View Full Version : urgent spider question ..

20-07-2010, 04:19 PM
does any m8 know what will happen say after 3 months or say 12 months re the free gift and expire date!!!!
i mean will the spider box end!!!! will there be another free gift,, or will there be a = ££££ extention.....
i guess if someone is spending £180 ishhh its a fair enough question > tnks

20-07-2010, 04:43 PM
the gift is supposed to last 12 months,so far had my spider since may
so allready had my pennies worth out of this box,compare the price for the spider to what a legit 12 months subs will cost you. far more than £180
as with everything thing sat related you pays your money and take a gamble
if it all went off tommorow i still have a box that is hd,works with diablo cam and even my old trusty gold and funcards work.so if worried dont buy it
simple as that really but as i said allready paid for itself in my oppinion

20-07-2010, 07:48 PM
Mister-T,Well said.I have mine since January and if it died tomorrow I still feel I have my moneys worth. If the sponsors say the Gift will last twelve months from the date of purchase, why do members douth them? TMULL

20-07-2010, 08:29 PM
have to agree with the last 2 posters here

it pays for itself in 12 months , after that you sort your own stuff out , or see if you can extend the "gift" , or whatever , in 12 months things will have changed , so dont expect a lifetime guarantee , cos there isnt one

no matter what happens you will still have a working fta box that can handle HD and SD broadcasts , will accept a white card , and can use N and C lines

buy a new car with 1 years free insurance , and after a year its down to you what you do and where you go to keep it going , never mind a years tax , so after 1 year its all up to the owner no matter what you buy , a kettle , a toaster , a fridge-freezer , a washing machine

you name it , and most items will run out after a year , including your technomate 6000 series sat box ! (which cost more money and doesnt open as many channels from day 1)

20-07-2010, 09:54 PM
the spiderbox people will tell after 12 month you have had your moneys worth but me i try not to buy something whats got 12 months life, you have got Cccam so really the gift is not everthing its like everything m8 MONEY but saying that it is a good little box thanks

20-07-2010, 10:28 PM
After 12 month if the gift is to be extended I would
think there would be a charge thats life people have to
make money to keep the service going. I have some good
c lines with friend but we still have to club together for the cards
not much in life comes free. The box is brill I now have a good understanding
of what is avalable worth every £:respect-055:


20-07-2010, 10:46 PM
haw i says even before the Woord do not finished in 2010..I knew finish in 2012.lol

many Options will be avalble i do not think is any ways to wory...

Just to add somethink the Sponsor offfer Gift Free ..But Not Service+

The Service + is another Gift is more then 3 Months Runing...

D+ SD and HD = £1000 Package
MEO MPEG4 and HD £ 900 package
CABO SD and HD £ 1000 Package
Digitalb SD £200 packge
Supersport £250 package

TOTAL= £ 3.350 Totally FREE ,,,,

This was another Bonus people need to Apresiate...

Your Pay
£180 box

12 months Service + and GITFT more then £10.000 packages

Any one done the real Figers !?

But what next....you have left Option to have it again and best STB in Market CCcam and Necamd and other options ...
I do not really who can offer More !

20-07-2010, 11:51 PM
does any m8 know what will happen say after 3 months or say 12 months re the free gift and expire date!!!!
i mean will the spider box end!!!! will there be another free gift,, or will there be a = ££££ extention.....
i guess if someone is spending £180 ishhh its a fair enough question > tnks

URGENT...you said urgent question?...how urgent is something that will happen in 3, 4 or 12 months time????
Anyway, posts 2 and 3 have the perfect answers. No more to add.:coolgleamA:

21-07-2010, 12:19 AM
Can I just add that even if GIFT did not exist this box would still be worth £199 simply because it is an amazing box that delivers amazing HD pictures and the ability to connect via cccam.

Just my opinion.


21-07-2010, 01:17 AM
emmm well i had my techo 1500 for years and most techos last years and years!!!( techo 6800hd right now)... i am tempted re a spider ,, but i guess something is still holding me back!! the latest is my v box drives my motor dish lnb goes into back of my techo ,, but i read that the vbox may not drive the motor dish with a spider !!!!!!!!

