View Full Version : Obscured password field in 8281 CS menu

16-07-2010, 06:31 AM

I've finally made a serious go at CS and somehow I have grasped enough knowledge and luck to actually get it working.

However, there seems to be a really annoying issue which is you can't see the password you are entering in the 8281 menu when setting up a server.
Is there any way to stop it being replaced by xxxx's?
It makes no sense to me to prevent myself from seeing what I am doing and thereby not be aware of entering a wrong character!

As far as I can tell, I have all password usage turned off as far as possible in the receiver settings.

(I know we can edit the CS server list manually on the pc and re-upload it via USB only (not RS232?), but I am not talking about that method).

Many thanks.

16-07-2010, 07:23 AM
not that I'm aware off. And yes the only error free method with these:
save your current list on USB stick edit on PC and reload it.
In case you want to prevent family members to access some severs make a list for:
you: football, ...
the wife: fashion, ...
The kids: what they are allowed to see
empty one: when you conflicts with soft emu or other cams
and store these all on the stick
uploading is quick.
also handy to keep an empty softcam on it to.

16-07-2010, 07:49 AM
ok, thanks Giga.
It makes no sense to me however to obscure the password when entering it.
Rather like on some websites when really it doesn't achieve anything useful.
Maybe any future patch might have an option to remove the xxxx's.

Using the USB stick, pulling it in and out of the TM and pc, is rather tedious and my only real need to do that seems to be because I otherwise can't verify the server password has been typed correctly.

Anyway, this is my first day of success, so maybe I'll find some better techniques in time.
Of course, my main concern is the risk of doing CS at all, rather than the ease of entering the data.

16-07-2010, 10:33 AM
CS is only safe when you do:
it from an IP address that is not traceable to you.
in house: sharing official card(s) over more then one receiver enabling you to watch/record 2 channels from the same provider from one card.

16-07-2010, 09:20 PM
CS is only safe when you do:
it from an IP address that is not traceable to you.

How do you do that? From what I've read and learned so far around the internet, it simply isn't possible whether you are just a client or sharing as well. eg Tor apparently can't be used.

I've noticed that some free servers have their own custom DNS name, but presumably those are still traceable to an IP.

I'm assuming questions such as these are allowed here, seeing as the packages Compass has been publicly posting contain free CS servers in them.

17-07-2010, 06:51 AM
Not a specialist on this. I'm not C S 'ing on the WWW. Just internal home as you are limited in card usage in the receivers card reader. Official Cam's to slow, don't want to wait seconds on opening of channel and most cause overheating of the receiver.
And yes you can not hide from law enforcing agencies or secret service agencies. Think they even run themselves services like this ...
More info on anonymity on the internet can be found here: