View Full Version : Azbox HD - 0.9.4991

21-07-2010, 10:39 PM
Azbox HD - 0.9.4991

fixed udp stream feature | improved recording process | improved multimedia playback | fixed hang when playing mkv with dts tracks


21-07-2010, 11:01 PM
Hmmmm.......Are they still alive? And i see a big list of improvements and features as always:respect-014:

At least they still breathe

21-07-2010, 11:09 PM
well 33 days for this ?
FINALLY new firmware.
at least i hope no new bugs appear!!
if 1080p + DTS is fixed....its worth the 33 days.......we'll see.

i just hope priority script 1.7 doesn't interfere????

21-07-2010, 11:32 PM
Initial brief trial DTS seems to work with no freeze on a part of movie that used to, but when I went back to TV and changed channels there was no signal and locked up. Had to reboot.

This was without Priority manager installed.

Will test more tomorrow.

22-07-2010, 12:02 AM
DTS sound drop problem is not fixed, not even close to solve the problem. Opensat is just full off liars.

22-07-2010, 12:09 AM
There will have to hope to Enigma because Opensat not think we have none.

22-07-2010, 12:12 AM
Are there any improvements worth upgrading for?

22-07-2010, 12:16 AM
i'm gonna test this with priority 1.7 ... if at least is not the same performance...back to previous one.

22-07-2010, 01:21 AM
I wish no new bugs, not more...

BTW wrong thanks button :)

Are there any improvements worth upgrading for?

22-07-2010, 01:43 AM
box menu navigation and zapping is way way faster. (compatible with priority script 1.7)

this firmware plus priority script 1.7 i can now play bird killa sample with DTS pretty well. without glitches or freezing.

i don't see new bugs...so...i'm gonna keep this, box navigation is really fast.

Dig Deep
22-07-2010, 07:27 AM
Every small step is worth a test

22-07-2010, 08:48 AM
Firmware 0.9.4991 :(((

We found an alleged bug in EPG module. It affects firmware revisions from 0.9.48xx and higher. In a combination of long title with cyrillic symbols, the STB freezes. There are complaints of consumers of Hellas 39E Bul-Sat-Com of Bulgaria and those of Russia. If you change the current date, so that no EPG, everything works fine.:beatdeadhorse5:

22-07-2010, 12:48 PM
few times there were sound problems and had to reboot the box.
have not noticed any other changes from the previous fw so far.

22-07-2010, 01:02 PM
i dont think its faster or anything
tried i TV and movie
will try recording later and c...

22-07-2010, 01:06 PM
So does epg work with this version or not ,has anyone a definatine answer?

22-07-2010, 01:32 PM
Yes, EPG is working well with this firm. Allready the next program in EPG now appears, if you change the channel.

22-07-2010, 01:39 PM
There is problems only with the cyrilic EPG as @fen reported earlier. The DTS issue is still there and my personal opinion is that there is no single sign of speed improvements or what so ever...

22-07-2010, 02:00 PM
plugin EPG also works!!!! :)

azopen epg :)

edit: no, not working.
loads all info, but it worn "inject" epg ... :\

it says over 2000 entry's and finishes..but nothing shows in EPG data.
maybe new version of epg plugin will make this work?

22-07-2010, 03:27 PM
Yes, yes, yes.... EPG it is working. Not the last version but the azopen epg 1.6a version it is working. Im running some more tests but it load the data to TVGUIDE.

I think they must only change something in the last 1.7 version to run ok. I think OPENSAT or have fixed the sdk or they returned to sdk 0.2.

About DTS fix, in the oficial forum, they say that are waiting for the fix from the manufacturer SIGMA.

22-07-2010, 06:37 PM
In Fw 0.9.4991 youtube is broken. I'm not able to play the selected movie.

22-07-2010, 07:15 PM
Diseqc1.2 dish moving is much faster now.
Dish moves as soon as channel on a different satellite is selected, where previously it could take upto 10 seconds or more before the dish moved.

22-07-2010, 09:18 PM
La domande che mi pongo sono le seguenti:
- Opensat sa che esiste SVN et simila ???
la logica mi induce a pensare che ogni "Alchimista" (lo sviluppatore è un altra cosa) abbia il sorgente in una cartella personale e che passi le modifiche effettuate via pizzino agli altri; questo spiegherebbe come mai da una release all'altra saltano fuori bug risolti in precedenza
- I suddetti Alchimisti conoscono la fase chiamata "Alpha Test" ???
A questo punto credo che la risposta sia sempre negativa, perchè mi devono spiegare come fanno a rilasciare un changelog in cui parla di fix di un problema che in realtà ancora permane....
- Viste le premesse, possiamo aspettarci un fw 1.0 prima della pensione????
Ai posteri l'ardua sentenza.......

Del mio Az sono moderatamente soddisfatto, ma certo che prima di ridare soldi a questi signori ci penso 2000 volte....

Il mio malumore nasce dal fatto che dopo un mese di attesa rilasciano una porcata del genere.....

22-07-2010, 09:20 PM
even, more than a liar ! They are close to be bandits........ anyway, I'll keep the 4785 release till the Opensat will not have a valid and stable firmware, or someone else will prepare another one firm ;-)

22-07-2010, 11:22 PM
These Version only allows me to play back only existing recordings.
New pvr recordings just show error format not suppored
I think it has to do with a change once more in digisec 1.2. I do not see the one moment.. orange turning circle..

22-07-2010, 11:25 PM
and indeed you tube fails as well, what kind of qa department have they are they all on holiday...

22-07-2010, 11:56 PM
back to 9.4931 all ok PVR is now also fine with new recodings portugal only the sherry is ok. maybe the woman but technically it's prehistoric amd it will stay that way

23-07-2010, 08:03 AM
What was my wish....

This is what Opensat is...

And we all know how much their software development is horrible, I've even never seen a similar bad example in software world...

I wish no new bugs, not more...

Are there any improvements worth upgrading for?

In Fw 0.9.4991 youtube is broken. I'm not able to play the selected movie.

These Version only allows me to play back only existing recordings.
New pvr recordings just show error format not suppored
I think it has to do with a change once more in digisec 1.2. I do not see the one moment.. orange turning circle..

and indeed you tube fails as well, what kind of qa department have they are they all on holiday...

24-07-2010, 09:50 PM
Tested some more now, and agree with others...

Youtube not working.
DTS 1080p still no improvement..

Haven't tested recording yet, but will probably not work as others have reported.

The only improvement appears to be speed of navigating menus and channel list, changing channels.

I will probably go back to 4890.

24-07-2010, 10:55 PM
at this rate it will not be long before they stick to there name. closed ****. dumb and stupid company.:respect-050: never again will i buy. :rant::banghead:

25-07-2010, 08:37 AM
So much time had to wait, for such an great :9898: :respect-056:

opensat thank you very much for such a wonderful piece :9898::ack2:


25-07-2010, 09:19 AM
Too many reports about the menu/channell switch speed improvement, but my experience is just opposite. Channel switch was faster in previous firmwares.

Tested some more now, and agree with others...

The only improvement appears to be speed of navigating menus and channel list, changing channels.

25-07-2010, 11:21 AM
so recording doesnt work then or you tube not bad after 18 months must be a record(or not record as the case may be)

25-07-2010, 01:26 PM
Too many reports about the menu/channell switch speed improvement, but my experience is just opposite. Channel switch was faster in previous firmwares.

I agree with buyukbang. I think, the reason why switch speed 0.9.4991 is now slower is the EPG, which now works.

25-07-2010, 09:32 PM
This version corrupted my 1TB HDD :o15:

I was streaming an FTA channel and decided to go to settings menu, box asks if I want to shut streaming down, I agree. Box super hangs and upon reboot the box gets stuck on CHECKING, first I thought the DOM had been corrupted, I even hocked up the box up via serial/yamon but it wasn't until I unplugged the HDD I got the box booting.
After booting you can't hotplug the HDD either had to take it out and hock to PC.
Now I'm hoping I can save the stuff I had on the disk, the disk comes up as empty "no filesystem" anyone knows of a way to fix this?

Best regards and take care of your DATA.

25-07-2010, 11:55 PM
i think i'm keeping 0.9.4991
recording works ok azboxepg 1.6a and zapping is faster

the illuminati
28-07-2010, 08:05 PM
Tomorrow I'm going to get my eyes checked as nobody said anything about the
dam bad picture quality so its only me.

29-07-2010, 08:27 AM
Yes, do this. The picture quality on my box and TV is very good.

29-07-2010, 12:25 PM
Yes, do this. The picture quality on my box and TV is very good.

Azbox 1080i with hdmi on panasonic '42 plasma picture is very good on sd and hd channels.

30-07-2010, 08:27 AM
I thought the Azbox was 1080p not 1080i

30-07-2010, 09:25 AM
I thought the Azbox was 1080p not 1080i

Maybe his TV is 1080i... I have mine set to 1080p and it's fine (though it defaulted to 480i once with this firmware).

About the HDD failure I experienced I was able to retrive all files using hxxp://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download TestDisk, but I had to copy them to another disk. And then format the disk for the Az to recognise it fully.

30-07-2010, 02:03 PM
Maybe his TV is 1080i... I have mine set to 1080p and it's fine (though it defaulted to 480i once with this firmware).

About the HDD failure I experienced I was able to retrive all files using hxxp://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download TestDisk, but I had to copy them to another disk. And then format the disk for the Az to recognise it fully.

My tv has 1080p but on sd channels picture has less noise when I set tv and azbox on 1080i.

30-07-2010, 02:17 PM
Youtube is not working on any version at the moment, as Youtube have changed something, so this time we can't blame Openshat.