View Full Version : How do i setup VU+ as server & DB800 as Client

19-07-2010, 07:11 AM
Hello lovely people

so as the title say's i have both connected the VU+ wireless and the DB wired i've got the VU+ port forwaded but i want to use it as a server and the 800 as a Client.

it seems the the problem is that i also need to forward the DB's port and you cant have the same ports forwarded twice.

the only way i've managed to do it is to enable the VU with just F lines and the DB with just C lines, it works but this is not ideal for me.

never having run a dedicated server i dont know, better still if someone knows the correct procedure, please let me on in it :ack2:

thankds & regards: canthackit

19-07-2010, 07:32 AM
Port forwarding is only needed when serving outside your home network. When both are connected on the same switch or router, port forwarding is not needed. If problem (client not connecting: look at network security and rules regarding these. Don't use DHCP but static IP's. CCCam or something else?
F-line on server, let server know who's allowed on.
C-line on client, let client know who's server and how to log in.

it works but this is not ideal for me can you enlighten some more on this?

19-07-2010, 12:10 PM
Hi Giga

well what i meant was i was hoping to be able to use both boxes as Clients as well as the VU+ being the server

so what i wanted was:
VU+ as Server/Client
DB800 as Client

as i say i cant get this method to work, now i think it won't ;)

regards: canthackit

19-07-2010, 12:54 PM
What you want is very easy m8

You already have the Vu + Duo working as a server, now if you want both as clients you just put your C lines into the box as you see fit.

No need to open any more ports as you do not need to when you are just a client.
Of course you can not use the same C line in each box.

Personally for stability I would suggest your server was the wired box and the client the wireless.

19-07-2010, 01:00 PM
print cfg file on paper, take a seat and read it, all is do***ented inside. If you don't share your viewing card outside, you don't need port forwarding.

19-07-2010, 02:31 PM

that's the operative phrase.... "Of course you cannot use the same C line in each box"

that's why there's problems i am.

so what i've got to do then is contact my peers and ask for a 2nd C line?

regards: canthackit

19-07-2010, 02:39 PM
A second line should not be needed, as long as you have reshare then there will be no delay from the server to the client on a home network.

19-07-2010, 03:26 PM
Hello mate :party:

i stil have the problem then, i can only have one device with a C line as if i use it on the VU i cant get anything on the DB and vice versa.

i do have the ports open for the VU+ pointing to> selected both protocols TCP/UDP.

atm moment i watching Eurica on the DB @ 1 hop, but if i also open the C lines on the VU it'll disable the DB800's lines.

hope i'm making myself clear :ack2:

regards: canthackit

19-07-2010, 03:35 PM
I know you have your server set up just fine so we need to set up the client.

In your CCcam.cfg all you really need is an C line from your Vu + Duo
So C line will be

C: DM800 DM800 no { 0:0:5 }

F line in your Vu + Duo will be

F: DM800 DM800 5 1 1 { 0:0:1 } { } { }

This means the 800 will get cards at 5 hops away, share emu's, send emms and will get any available shares on your server but can not re share them.

20-07-2010, 05:05 AM
sorry for the delay in getting back, had to go out at short notice.

so back to the plot, did everything as in the example, nothing connecting on the Client and no Client showing on the server.

i've tried changing the C line ip from the local to my domain name that made no difference.

i've got the F line on the server as******** F: DM800 DM800 5 1 1 { 0:0:1 } { } { }

and the C line on the Client as************ C: DB800 DB800 no { 0:0:5 }

as i say i've even tried changing the C line to my domain.

i cant beleive i'm having so much trouble over something so simple...........then again i am canthackit.

regards: nevergonnahackit

20-07-2010, 05:47 AM
i've got the F line on the server as******** F: DM800 DM800 5 1 1 { 0:0:1 } { } { }

and the C line on the Client as************ C: DB800 DB800 no { 0:0:5 }

Think you mixed up IP addresses
In F line IP address on the end is the only allowed client from that computer for that user.
If Client is on the IP address mentioned in F line on server, the IP address in the C line on client cannot be the same, this should be the IP address of the server


F: DM800 DM800 5 1 1 { 0:0:1 } { } { }
C: DM800 DM800 no { 0:0:5 }

Other one just noticed: C line has port number missing, this is the one set in the server cccam.cfg: SERVER LISTEN PORT : 12000

C line build up:
address server
listen port server
user name

C: 12000 DM800 DM800 no { 0:0:5 }
if both, server & client, are on different computers

20-07-2010, 07:25 AM
OK thanks guy's

got it working as it should be, thanks Giga you spotted where it went wrong.

@ Sonic1

shame on you sending me wrong, i thought there was something wrong on your version and i did try entering the port number, unfortuantely i entered the wrong one anyway :smilielol5:

anyways i do appriciate your help only joshing you:bravo-009:

thanks & regards: canthackit