21-07-2010, 08:55 AM
dont know if spider drives v-box as i dont have one,but do have a tm6800hd super and to be honest theres no comparision,tm was good but now it has
been left behind now i know it has ssp and can use cliquer which i have used on tm for 1w and ssp for bulsat but things move on,if i had to list every
reciever card and cam i have ever brought would be here all day.technology
changes every day,if your happy with tm then dont buy spider,if what everyone who has spider and posted of what it can do and how impressed they are with it and you still have doubts then dont buy one simple as that really

21-07-2010, 09:29 AM
emmm well i had my techo 1500 for years and most techos last years and years!!!( techo 6800hd right now)... i am tempted re a spider ,, but i guess something is still holding me back!! the latest is my v box drives my motor dish lnb goes into back of my techo ,, but i read that the vbox may not drive the motor dish with a spider !!!!!!!!

I still own and use my techno 1500 as well , and use tmsoftcams , but I did not receive any gift with it and neither did you

you also did not receive any gifts with your techno 6800 box either , and the tm6800 cost more money than a spiderbox does when new

so if we are talking about longevity , there is no reason to doubt that a spiderbox may last you years and years and years as well as your technos

but your question was in relation to the "extras" , like say patches , gifts and softcams , and those could stop tomorrow on any box , even your technos or cams , never mind a spider

so yes the spiderbox may outlive both of your technos , and also gives you more channels than your technos , and is less than you paid for the tm6800 box you own which didnt have any gifts when you bought it and still doesnt

the spider gift may last 12 months , maybe longer , or be renewable , nobody knows the future ! definitely not you !

the softcams are likely to continue on all boxes but I suspect they will open less and less on both the technos and the spiderbox , and any other boxes too

the fta channels will go on for years and years regardless

if the box was free and you had to pay £190 per year for the channels it still would be a good deal

time was when a multi cam like the diablo or super trex , plus programmer , and cards , could come to well over £100 on their own , probably more like £150 , and not open as much or do as much

perhaps if you looked at it as getting the box for free and paying £190 per year to open the channels you may have more of an idea what you are talking about

but to base your buying on a "gift" is not something you have done before and should not do now , as its the best value for money HD satellite receiver on the market at the moment , and possibly the cheapest when you consider its abilities and inbuilt technology , and support , and the ability of using newcamd and/or cccam should never be overlooked and is probably not available to you on your techno 1500 or your techno 6800

if you want the box , buy it , if not then dont buy it , its that simple , and is the reasons you bought your previous boxes so you arent doing anything different then before

does any m8 know what will happen say after 3 months or say 12 months re the free gift and expire date!!!!
i mean will the spider box end!!!! will there be another free gift,, or will there be a = ££££ extention.....
i guess if someone is spending £180 ishhh its a fair enough question > tnks

no its not a fair question , as your previous boxes had no gifts with them when you bought them , and your techno 6800 cost more money then the spider does

the gift is an added bonus , not the be all and end all

as for the spiderbox , its diseqc same as your technos , and I would assume it will drive a vbox just the same way as a techno does

21-07-2010, 09:59 AM
one thing ppl forget here is the possibility to run CCcam or Newcamd on this box.

I have my self 6 cards here, i run a linux server localy with the cards i like to have and the pakages i like to always have as guaranted. For me was easy i orderd a Spiderbox from Darkman sometime back, got the box without gift , box arrived to me, connected the box to my router , made my self connection to my local server and voila all has been up an running since January i think.

This box can be used with no Gift or Service+ , but if you add the extra money to Gift ++++ then you will get much more, i eventualy did add the Gift and Service + after some weeks, and i must say that this is the only time i can say that this money was WORTH SPENDING IT.

What will happen in 12 months or 2 years or 2 days no one knows, but we know what this box can ofer and what it can do, til now i have converted more of my mates to buy this box, you can both use CCcam as client and you can share your card with Newcamd localy or via wan for those that need that, and not to forget this box is HD too. Now go out in the market and find me a box with so many possibilities and so cheap and let me know.

21-07-2010, 10:09 AM
As for the V-box part of the question,as I had my Tecnomate 6900 long before I had my spiderbox I left the Tecno driving my dish and just connected the Spiderbox to where I had my Humax iCord connected and the system works great. And as Compass is on here just a quick thank you for all your input and help over the years. TMULL

21-07-2010, 12:35 PM
WOW!!!! All i said was will £190 ... for the box be ok in 12 months time ,, i didnt expect to be hit for 6 by saying , that comon!!!!!!
Also my v box drives my dish not my techomate..
so cant understand why the v box cant still drive the dish and just remove the lnb from the techomate into a spider.

21-07-2010, 12:42 PM
it will have a 12 month warranty on it , same as all products , so you get 12 months and after that nobody knows what will happen to the box or the gift
( you concentrated on the gift , not the box , hence some of the direct replies)

it may last 10 years for your £190 , if you look at it the same as your other boxes , or as long as they have , as far as the actual box is concerned

the gift is a completely different issue that you raised and so had your fingers burned , quite rightly so IMHO

as far as the vbox goes , obviously you can use the vbox to drive the motor , and just connect the spider instead of the tm
( or loop out of the tm and place the tm on standby , or fit a twin or quad lnb and feed all the boxes )

I think the devil is in the detail , and that detail is where you input the vbox codes into the diseqc , so that when you choose say 28e on the box , it tells the vbox to go to the correct position number , so if say astra2 is on position 4 , the diseqc box is set to tell the vbox to go to position 4

that is different than using the vbox remote to drive the dish directly from the vbox

so basically the vbox can be operated in 2 different ways , either by diseqc commands , or by using the vbox remote or buttons

21-07-2010, 01:11 PM
tnks for reply ,, just wanted to say i have 20 sat birds installed on my v box,,, so as a example lets say i want to move my motor dish to serius i would input number 15 and enter .. the dish then moves,,,,, i had to assume with the LNB in the spider AND GO TO THE SAT MENU AND HIT SERIUS IT WOULD THEN CLEAR! channels!( subject to things that clear)

21-07-2010, 01:17 PM
you should be able to program your techno to tell the vbox to go to 15 and get sirius

and if you can do that with the techno , I would think you can also do the same with a spider

in other words you should not have to use the vbox remote if you have programmed the techno correctly , and the same would also apply to the spider , if programmed correctly , as any diseqc box should be able to tell the vbox where to go , once you have programmed it

so any remarks you see on using a spider with a vbox will be the translation of diseqc into position numbers , and they wont be using the vbox remote at all , unlike you

21-07-2010, 02:38 PM
emmm well i had my techo 1500 for years and most techos last years and years!!!( techo 6800hd right now)... i am tempted re a spider ,, but i guess something is still holding me back!! the latest is my v box drives my motor dish lnb goes into back of my techo ,, but i read that the vbox may not drive the motor dish with a spider !!!!!!!!


That's not true ,.,..Spiderbox has best drivers naw about Vbox ...even satellite have got names and numbers by propouse to reconice all that system..Check to the latest sofwares...

21-07-2010, 02:49 PM
one thing ppl forget here is the possibility to run CCcam or Newcamd on this box.

I have my self 6 cards here, i run a linux server localy with the cards i like to have and the pakages i like to always have as guaranted. For me was easy i orderd a Spiderbox from Darkman sometime back, got the box without gift , box arrived to me, connected the box to my router , made my self connection to my local server and voila all has been up an running since January i think.

This box can be used with no Gift or Service+ , but if you add the extra money to Gift ++++ then you will get much more, i eventualy did add the Gift and Service + after some weeks, and i must say that this is the only time i can say that this money was WORTH SPENDING IT.

What will happen in 12 months or 2 years or 2 days no one knows, but we know what this box can ofer and what it can do, til now i have converted more of my mates to buy this box, you can both use CCcam as client and you can share your card with Newcamd localy or via wan for those that need that, and not to forget this box is HD too. Now go out in the market and find me a box with so many possibilities and so cheap and let me know.

Totally Agree 100%

Just need to add some think very iportend for users and satellite shene...

Spiderbox is The fist box in mrket HD to be MASTER SERVER....and to do some Cards most boxex can not do..

In satellite shene Server Master stb HD we had only Dreambox after that wich !?

we had Same CPU Vu+

This are Linux ....

But we see in fist time in sat shene NON linux STB ( east to use ,very freindly )To be SERVER MASTER ...that TABU is been broke from SPIDERBOX HD...

Spiderbox not is the fist box done that is even Leader throught Linux boxex to they stll have dificulties to have opetion to be server like Dgstation ABipbox -Cuberevo or Azbox much mor etine then spider come in Life ,,,they still have this difiluties to come with this OPTIONS..

Did any one think about IT...
Spider was real New generation STB...

21-07-2010, 04:09 PM
emmm well i had my techo 1500 for years and most techos last years and years!!!( techo 6800hd right now)... i am tempted re a spider ,, but i guess something is still holding me back!! the latest is my v box drives my motor dish lnb goes into back of my techo ,, but i read that the vbox may not drive the motor dish with a spider !!!!!!!!

I am using Vbox with Spider and it works very well. I understand that USALS can't work with VBox but that's not a problem. I just used my old Humax 2000 and worked out all satellite positions on the VBox and then transferred receivers and drove the dish to the correct position. Easy peasy!

21-07-2010, 06:05 PM
I am using Vbox with Spider and it works very well. I understand that USALS can't work with VBox but that's not a problem. I just used my old Humax 2000 and worked out all satellite positions on the VBox and then transferred receivers and drove the dish to the correct position. Easy peasy!

well doug , there you have it right from another vbox user , who has sorted his sat box to drive his vbox , from his old humax and also from his new spider

so it can be done both ways

as for the differences between techno and spider , I finally tracked down the spec of comparisons from darkman himself


WHy TM like to compare all their business with SPIDERBOX !?

Because Spiderbox is TOP QUALITY...thats for sure

But how can compare very old boxes with conexant CPU very very cheap now with a New Generation Spiderbox !?

TM has conexant chipset , very OLD one ..

SpiderBox has STI new chipset 7101 AND NEXT ONE STI 7111.

Spiderbox do not need any Terrestrial Options all channels in terrestrial are on satellite ...so useless

This old thing useless now...T2 is different , TM has no T2....only useless T...
T= 5 dollars ...can be add in spiderbox any time ...but we are not here to advertise box putting inside useless think like TM do always.

Second , - Spiderbox has Better OPTIONS

1.Server Master with new camd to newcamd and to Cccam too

TM do not have that and that is priority TOP Quality s/w.

Client and in CCcam and newcam 2.13.-.2.14

TM do not have that quality in CCcam even to their linux Box imagine their non Linux boxes old style .

Home streaming from PC to TV

TM do not have that Option.

HOME Net 1 card to 9 stb

TM do not have that.

Blind scan much better than TM and many other Options .

Service +
Tm do not have that.

Neovo stream - Gift

Tm do not have that.


TM dream those to have it...and come in this section to show their self is still a life ..lol

TM all 6000 series can never compete with SPIDERBOX forget it/....TM and other who following TM


some spelling errors amended so it is clearer what the differences are

23-07-2010, 09:28 PM
To You all,

Over the years i have had many different satellite boxes, some good, some bad, and spent a fortune on cards/cams/season,

Big Arguments with my wife,

But who cares The Spider box is great

If it goes belly up tomorrow.... it wont stop me from buying another box that comes along, may cause a small argument AGAIN, BUT THATS LIFE



ps, Its a game and i enjoy it ,

Thanks to the Spiderteam

23-07-2010, 09:38 PM
Spiderbox 9000 drives a V box perfectly have installed two with V boxes and they work fine you may need to restore postions as the Technomate and Spiderbox do not seem to have the same numbers as the first one I did had a technomate 6900:king-041:

24-07-2010, 08:15 PM
1.RE MY TECHO LETS SAY I WANT TO VIEW HOTBIRD...ok i click on number 16 on my vbox and hotbird is stored there ,, the dish moves... i switch on my techomate look on the sat menu for hotbird and bingo a channel shows....(LNB SOCKET IS IN THE SLOT AT THE BACK OF THE TECHO
so!!!!********> does not the spider work the same.... go to vbox so motor is on hotbird and put LNB in spider ,,,and look for the sat bird hotbird on the spider!!!

24-07-2010, 08:25 PM
1.RE MY TECHO LETS SAY I WANT TO VIEW HOTBIRD...ok i click on number 16 on my vbox and hotbird is stored there ,, the dish moves... i switch on my techomate look on the sat menu for hotbird and bingo a channel shows....(LNB SOCKET IS IN THE SLOT AT THE BACK OF THE TECHO
so!!!!********> does not the spider work the same.... go to vbox so motor is on hotbird and put LNB in spider ,,,and look for the sat bird hotbird on the spider!!!

yes you can do it that way , although most members wouldnt as they would set the sat box to tell the vbox where to send the motor

but if you wanted to drive the vbox using its own remote , and then view the chosen satellite , thats your choice to make

but when you commented about seeing others having problems , their problems would be in making the spiderbox talk to the vbox

25-07-2010, 05:15 PM
emmm well i had my techo 1500 for years and most techos last years and years!!!( techo 6800hd right now)... i am tempted re a spider ,, but i guess something is still holding me back!! the latest is my v box drives my motor dish lnb goes into back of my techo ,, but i read that the vbox may not drive the motor dish with a spider !!!!!!!!

Using vbox with spider. Its ok:applause-003: