View Full Version : TM 800 Progect FAIL and lost the way!

22-07-2010, 03:52 AM
TM 800 project has Fail...

After been trying so Hard with very cheap CPU NXP ,,the TEAM of IT GATE Manufacture has FAIL...

Re : information of It gate :

All the Eng.(It gate) Back to Korea after working 3 month… and project is fail.. shipment,2K.. all q’ty ship-back ( hw-main board problem, smps problem, even sw didn’t success yet ) to Korea..

TM will look soon many for another project ALI chip is 50 dollars HD stb in China...actually this kind of stb selling all middle east market...

I hope not again their costumers will not be live down and use for experiments...

Like some one has says 9 months agou....

22-07-2010, 11:44 AM
wow give it up, bout time you stopped trollling, why isnt he banned? anyone else would be!

you critise people for going on spiderbox threads when they dont own one but your constant trollling of other brands is zzzzzzz.

Just give it a rest!


This is true Information form KOREA ...
For your info all Most of U dealers has send their Stock back TO Them...

The Members of this forum and other forums should know the truth or no !?

When i have says the truth more then 6 months agou no one beleve ,soon they will see that in Tehcnomate website...

22-07-2010, 11:47 AM
sales slowing down?

Even you traying the best for TM and weldone,the sales of somethink you meaning are going UP...thanks God thanks to Technomate do not know what they are doing...lol

22-07-2010, 11:16 PM
Well i am still thinking of getting one. got a couple of 600s and they are rock solid. Seen the 800 in action and its a very good piece of kit.


23-07-2010, 12:14 PM
Well i am still thinking of getting one. got a couple of 600s and they are rock solid. Seen the 800 in action and its a very good piece of kit.

Why DM bothers slagging them off all the time is beyond me. Looking at the kind of times he posts these things he must be losing sleep thinking about TM, lol.

There is no Any Slashing M8..

Is Just Information from It gate...who produce for them...

That's it...

TM has deaned what It gate says maybe..But not for So long...
If you read difent please some where they all ready .DEANED ...

After September can you Reminder this Post NOW ,what they will say :

New Models coming the BEST on the world maybe TM 800 super ...lol

Why People are so Naive ,or do if they do not understand ,why some one like to tell them the truth !

If is to laing here i do not need to put my user name DARKMAN here,was more simple could do that with Any other Guy ,then pouting my self it trouble if i laing !?

But because i do not laing is my reputation as well i have post here with my Name this news come to me from internal source of It gate.

23-07-2010, 04:03 PM
What's the point of having this thread when you are going to delete some of the comments...Might as well as delete the thread itself..

I hope this board doesn't turn out like some of the other boards...

23-07-2010, 05:12 PM
if members refrained from personal attacks on other members we wouldnt have to do any editing or post removals

think about it ;)

23-07-2010, 05:22 PM
Funny.. I got a warning for posting the above comment...

I don't think I have posted any comments against anybody or any organisation... I just suggested that either leave the comments or delete the entire thread.. That way nobody will post any nonsense...

I believe personal attacks or other nonsense comments will not happen if it's not instigated in the first place...

I can see a permanent ban coming my way

23-07-2010, 06:22 PM

And at first:I am not so keen to take apart of this.
(and sorry about my english)

I like this forum to stay open and friendly.

And I think I understand both sides who are talking...been so many years in sat world.

This forum has rules and if anybody attack against them it´s forum´s Mod`s
and Admin´s rule to to take a part of it.

So..please You all...Think for a while..before posting...And Try to keep calm down and concentrate to main things.

(good/bad information is always OK. Just think a bit how to announce it....)


23-07-2010, 06:35 PM
there is nothing to stop any member posting info or news about technomate , sky , or any other business etc

we do not allow attacks by one forum member , or group of members , on another forum member , no matter who it is

those who chose to do so have received warnings

so I would ask that you all re-acquaint yourselves with the forum rules and abide by them

so basically what quibath said applies here

23-07-2010, 07:00 PM
The AzBox forum is full of these attacks on fellow members and it's been going on for months but nothing has been done about it till now...

I think you should apply these rules throughout the board and not just for one section of this board...

23-07-2010, 11:14 PM
The AzBox forum is full of these attacks on fellow members and it's been going on for months but nothing has been done about it till now...

I think you should apply these rules throughout the board and not just for one section of this board...

I have looked through the reported posts section of the board and cannot find any reported posts by member tarzan

if a post is found with attacks then use the report to moderator button and a mod will deal with it

we arent here to read every forum post , so if u see rule breaking , report it in the correct manner if you want it dealt with

if you dont report it , then dont complain about it , in other words , complain properly using the forum tools at your disposal , same as other members like nosmo king or empb or compass or giga or mickha or russell does when they see a problem

surely you dont seriously think that every mod or admin reads every post made on the forum , every day , 24/7 - 365/366 ? , why would we and why should we , am sure none of you do this , so dont expect us to do it either !

either way , do not attack other members and do not break the rules yourselves , as 2 wrongs dont make a right ;)

I never go in the azbox forum since I had to make an example of a few members who should have known better and acted like adults , so if a problem isnt reported then I wont see it , and maybe nobody else will either who are staff members here

same applies to the footy section as you all argue too much , so either report it or deal with it as we arent here to fight your battles for you

25-07-2010, 01:13 AM
Latest news on technomate.com


Rumors concerning TM-800 HD Linux
24th July 2010
There has been some rumors concerning TM-800 HD Linux .

TM-800 have not been abandoned but has been extended to extra 2 models using same chip expecting on sell by about November this year.
we are expanding into linux receivers very strongly and making sure our customers are fully satisfied.

TM-800 is going very strong already 3000 units sold successfully also 4000 units will be delivered by middle of August
followed by extra 6000 units by end of September. Expecting more deliveries of TM-800 before end of this year.

These Rumors are100% false and fabrication of some frighten and desperate competitors fears losing business because of TM-800 success
also do not want Technomate to be successful in linux.
Please do not get this type of lies serious.
Contact our Head quarter for more information.

25-07-2010, 11:48 PM
Funny News ..

4 days ago their announcement was

No more image for 30 days ...

haw every one know this TM 800 stories their days can became 60 and more...

But this is not Impotent tomorrow they can put new image and just right some think update drivers bla bla bla ..new image "WE ARE LIVE"

Many people before has **** to Technomate and says many think more bad then this...

Why TM has put to their web site !?

the Answer is very simple .

That mean is so much serious because is a Truth

Ah the goods are in the send Back 2000 pz do not let me know tell even the day they gone back and which shipment...

The main think is not what technomate Deaned but the real problem 2000pz been send back mean big deal...Tm says they sold 3000 PZ ?

ha ha
really big lier's until 1 month ago they did not release no Box only some "developers" or Short way Carboys Installiers...The most dealers in UK they have send the stock back....

Eurosat...Sat*orld.....D*S .... C* SAtellite..and more and more... and many like us ,like sponsor and many website even got one...

Haw they sold 3000pz in MARS or JUPITER .. ,ah my God haw thay like to **** the people....

common people be seriuse...is more the Honets says : We tray our best ,we did not live our costumers douwn...we could gave money back why they says...but in this project we FAIL...becouse we are no one to develop we are under Engines of It gate .if they can we can not ...
This is what TM should gave statements to their costumers ...i think coustemmers will respect more and with saying OK their try their best but not always thinks going good in development in money and bla bla...and will fill more sorry for them to buy next time...

26-07-2010, 12:09 AM
As some of us are aware, this report is verified and is not the result of rumour mongering as has been suggested. It is also well known that the reports of units sold is highly exaggerated, and that many dealers have returned their unsold and unsaleable stock.
There are a few diehard TM users who will defend any TM box to the death, and that's their prerogative but for many users who just want their receivers to work with the expected functions of Enigma2, this box is going to be a disappointment.

Reading from the Technomate site, one sees:

TM-800 HD Linux
19th June 2010
Due to high demand of the TM-800 HD Linux,
we have sold out of stock. Stock will be available from around 15th July 2010. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

This unfortunately translates in reality to

Due to the failure of the ITgate engineers to finish the project, 2000 pieces have been sent back to Korea.

The 15th July date is significant in that Technomate is shut down at that date and there is nobody to take any orders.

reading a later announcement:

3,000 units have been sold successfully since launch with another 4,000 units coming within August, followed by an extra 6,000 units by the end of September.

No more TM 800 receivers will be therefore available until August/September. What happened to July 15th? One has to deduce that there are no more receivers coming soon and that TM is deflecting buyers away from the bad news.

To those of you considering buying these boxes, the best advice at this time is to look elsewhere. You won't be able to get one for some time anyway.

26-07-2010, 12:02 PM
Thanks for that reasoned post mate.

Just wondering when you say "as some of us may be aware" where did the info come from?

