn't respond it stuck at "BOOTING".
I've been looking everywhere how to reinstall fw but no luck...
-I unplugged power cable for few hours,tried differents fw,tried emergency flash...but nothing it keeps booting ...

Kernel upload files and picture e2jtag


20-07-2010, 08:41 PM
Kernel upload files and picture e2jtag


That is the serial method described in this thread, but in german. So this is helpfull, but it's not JTAG.

20-07-2010, 08:48 PM
That is the serial method described in this thread, but in german. So this is helpfull, but it's not JTAG.
yes no jtag,but serial kernel upload. forum myazbox.de

20-07-2010, 08:48 PM
C'mon ............get a life and Stop posting in the azbox section of the forum when you don't even own the box


20-07-2010, 10:01 PM
it seems that for "some members" when expecting quick progress in short time, specialy after a long time of rumours & efforts until the first concrete light showed up by the Ripper & the team working with him.
Those members started again to post negative threads that do nothing but wasting tilme or in otherwords killing the long time waiting for new positive progress.
So please don't make of this thread another dead end like the famous old one "Enigma 2 - AZBOX HD" which made a record of useless posts except the few ones seriously done by those who realy like to develope & give help.
So if you realy own this box & want to help or give a hand in developping or at least apreciate dev's great job as an end user; keep connected to this thread...... otherwise have a nice day elsewhere.... I think that is clear now that negative posts are not welcomed anymore.
with :respect-023: to all members

20-07-2010, 11:08 PM
Seems that you dont get my point.Every receiver is a machine, so they are stupid.Does they deserve to fight for them?
as for me yes i dont own the box since some months but that doesnt mean that i am not interested to see if there is progress
Did you read negative post from me against Ripper or any other dev that is working on e2 on azbox?

21-07-2010, 06:44 AM
Seems that you dont get my point.Every receiver is a machine, so they are stupid.Does they deserve to fight for them?
as for me yes i dont own the box since some months but that doesnt mean that i am not interested to see if there is progress
Did you read negative post from me against Ripper or any other dev that is working on e2 on azbox?

I second that, but people like "hfmls" who are clearly interested in only spreading good rumours is a paid agent and it's not helping the developers.

There is not going to be a full E2 image for this box in a long time and these fake news are only making leave more people.

I think that the admins should remove his VIP status.

21-07-2010, 01:39 PM
Use this post to bla bla about E2 on sigma:


And let this to Dev Posting, oki?

@satcamd Is this what you are looking for?


About rfmod anyinfo?

21-07-2010, 02:21 PM
that should be my first post here.. lol
I use linux as my default SO (ubuntu i said....)
Also i have expert knowage about configuring servers on linux, and other things...
I am expert programmer in PHP, also i know some thing about C++... java.. and i alrealy was write some lines with python (for sockets....)

I not have any knowage about compiling kernels... drivers and things like that... but if you think you can use my help... PM me... i like join new projects :)

21-07-2010, 02:46 PM
yes no jtag,but serial kernel upload. forum myazbox.de
http://www.pristavka.de/index.php/topic,6691.0.html - JTAG for AzBox (russian text)

21-07-2010, 02:52 PM
I second that, but people like "hfmls" who are clearly interested in only spreading good rumours is a paid agent and it's not helping the developers.

There is not going to be a full E2 image for this box in a long time and these fake news are only making leave more people.

I think that the admins should remove his VIP status.

did i spread any rumour? i just quoted someone who write in another forum where everyone can read and confirm.

i say it again for all the blind ones...I JUST QUOTED! u can read what i wrote, and confirm it's exactly the same the original post from Carp95 in other foruns.
Is this making up news?? I just quoted other people.

Grizly, yes i'm a paid agent, 007.
Dear god....:iamwithstupid:

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carp95 is offline Nabilos Mate

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Apr 2006
Thanked 13 Times in 4 Posts

Had a "chat" with some "insiders" in E2 project for Azbox HD last night.

Seems much work is already done ( yes tuner drivers are already rewritten also audio and video).

Seems the hole thing is goona be throuly open-source ( whitin short time).


see ?? i am quoting...learn how to read and not talk ****!
i'm f**** tired of all u acusing for every lame ass thought u have!

21-07-2010, 06:47 PM
@i also,because I can not say anything smart:troll:
here we talk about E2,and couple people like Ripper and Telesat,they are doing the greatest job,but they dont talk too much-just you hfmls."this one say this,this one see this,i here that on this and that forum etc"
only bull****-and we all remember how much did you speak before (with @raskino) about E2 and that magic date of realese.:18:
also,please,shut the f..k up,leave developers to do their job and wait like iI and the rest of members.:respect-057:

21-07-2010, 07:22 PM
i don't care, it's your opinion, like i said, if i'm not breaking any forum rules, (i'm not spamming) i will continue to do whatever i want.

And yes you're right, this discussion should end, for the sake of telesat and The_Rippers work.

21-07-2010, 07:48 PM
I second that, but people like "hfmls" who are clearly interested in only spreading good rumours is a paid agent and it's not helping the developers.

There is not going to be a full E2 image for this box in a long time and these fake news are only making leave more people.

I think that the admins should remove his VIP status.


This thread is again moving out of subject.
I thought the main subject was related to development of real E2 on this box.... not analysing other members' posts and/or status.
Meanwhile, would you please tell us what is your experience to confirm that there will be no full E2 image for this box??? while other respectable dev's like the Ripper & others are working hard to make it true....!!!!

By the way, I don't know "hfmls".... and don't intend to defend him, because even that way we are wasting our & others' time to read useless posts.
So please again, put aside all personal judgements related to members.
And try to be more objective... more positive.
Why people didn't learn from the old famous post regarding e2 rumours.... enough wasting time for more than 4 months.:respect-051:

24-07-2010, 03:19 AM
@ ripper ...top man all the best from ROI

25-07-2010, 09:05 PM
u know u killed these thread :(
anyway got some good news

Hi, I made new video to keep informed on my progres with Enigma 2 on AZBox HD platforma.

SD channels OK


DiSEqC 1.2 (1.0 and 1.1 also ok)

Now trying to get a picture on HD channels, Teletext, coded channels and after that come the multimedia part of AZBox HD.


25-07-2010, 10:51 PM
nice video... but its from 14 april... :\
If that is the progress of 14 april why not come in the last release ?
May be fake no ?
Only suposing... i ill not say fake / true anymore.... only install to see :)
But is on good way this progress

26-07-2010, 01:55 PM
u know u killed these thread :(
anyway got some good news


This is old fake video.. a saw it in legendary hfmls E2 thread.. dont believe this info.

27-07-2010, 05:12 PM
Hello everyone. I wanted to know how to continue developing our enigma2 AZBox. thanks

29-07-2010, 11:30 AM
any news?

Thanks for everything you do, all that you are involved in this project.

thanks and greetings from Cadiz (Spain)

29-07-2010, 12:27 PM
Recovery procedure

* For all people which have a problem with fleshing Enigma 2 in AzBox , where installation stop ~58% and now have a BOOTING message on display.

You will need :

- Application Acronis True Image

- E2Backup.tib

- External HDD case with IDE controller ( or if You are working on PC, Motherboard which have IDE controller ) .

Take the DOM from AzBox and connect it with IDE connector from Your external usb case for HDD .

Connect the red wire from power cable ( 4-pin Molex connector ) from case ( +5V ) ( picture: Molex and pwrcom ) with right oriented pin on connector which is on DOM - pictures DOM1 and DOM2

Connect USB cable from the HDD case with Your PC.

Now, startup Acronis True Image application, and choose Recovery from the menu on right side - picture 1

Choose Disk Recovery on the top of the window and load file E2Backup.tib and press next - picture 2

Choose Recover whole disk and partition and press next - picture 3

Check-all whole Disk, so it means two partitions : Ex** and Linux Swap and press next - picture 4

Choose on which disk You will restore content, in our case DOM, and press next - picture 5

Commit with OK - picture 6

Choose Proceed - picture 7

Wait for few minutes that process complete - picture 8

When the restore of data and partitions finish, press Ok - picture 9

now You can exit from application, 'Safely' eject Your external USB HDD, in our case DOM.

Disconnect usb cable, and put back the DOM on AzBox, turn on AzBox and wait for 20 seconds that E2 boot.

Now you can take a look on enigma, and when You decide to go back on Official version of Firmware, that You can do with plugin from DDdamir.

Installation od DDamir plugin is described in another tutorial.



please please can someone upload the file again?

29-07-2010, 07:28 PM
please please can someone upload the file again?

Link megaupload

29-07-2010, 08:53 PM
Link megaupload

thanks a lot :bowing-036:

29-07-2010, 11:22 PM
NAKATA, do you recovery your box ?

30-07-2010, 04:39 AM
the problem is relevant to a friend and we will try to resolve it the following Sunday. i will inform you about the results

01-08-2010, 07:53 AM
NAKATA, do you recovery your box ?

yes thanks to telesat the box is alive and working with original FW

02-08-2010, 02:03 PM
Thanks for the great work that has been done,
However, we're a bit messed up with all the posts running around enigma2 on azbox
Do u have a clue if in the comming days we'll start using E2 on this box

02-08-2010, 03:13 PM
In the coming days.... No. In the coming months...... maybe.

02-08-2010, 06:40 PM
i think we probably have news in this week maybe next one.

02-08-2010, 07:02 PM

02-08-2010, 08:27 PM
thumbs up to the guys working on E2 but I am not installing it untill I see its stable enough .

02-08-2010, 09:44 PM
more weeks , ....E2 is ok

03-08-2010, 10:04 AM
When u say more weeks, based on what argument or info!

03-08-2010, 08:51 PM
Have patience. It'll be released when it's ready.
I am sure that all concerned in the development of this want to release a 100% finished and bug free firmware. This can take months to get right. <<--- NOTE I said CAN take months. I don't know how the development is going or for that matter the developer(s).
What would you rather? A good release that you have to wait for, or a rushed buggy release that doesn't work properly and yet more moaning on the forum.

Me? I'll wait for the good release.


the illuminati
04-08-2010, 04:03 AM
Thanks for all who are working on the project...
Sure we can wait,but we just want to know if there is
any new progress

09-08-2010, 02:45 PM
Latest infos :

Audio driver is finished, DTS working good , even files with high bitrate and 5.1 ch....

09-08-2010, 02:51 PM
0_o :) muhahahahha
when u mean high bitrate, u mean 1.5 mbp/s DTS ?

nothing done regarding video codecs/containers yet right?

09-08-2010, 03:06 PM
I will not answer on pathetic questions and provocators like You hfmls .

All constructive questions are welcome, and I will try to answer on all of them.

Next step is finishing of Video driver ( it is working now, but to add support for other resolutions, as in beta was supported just 720 x ... ) , and Demuxer.

thanks to the_ripper .

09-08-2010, 03:24 PM
in what point was my question pathetic? ..... you have something up yours don't come here getting it on me please.... if you don't want to answer my question just say so..but don't come here saying my questions are pathetic or i am a provocateur.. since i never tried to get any problems with you.

09-08-2010, 03:59 PM
Impressive progress I think.

As most others, I am following this topic with close interest, and am absolutely curious about where this will end.

09-08-2010, 06:14 PM
you just dont get that we dont love you:respect-048:

09-08-2010, 06:14 PM
Great news. I hope soon you guys can release a beta test of the new E2, with the working functions, at least tv and Videos.

09-08-2010, 10:29 PM
0_o :) muhahahahha
when u mean high bitrate, u mean 1.5 mbp/s DTS ?

nothing done regarding video codecs/containers yet right?

it sounded to me like you were very happy with the progress.
i am anyway as to have a choice of firmwares cant be any harm.
thanks to all involved.

09-08-2010, 10:37 PM
yeah of course, why wouldn't i be happy. :)
i know the final result will be first enigma2 with full codec support.
that's nice.