View Full Version : http authentication

20-07-2010, 11:25 PM
Hello guys
How can I make my vu duo secure by preventing anyone logging into the box ? Like setting up a username and password.

20-07-2010, 11:46 PM
thats controlled by to units password

login = root

password = whatever it might be

to change your default password, you need to telnet the unit, and type passwd
(not password)
then type whatever password you want to have, note, that no text will be seen
then when asked, repeat the new passsword
its then secure
you will need to open the port to 80 or what ever port setting you choose
I would be inclined not to use 80 but perhaps 86 or what ever,..and also make sure you also set this on the unit
fixed ip or mac key tied, on the router
