View Full Version : PRIORITY MANAGER V1.7 BY BUYUKBANG : Complete Tool to Power Up Azbox

18-07-2010, 09:08 PM


CLICK FOR MORE SCREENSHOTS (http://img832.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=31820361.png)


This plugin is written by BUYUKBANG to improve total performance of Azbox HD and add some
missing features! However its name remains as "Priority Manager", it now makes more than
its name offers. Here are the features of Priority Manager:

* Priority Manager automatically changes the priorities of the processes, kill and restart
some of the processes to give optimal performance for the menu being used. I tested all
processes one by one, decided their effects on the performance of all modules and prepared
a bug-free (hopefully) and complex logic to cover all possible usage cases.

* Priority Manager provides power saving! Smudger's power measurements show that
Priority Manager decrease power consumption of the box from 25W to 23W while watching an
SD channel and from 28W to 24W while watching an HD channel.

* Priority Manager provides password protected hidden channel list feature. This will
cover a missing functionality in Azbox and so that you will be able to prepare a separate
hidden channel list which you want hide from people not knowing your password. Default
channel list will be automatically replaced after reboot. So any reboots / electricity
problems will not reveal your hidden channel list.

* Priority Manager can move plugins to internal HDD or USB storages.

* Priority Manager upgrades Busybox from v1.0 to v1.16.

* Priority Manager enables Cron usage.

* Priority Manager optionally automatically mounts CIF and NFS shares when remote server
is online and automatically unmounts CIF AND NFS shares when remote server is offline, so
protects file manager from freezes when remote goes offline after the shares mounted.

* Priority Manager optionally creates swap file on your HDD/Flash disk which will help
RAM by caching some part of the memory. Priority Manager not only supports creating swap
file on internal HDD or usb HDD/Flash disk connected before Azbox boots, it also supports
creating swap file on usb HDD/Flash disk connected after Azbox boots by continuously
checking for new USB devices.

* You can backup or restore /DISK2 and /PLUGINS folders with just a simple button from
user interface.

* Priority Manager optionally takes backup of /DISK2 and /PLUGINS folders in user defined
periods in background.

* Priority Manager can execute user selected programs after going into SLEEP mode and
the kill them after return from SLEEP mode. By using this feature running resource
intensive programs like transmission, aMule, azepgmgr in only SLEEP mode will be
automatically managed without user intervention.

* Priority Manager increases internal storage (DOM) speed speed up to 20% by changing
its working parameters.

* Priority Manager provides "Deep Sleep Mode" which automatically kills all unnecessary
applications and improve downloading speed when box goes to sleep mode.

* You can reset all system passwords with just a simple button from user interface.

* Up on deactivating or uninstalling Priority Manager, if related features activated in
/DISK2/etc/PriorityManagerSettings.txt, Busybox downgrades to the orginal version,swap file
and cron is deactivated all mounted shares are unmounted and plugins are moved back to
original place. A complete rollback without reboot requirement is performed.

Smudger for the all information, tests and power measurements, his tests killed the bugs!

Kanber Kav for his permission for the usage and modification of his Multicas Info plugin
and for the idea of increasing internal storage (DOM) speed!

Zeini for the detailed channel switching time tests!

Bug Reports
If you have any problems with Priority Manager, activate VERBOSE LOG from user interface
and restart Priority Manager from PLUGINS-->PriorityManager-->Activate/Reactivate.
This will create a verbose log file /Download/PriorityManager_Verbose_Log . Collect data
with this option set to 1, without stopping, restarting, reactivating and deactivating
Priority Manager, because all this operations will delete all old log files. Then send an
e-mail to buyukbang @ gmail.com containing PriorityManager_Verbose_Log with the approximate
time that problem occured.

NEW: Added KILL_TV_EMU and WAIT_SECONDS_BEFORE_KILL options to PriorityManagerSettings.txt.
When KILL_TV_EMU is activated, all TV and EMU applications are automatically killed after
switching to movie, rss or browser menus. with this feature, your box will have more free
system resources (both processing power -CPU- and RAM) for playing higher bitrate movies
or browsing the internet.

NEW: Added "Movie & Browser" button to user interface. If you don't want to use "Auto
Kill TV-EMU" feature activated by KILL_TV_EMU option, you can use "Movie & Browser"
button to kill TV and EMU applications before watching a very high bit rate movie file.
TV and EMU applications will be automatically restarted after swithcing back to TV menu.

NEW: "Hidden Channel List" button now doesn't need to reboot the box.

NEW: "Default Channel List" added. So you don't need to reboot the box to activate default
channel list.

NEW: Azbox settings file (selene.conf) is included in both "Default Channel List" and
"Hidden Channel List" packs. So you can define and use different settings (ie. volume,
parental lock setting, last switched channel, etc..) for each channel lists.

NEW: OSCAM EMU prioritization. (Thanks to Alex-1 for the information!)

NEW: OpenVPN prioritization. (Thanks to banditus for the information!)

NEW: Decreased CPU usage of PriorityManager.sh (Its priority is decreased and default
MINOR_SLEEP_TIME value is set to 3.)

FIX: HDD not sleeps when reserved programs are waiting to be recorded. Previous fix made
in v1.4 was not enogh. But this time the problem is completely fixed (Thanks to Alex-1
for the bug report and fix tests!)

NEW: Fine tune for the channel switching times. (Thanks to Zeini for the tests)

NEW: Reset all system passwords from user interface.

NEW: Automatically change PriorityManagerSettings.txt format to unix againist accidentally
being saved in DOS format by user.

NEW: Priority Management feature can be turn on and off from user interface or direcly
from PriorityManagerSettings.txt .

change this parameters in PriorityManagerSettings.txt if you are not satisfied with (or
have problems with) Priority Management feature. This gives you more control over Priority

NEW: DOM Speed Increading feature can be turn on and off from user interface or direcly
from PriorityManagerSettings.txt .

NEW: Added support for mounting CIF and NFS shares of same file server at the same time .

FIX: Clicking a button in user interface sometimes shows empty output.

FIX: Wrong do***entation saying that enabling CRON feature requires enabling BusyBox
feature. In fact, /PLUGINS/PriorityManager/busybox is directly called by Priority Manager,
so if you want you can disable BusyBox feature while using CRON feature.

NEW: User interface is completely reworked. Toggling all settings from user interface
without any need for using TELNET / FTP is now possible. Added a button to user interface
to review current settings.

NEW: Password protected hidden channel list feature is added.

NEW: Backup /DISK2 and /PLUGINS folder from user interface is added.

NEW: Restore last backup of /DISK2 and /PLUGINS folders from user interface is added.

FIX : Fixed some bugs in "Move Plugins" feature.

This was an internal release and only a few testers got this version.

NEW : Faster menu detection algorithm which dynamically manages sleep time between loops.

NEW : Busybox can be upgraded automatically in boot from v1.0 to v1.16 with a simple
option in PriorityManagerSettings.txt (Thanks to Kanber Kav for compiling Busybox!)

NEW : Full automated Cron setup. Cron provides a very flexible UNIX scheduling mechanism.

NEW : Moving plugins to internal HDD or USB storages.

NEW : Scheduled backup of /DISK2 and /PLUGINS folders in user defined periods.

NEW : Improved user interface on Plugins Menu. (Thanks to Kanber Kav for the new version of
his Multimenu plugin!)

NEW : Improvement on automatic management of execution and killing programs: Priority
Manager can start user selected programs when Azbox sleeps. When Azbox wakes up there are
3 things that priority manager can do as an opposite action: kill it, start another
script to stop it or simply do nothing which can be useful if it's a auto-terminated
program or script.

NEW: Better and faster recording detection algorithm.

NEW: Mount checks simplified and tuned for better performance. Now you can mount CIF/NFS
shares directly to HDD folders without using symlinks to DOM folders.

NEW: Improved swap file support. Creation of swap file is now retried when "SWAP FILE
ACTIVATION FAILED" error occurs.

NEW : Up on deactivating or uninstalling Priority Manager, if related features activated
in /DISK2/etc/PriorityManagerSettings.txt, Busybox downgrades to the orginal version, swap
file and cron is deactivated, all mounted shares are unmounted and plugins are moved back
to original place. So a complete rollback without reboot requirement is performed.

NEW : Limiting file size of PriorityManager_Verbose_Log with the given byte value.

FIX : HDD not sleeps when reserved programs are waiting to be recorded.

NEW : Packed the script as a plugin. You can look at the script logs, activate,
deactivate, restart the script simply from Plugins Menu without having to use TELNET.
Special thanks to Kanber Kav for his permission for the usage and modification of his
Multimenu plugin!

NEW : Increasing internal storage (DOM) speed up to 20% by changing its working
parameters! (Thanks to Kanber Kav for the idea!)

NEW : Full automated cleanup mechanism: After deleting this plugin from Plugins Menu,
Priority Manager will be deactivated and process will be stopped, all installed files and
log file will be deleted, all process priorities will be set to their default values. No
reboot or user intervention needed!

NEW : Reserved programs are now supported. When a scheduled recording starts, TV
prioritization will be applied until it ends.

NEW : CIF mount support for those who want want to mount CIF shares of your network to
Azbox. (auto-mounts shares when the file server is online, auto-unmounts share when the
file server is offline)

NEW : NFS mount support for those who want want to mount NFS shares of your network to
Azbox. (auto-mounts shares when the file server is online, auto-unmounts share when the
file server is offline)

NEW : Swap file support for Azbox. You can activate this option so that to Priority
Manager creates swap file on your HDD or Flash disk which will help RAM by caching some
part of the memory. Swap usage file helps large file operations like recording.

NEW : "Deep Sleep" option. You can activate this option if you want to kill all
unnecessary applications when box goes to sleep mode to improve downloading speed. There
are some side effects of deep sleep. For more information please read DEEP_SLEEP section
of /DISK2/etc/PriorityManagerSettings.txt .

NEW : Automatic management of execution and killing of sleep mode programs. Priority
Manager can execute user selected programs after going into SLEEP mode and the kill them
after return from SLEEP mode with the new feature. For more information please read
PROGRAM section of /DISK2/etc/PriorityManagerSettings.txt .

NEW : CCcam EMU prioritization. (Thanks to Smudger for the information!)

NEW : NewCS EMU prioritization. (Thanks to Smudger for the information!)

NEW : Transmission (torrent client) sleep mode prioritization.

NEW : aMule (eD2K client) sleep mode prioritization.

NEW : Verbose log generation for debugging added. Please read "IMPORTANT NOTES - 4" for
more information.

NEW : Better TV recording and channel switch speed.

NEW : Better performance for some process priorities.

NEW : All settings are moved from script file to a separate file :

FIX : "CANCEL" option in sleep menu is now detected as it should be.

NEW : azepgmgr support to protect TV/Media applications from the glitches caused by its
initial process. (Thanks to Smudger for all tests and information!)

NEW : Client/Server mode switch parameter for those who want to this script on a box
being used as a CAM server.

NEW : Audio menu prioritization.

NEW : Settings menu prioritization.

NEW : Plugins menu prioritization.

NEW : Cheops EMU prioritization.

NEW : SBox EMU prioritization.

NEW : All process priorities fine tuned.

NEW : Better menu detection.

NEW : Better sleep mode detection.

NEW : Loop sleep time decreased from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.

FIX : Sometimes CRTVCore collects all CPU power and this slows down everything. So I
decreased priority of CRTVCore.

FIX : Fixed a bug in restart: /DISK2/etc/start.d/S1PriorityManager.sh restart

NEW : RSS and Browser components stay in memory after first usage. Added support for
automatically killing RSS and Browser components when using other menu.

NEW : All process priorities updated according to the results of my long tests. IP TV,
Mediaplayer, Recording, ECM Time (for EMUs) performances are optimised.

NEW : Old scripts use "snice +XX" command to give processes positive nice values (lower
priority). But this command does not guarantee to decrease the priority and system
sometimes ignore this command. You can check old scripts by top command while changing
menu modes. "<" sign means negative nice value and high priority, "N" sign means positive
nice value and low priority. After a few times changing the menu modes everything has "<"
sign and this is really nonfunctional situation. To fix this problem I used "snice STOP"
which cannot be ignored by the system.

NEW : massimo1167's script is not compatible with the option "Always Start in TV Mode"
and this causes totally wrong prioritization. This is fixed.

NEW : Old scripts block firmware upgrades and upgrade process sticks at "Extracting".
Priority Manager fixes this issue and fully compatible Opensat upgrades. Just wait 45
seconds at "Extracting", then upgrade process will continue.

NEW : ftp,samba,telnet prioritization in sleep mode. I suggest you to transfer your files
with FTP during sleep mode prioritization. This is the fasted method.

NEW : Photo menu prioritization.

NEW : Browser menu prioritization.

NEW : RSS menu prioritization.

NEW : Use this command to stop the script (does not work in old scripts):
/DISK2/etc/start.d/S1PriorityManager.sh stop
NEW : Use this command to restart the script (does not work in old scripts):
/DISK2/etc/start.d/S1PriorityManager.sh restart

NEW : Logging. Use this command to see log file:
tail -n100 -f /tmp/PriorityManager_IsRunning

1. Extract PriorityManager.plugin and plugins.lst files from the archive file.

2. Copy PriorityManager.plugin and plugins.lst to USB or simply transfer them by FTP to
/tmp folder of your Azbox.

3. Enter Plugins menu, press Red Button on remote controller to add plugin. If you're
using USB select to install it from USB, or if you transferred files to /tmp folder
install it from tmp folder.

4. Check user defined parameters in /DISK2/etc/PriorityManagerSettings.txt and edit
parameters if you want, save the file.

5. Activate plugin from the plugins menu: PLUGINS-->PriorityManager-->Activate/Reactivate

6. After the first run of the script standby.sh and wakeup.sh scripts will be created
under /DISK2/etc . These scripts will help to main script for the decision of the sleep
mode by creating and deleting a file ( /tmp/PriorityManager_Sleep ) If you have already
standby.sh and wakeup.sh in /DISK2/etc, they will be backed up by installation process
in the same directory. Then you may want to manually add below commands to scripts
before running Priority Manager:
echo 0 > /tmp/PriorityManager_Sleep = to standby.sh
rm /tmp/PriorityManager_Sleep = to wakeup.sh

Those having difficulties with azbox plugin installation mechanism may choose this method.
1. Rename PriorityManager.plugin as PriorityManager.tgz and extract files with an unzip
tool like winrar, 7-Zip, etc.

2. Upload PriorityManager folder to azbox under /PLUGINS folder.

3. chmod 755 everything in PriorityManager folder and its sub folders.

4. Run following command in TELNET: /PLUGINS/PriorityManager/sh/install.sh

5. Check user defined parameters in /DISK2/etc/PriorityManagerSettings.txt and edit
parameters if you want, save the file.

6. Activate plugin from the plugins menu: PLUGINS-->PriorityManager-->Activate/Reactivate

7. After the first run of the script standby.sh and wakeup.sh scripts will be created
under /DISK2/etc . These scripts will help to main script for the decision of the sleep
mode by creating and deleting a file ( /tmp/PriorityManager_Sleep ) If you have already
standby.sh and wakeup.sh in /DISK2/etc, they will be backed up by installation process
in the same directory. Then you may want to manually add below commands to scripts
before running Priority Manager:
echo 0 > /tmp/PriorityManager_Sleep = to standby.sh
rm /tmp/PriorityManager_Sleep

SDecoderServer - A/V playback and demux
DStar - Menu handler
CRTVCore - TV module
CRTVSetup - TV module
detector_test - file type detection
emu_module - Multicas
file_control - manages file operations.
mbox_module - MBox emu
mgcamd - MgCamd emu
cheops_module - Cheops emu
sbox.sigma - SBox emu
telnetd - telnet server
vsftpd - ftp server
JIPC_Server - manages messages between processes (Java Interprocess Communication Server)
cifsdnotifyd - SAMBA server
cifsoplockd - SAMBA server
xfslogd - XFS log
xfsdatad - XFS
xfsbufd - XFS
ir_control - Remote control
youtube_player - Youtube
Polaris - Browser
browser_control - Browser
rssfeed - RSS
EStar - Photo viewer

ar, arp, arping, blkid, brctl, bzip2, cal, catv, chattr, chpasswd, chpst, cksum, comm,
cpio, crond, crontab, cryptpw, cttyhack, depmod, devfsd, devmem, dhcprelay, diff, dnsd,
dnsdomainname, dumpkmap, ed, eject, envdir, envuidgid, ether-wake, expand, fakeidentd,
fbsplash, fdflush, findfs, flash_eraseall, flash_lock, flash_unlock, flashcp, fold, fsck,
fsck.minix, fsync, ftpd, ftpget, ftpput, fuser, hd, httpd, hush, ifenslave, ifplugd,
inetd, ip, ipaddr, ipcalc, ipcrm, ipcs, iplink, iproute, iprule, iptunnel, kbd_mode,
killall5, length, linux32, linux64, loadfont, loadkmap, logread, losetup, lpd, lpq, lpr,
lsattr, lspci, lsusb, lzmacat, lzop, lzopcat, makemime, man, mdev, mesg, microcom,
mkdosfs, mke2fs, mkfs.ext2, mkfs.minix, mkfs.reiser, mkfs.vfat, mkpasswd, mountpoint,
msh, nameif, nc, nice, nmeter, nohup, ntpd, patch, pgrep, ping6, pkill, popmaildir,
printenv, pscan, rdev, readprofile, realpath, reformime, resize, rpm, rpm2cpio, rtcwake,
runlevel, runsv, runsvdir, script, scriptreplay, sendmail, seq, setarch, setconsole,
setfont, setkeycodes, setlogcons, setsid, setuidgid, sha256sum, sha512sum, showkey,
slattach, softlimit, split, stat, sum, sv, svlogd, switch_root, tac, tcpsvd, tftpd,
timeout, tr, traceroute6, tunctl, tune2fs, udpsvd, uncompress, unexpand, unlzma, unlzop,
volname, wall, watch, watchdog, who, zcip

You can download this from attachment or from the alternative link:
Alternative Link (http://netload.in/dateihW1xnzldMb/Priority_Manager_v1.7_by_Buyukban g.zip.htm)

19-07-2010, 11:41 AM
hi, the plugin is great, and works very well, but..

I have the EPG Plugin working and by restarting TV mode the EPG goes away. There is anyway to run the epgPlugins, ou its script when the TV mode restarts?

19-07-2010, 06:41 PM
Hi moicas, thanks for the report.

Anyone can confirm this? Seems not a big deal, I can make a small development for this but before I need e few more feedback.

BTW, since I'm not using any EPG tool on my azbox I'll need assist for information (EPG script startup, ps command log, etc. ) and fix tests, may be on MSN. Any volunteer?

hi, the plugin is great, and works very well, but..

I have the EPG Plugin working and by restarting TV mode the EPG goes away. There is anyway to run the epgPlugins, ou its script when the TV mode restarts?

19-07-2010, 07:06 PM
hi, i think the solution is simple, is to add a file for us to inser our scripts for tv.

The EPG runs fine but after geting out of the movie mode and entering in the TV mode, the epg that was in memory goes away , and i have to run manualy the script to update the EPG again.

If you could point the epg script somewere, so when we enter again in TV mode the script runs automatic and updates the EPG data Again.

Im using Portuguese EPG, if you can test it i can send you the files.

19-07-2010, 09:16 PM
Sorry I cannot test EPG since I don't want to loose time with things that I don't use. But AFAIU from your description, adding a new parameter to settings file that starts scripts and apps after all TV EMU restarts is enough, there is no need to kill anything since EPG program auto killed ??? Did you check ps command output ?

hi, i think the solution is simple, is to add a file for us to inser our scripts for tv.

The EPG runs fine but after geting out of the movie mode and entering in the TV mode, the epg that was in memory goes away , and i have to run manualy the script to update the EPG again.

If you could point the epg script somewere, so when we enter again in TV mode the script runs automatic and updates the EPG data Again.

Im using Portuguese EPG, if you can test it i can send you the files.

19-07-2010, 09:42 PM
No. The program runs in background and after it ends, it doesnt run anymore. The data of EPG is loaded into the memory. Then when we go to movie mode and back to TV mode, the memory of EPG is erased because we kiled TV mode. So, we need to rerun the epg software to reload EPG to memory.

If you add a option so we can define what program loads, like sleep or wakeup, we can add the EPG program to reload data as we go again to TV mode.

20-07-2010, 05:16 PM
Thanks buyukbang!!!

My HD movies are now playing flawlessly! Even huge bitrated files! This is impressive! Really great work! You give to us a completely new mediaplayer with your plugin! Thank you very much!! =D

20-07-2010, 05:42 PM
Opensat thanked me as follows !!! :

They didn't approved my PM 1.7 post in official azbox forum (copy and paste of the first post) I asked the reason why they do that and the answer is:


Offline JaviPG

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« Sent to: buyukbang on: 20 July 2010, 16:28:56 »

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* Delete

We are sorry but your tools involve the use of emulators, and we cant publish it in our official forum.

We appreciate your work and effort to develop these tools, but we do not believe that this is the best place to make them known.

Can you send me a mail with your name and e-mail to contact you directly?

Best Regards


They think that PM is related with emulators :banghead:

My PM v1.6 and PM 1.5 posts were published already and they deleted all today, too :banghead:

From now on, I've no hope that Opensat will behave more developer and customer friendly. No help, no thank, annoying behaviours like this. They all are completely useless :banghead:

20-07-2010, 08:52 PM
It's because of this that the official firmware is a piece of pure ****! They are all donkey and don't understand nothing of linux, and they don't accept any help, even free help. DONKEYS!

Really sad, for them.

But thanks to people like buyukbang, we will not throw the box on the trash, because it's bugs. OPENSAT = pure ****!

20-07-2010, 09:21 PM
Remember guys, that emus are ilegal and they canot suport that oficialy, but in the other way, multicas, is their own emu that suports newcamd and Cccam.

My message is, guys use only the site for bug related post and post tools and known forum.

They dont what to improve the box, forget about Them ( OPENSAT )

20-07-2010, 09:52 PM
buyukbang i understand your disappointment.

as far as i know ,ever since i bought the premium almost a year ago, only hobbyists like you , maz, gorski and others have made the stb better.

and for that i thank you

i haven't seen any real improvement by developers from opensat, azbox, Portuguese,dutch, German, Korean or aliens from mars :respect-050: only buggy firmwares with minor fixes.

personally, i will wait for any enigma release and if none comes out (in the near future) i will go buy a stb that does what it promises to do.

20-07-2010, 10:24 PM
just thing that they might ad pm to their so called firmware , and claim it as their achievement ...

21-07-2010, 09:24 AM
Do not take it are incompetent pieces of **** !!!!!

Even I tried to point out problems with the sleep of the decoder but I was censored and deleted the message.

ARE incompetent !!!!!

Great work buyukbang continues my friend.

21-07-2010, 08:05 PM
Dont keep going offtopic.

This is Priority Manager 1.7 Topic not opensat

26-07-2010, 05:17 PM
Buyukbang, about kill-tv option, can you add a feature so when we stop watching movies and return to tv mode, we can add a running script so i can update EPG, like the sleep option in settings.

The reason is when we kill tv , the epg data from the plugins disapears and its needed to be reloaded when we return to TV mode, after watching a movie.

26-07-2010, 06:38 PM
I'll add this i v1.8 . So you'll be able to run any command after all tv reloads.

For a workaround solution until v1.8 is released, you can add all your commands at the end of /PLUGINS/PriorityManager/reload_tv.sh script.

31-07-2010, 04:27 PM
buyukbang, to correctly activate "movie mode" (movie & browser), I need to follow these steps:

1) first go to PM at Plugins;
2) click on activate/reactivate button;
3) click on restart button;
4) then click on "movie & browser" button at the menu;
5) again click on activate/reactivate button;
6) and again click on restart button;
7) now reboot the azbox;

Is this correct, or I'm doing something that doesn't need to be done? The movies are working flawless, but I would like to know if I'm doing all correct. Thanks!

31-07-2010, 05:57 PM
I want to report a bug with PM 1.7.

Using this plugin with CheopsCas (cheopscamd 1.0), the zapping between channels are extremely slow (changing channels and scrolling on the channel menu). I deleted PM 1.7 and the zapping speed came back to normal.

Can this bug be fixed? Thanks!

31-07-2010, 10:27 PM
Nope, wrong mate You are doing some unnecessary steps.

2 is needed only once. Never redo this again. Not needed.
3,5,6,7 are not needed.

Just click on "movie & browser" button and then watch your movie.

I'm using KILL_TV_EMU=1 and recommend this option. So even clicking on "movie & browser" button is not needed with this option, it's automatically done.




buyukbang, to correctly activate "movie mode" (movie & browser), I need to follow these steps:

1) first go to PM at Plugins;
2) click on activate/reactivate button;
3) click on restart button;
4) then click on "movie & browser" button at the menu;
5) again click on activate/reactivate button;
6) and again click on restart button;
7) now reboot the azbox;

Is this correct, or I'm doing something that doesn't need to be done? The movies are working flawless, but I would like to know if I'm doing all correct. Thanks!

31-07-2010, 10:34 PM
I never used cheops but I think we can make its performance better. Could you please test as below and say me the best result:

1-install and active PM 1.7
2- Open TV menu with cheops.
3- Go to telnet and give below commands in row, and after each command test channel switch speed:

a) snice cheops_module -10

b) snice cheops_module -1

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 2

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 4

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 6

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 8

I want to report a bug with PM 1.7.

Using this plugin with CheopsCas (cheopscamd 1.0), the zapping between channels are extremely slow (changing channels and scrolling on the channel menu). I deleted PM 1.7 and the zapping speed came back to normal.

Can this bug be fixed? Thanks!

01-08-2010, 03:46 PM
Hi buyukbang,

Today I have been testing PM v1.7.
I got following problem: After using "Movie an Browser" button to kill TV and Emu, when went back to TV, i got black screen and cannot watch TV.
(Same if I use =1 option in PriorityManagerSettings.txt)
TV and EMU applications were not automatically restarted after switching back to TV menu as is stated in the help/doc.
Only option was to reboot whole receiver.

Please let me know what is the problem? Am I doing something wrong?

The FW I am using is 4890.

Yr help is appreciated.

01-08-2010, 04:18 PM
I didn't tried with 4890 but with the latest two firmwares there is no problem. May be something was different in 4890, i don't know. Suggest you to upgrade to the latest firmware and try again.

Hi buyukbang,

Today I have been testing PM v1.7.
I got following problem: After using "Movie an Browser" button to kill TV and Emu, when went back to TV, i got black screen and cannot watch TV.
(Same if I use =1 option in PriorityManagerSettings.txt)
TV and EMU applications were not automatically restarted after switching back to TV menu as is stated in the help/doc.
Only option was to reboot whole receiver.

Please let me know what is the problem? Am I doing something wrong?

The FW I am using is 4890.

Yr help is appreciated.

01-08-2010, 08:01 PM
I never used cheops but I think we can make its performance better. Could you please test as below and say me the best result:

1-install and active PM 1.7
2- Open TV menu with cheops.
3- Go to telnet and give below commands in row, and after each command test channel switch speed:

a) snice cheops_module -10

b) snice cheops_module -1

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 2

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 4

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 6

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 8

I love you buyukbang!! Thanks!

My test results are these ones:

Fast speeds:
1 = slow
2 = reasonable speed
3 = good speed
4 = very good speed
5 = excelent speed

a) snice cheops_module -10

R: Fast speed: 1

b) snice cheops_module -1

R: Fast speed: 3

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 2

R: Fast speed: 5

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 4

R: Fast speed: 4

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 6

R: Fast speed: 5

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 8

R: Fast speed: 5


I tested all these commands twice, and honestly, it's very hard to see any speed difference between c), d), e) and f). But I think I will choose option c).

Thank you buyukbang for your excelent work!

And thanks for the tip to activate KILL_TV_EMU=1! \o/

01-08-2010, 09:29 PM
You are welcome !

I'll add below command to v1.8:

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 2

I love you buyukbang!! Thanks!

My test results are these ones:

Fast speeds:
1 = slow
2 = reasonable speed
3 = good speed
4 = very good speed
5 = excelent speed

a) snice cheops_module -10

R: Fast speed: 1

b) snice cheops_module -1

R: Fast speed: 3

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 2

R: Fast speed: 5

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 4

R: Fast speed: 4

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 6

R: Fast speed: 5

snice STOP cheops_module
snice cheops_module 8

R: Fast speed: 5


I tested all these commands twice, and honestly, it's very hard to see any speed difference between c), d), e) and f). But I think I will choose option c).

Thank you buyukbang for your excelent work!

And thanks for the tip to activate KILL_TV_EMU=1! \o/

08-08-2010, 12:13 PM
I also want to repport a bug, maybe not a bug but something is not going OK. I watch MTV Dance with MTV Unlimited card in a conax CAM after watching for a few seconds the reciver becomes VERY slow, response form IR takes ~15 seconds. So it's something like what is described for Cheops, however I never lose the picture (very often when not using PM1.7 I get the message "CI-Initilize" and then decryption stops and I need to switch to other channel and then back for it to clear).

In the CI setting it is set priorty CI-play, if this helps I dont know..

Great work by the way!

Best regards!

08-08-2010, 12:54 PM
Can you send me before and after the problem logs for ps and top -n1 commands via PM. Since I never used a card on azbox I don't exactly know which processes handles the card. These logs may help me to understand.

I also want to repport a bug, maybe not a bug but something is not going OK. I watch MTV Dance with MTV Unlimited card in a conax CAM after watching for a few seconds the reciver becomes VERY slow, response form IR takes ~15 seconds. So it's something like what is described for Cheops, however I never lose the picture (very often when not using PM1.7 I get the message "CI-Initilize" and then decryption stops and I need to switch to other channel and then back for it to clear).

In the CI setting it is set priorty CI-play, if this helps I dont know..

Great work by the way!

Best regards!

10-08-2010, 11:50 PM
I have just upgraded to latest firmware and now I can't reproduce the bug.

Thanks for your support!

11-08-2010, 06:28 AM
Thanks for the report!

I have just upgraded to latest firmware and now I can't reproduce the bug.

Thanks for your support!

11-08-2010, 10:50 AM
I'm also using the latest SW and with the Priority Manager 1.7, the box reacts very very slow, especially the zapping is really annoying. I don't know the reason for this, I checked the PM settings which seem to be alright, so unfortunately I had to deactivate the plugin.

11-08-2010, 12:03 PM
Check this :

There is a problem with CRTVCore application that comes with firmware since 6-7 firmwares. This is without PM case and it occurs randomly. May be this is your problem? If not may be you 've a specific case and the root cause needs to be identified.

I'm also using the latest SW and with the Priority Manager 1.7, the box reacts very very slow, especially the zapping is really annoying. I don't know the reason for this, I checked the PM settings which seem to be alright, so unfortunately I had to deactivate the plugin.

11-08-2010, 07:52 PM
You are right, buyukbank. The problem is related indeed with populating the EPG data on some channels, although I use no EPG plugin. Since I deactivated the Priority Manager, the box reacts normal again and switching is really fast most of the time, although with the Time Shift activated it slows down significantly.

I need to say that after I installed SW 5006, a rescanned all the satellites, so I have a fresh channel list, as the old list was unusable with this SW (got all the time the "Problem occured. Please reboot box"-message).

11-08-2010, 08:33 PM
i've been testing KGD firmware, but i gotta say buyukbang your script is so simple to setup and i get great performance with tv+emu kill.

i will stick with yours.

12-08-2010, 05:22 PM
i'm presently using the KDG as its the first version that allows to record HD via Multicas cccam client to USB HDD on my elite box.

12-08-2010, 06:01 PM
Channel hopping with PM slows to unusable with firmware 9.5006.

PM 1.7 OFF everything good again with menu speed.

12-08-2010, 09:27 PM
OK, I'll test and review TV channel switch.

Channel hopping with PM slows to unusable with firmware 9.5006.

PM 1.7 OFF everything good again with menu speed.

15-08-2010, 05:38 PM
Status report for new version. I need beta testers, please PM me...

NEW: Optimizations for TV channel browser, TV channel switch speed and recording.

NEW: Added LEFT_SHIFT, TOP_SHIFT and RATIO parameters to PriorityManagerSettings.txt. Now
users that have problems with Priority Manager screen size on their TV's can easily adjust
size with this setting file.

NEW: Added RUN_AFTER_RETURN_FROM_KILL option to PriorityManagerSettings.txt. Now you can
define your epg plugin script to be run when switching back to TV mode after TV and EMU
killed by KILL_TV_EMU option.

NEW: More DOM speed improvement with DOM_SPEED=1 setting.

NEW: If you put your hosts file and/or .profile file under /DISK2, original files will be replaced
with them automatically by Priority Manager at the startup (Normally these files are always
restored by the firmware). So you can define your own host redirections and profile settings
(e.g. aliases).

NEW: Added support for automatically pausing OSCam DVB API when Azbox sleeps (OSCam works
as server mode only) and resuming it again when Azbox wakes up (OSCam works as client &
server mode). This provides more system resources for applications running while Azbox is
sleeping and also a small amount of power saving.
You can find more information about in below do***ent ( search the word pauseoscam ):

FIX: Sometimes TV and EMU does not restart after switching back to TV mode when
KILL_TV_EMU option is activated.

FIX: Performance fix for Cheops EMU.

15-08-2010, 05:49 PM
I added an option to run any program/script after reloading TV and EMU. I want to set its default as your EPG plugin script in settings file. Can anyone please say me what is the right command to reload EPG plugin ?

hi, the plugin is great, and works very well, but..

I have the EPG Plugin working and by restarting TV mode the EPG goes away. There is anyway to run the epgPlugins, ou its script when the TV mode restarts?

hi, i think the solution is simple, is to add a file for us to inser our scripts for tv.

The EPG runs fine but after geting out of the movie mode and entering in the TV mode, the epg that was in memory goes away , and i have to run manualy the script to update the EPG again.

If you could point the epg script somewere, so when we enter again in TV mode the script runs automatic and updates the EPG data Again.

Im using Portuguese EPG, if you can test it i can send you the files.

Buyukbang, about kill-tv option, can you add a feature so when we stop watching movies and return to tv mode, we can add a running script so i can update EPG, like the sleep option in settings.

The reason is when we kill tv , the epg data from the plugins disapears and its needed to be reloaded when we return to TV mode, after watching a movie.

I'll add this i v1.8 . So you'll be able to run any command after all tv reloads.

For a workaround solution until v1.8 is released, you can add all your commands at the end of /PLUGINS/PriorityManager/reload_tv.sh script.

27-08-2010, 11:09 PM
hello when we launched the version 1.8?

thanks buyukbang

14-01-2011, 08:04 AM
i would like to know this too :)

14-01-2011, 08:33 PM
Guys, you need to look a bit harder!