26-07-2010, 12:11 PM
Thanks for that reasoned post mate.

Just wondering when you say "as some of us may be aware" where did the info come from?

From IT gate -DAGS Manufature.

26-07-2010, 12:27 PM
From IT gate -DAGS Manufature.

Is there anywhere on their website that says that?

26-07-2010, 03:10 PM
noff your missing the point.

Technomate don't manufacture anything themselves. They are and always have been OEM merchants - they are just a badge name.

Technomate aren't going to advertise the REAL companies who make their stuff on their website mate.

What Darkman is saying is he has contacts inside ITGate who are telling him whats happening and as ITGate are making the TM800 the main source for info on whats going on is with the ITgate engineers.

26-07-2010, 04:58 PM
contacts inside ITGate who are telling him whats happening and as ITGate are making the TM800 the main source for info on whats going on is with the ITgate engineers.

If the TM800 HD receiver doesn't sell because of whatever reason then wouldn't ITGate also have to bear the loss along with Technomate?

Giving out their own company secrets is bad for those ITGate employees unless these employees don't care if ITGate survive or not...

26-07-2010, 07:40 PM
some infos here are gold worth, some here pay alot of money to buy inside info from dif companies, one thing is for sure that IT-Gate has problems to adapt the Enigma 2 to their chipset.

How, who gives this infor out is never gonna gett published in open forums. but by searching the web you see web shops that write that you buy this product at you,r own risk, now that should tell us some thing

26-07-2010, 09:03 PM
In my experience nobody lets you into their companies secrets if they are going up the ****ter

27-07-2010, 04:29 AM
Info again...Workers is Korean Manufacture over Time to Time they swap manufatures...

TM has not fail only in It Gate but even in Itergra KR another manufacture .

Integra Kr has Collapse boost gone for ever...and mean TM has fail with Old and new product even with them...

Some Integra Engineers has disappear with some money...and some of then has gone to It Gate...
Same Happens with Hubtech 2 Engineers left their Engineers who develop Tm 1500 ,NOW is In My manufacture.....and who was in Globalteq ,where was darkbox manufacture naw they are in It gate... This haw it work in Korea is not so difficult to find the info in Korea..

This is just to let you know the picture of this story ,do not need to be so much spies to have this kind of info...

In Korean no one care much about Manufacture they change time time to one to another manufature...

And to come back to TM...




INTEGRA KR has Collaps..( Integra has done even Eurobox ) for some one info ( even them need to be carefully )...

Because i am Old in this market and know each manufacture in Korea many people are Friends even from different manufacture and they are all Friend between them...

11-08-2010, 09:50 AM
Contacted Eurosat about this and its not the TM800 thats gone back but the TM8000 they said there is nothing wrong with the TM800

15-08-2010, 01:44 PM
Contacted Eurosat about this and its not the TM800 thats gone back but the TM8000 they said there is nothing wrong with the TM800


Nothink Wrong with TM 800 !? ha ha

TM 800 gone will come back maybe after 6 months with new stb and call again TM 800 .

Ah from TODAY is 1 MONTH....NO any DAMMY S/W of TM 800..

Ah maybe the read this Post and change the name and date and put some dammy thinks and says News Imege s/w...lol

Is gone M8 ...TM 800 and is following even Tm 8000...
Both IGate Kr and Intgra Kr FAIL.

But i hope TM come in Market with some think new and not trying to copy others...

15-08-2010, 02:04 PM
hi guys

i am still going to get 2 or maybe 3 of these tm-800's i have used tm machines now for 2 years and not had any real issues with it all i can say is i hope they have enough in stock for when i place my order.



15-08-2010, 02:15 PM
You can get even 12 m8 is up to you and Good lack..

But if you buy that do not mean is not true.

This stb Model TM 800 has only 2 months sold in market...and more 1 year doing bla bla bla before production and so much fake advertise... and so much noise for just a machine with very Cheap Cpu NXP and copy Enigma 2.

16-08-2010, 03:17 AM
Well, if there are 3000 units sold, why hasn't posted anyone a report about the box ?

I have seen a report about the ITgate at the beginning of the year, so there must be a box somewhere.

The specs seemed to good to be true at that time.

Until now there was no Image released on the Technomate HP.

Itgate has promised this box for over a year and a half !

Koreans are not very good at writing software, the only solution is to adapt E2.

All major brands in Europe are selling OEM products from Korea or China.

Lets see if this is another crappy receiver like the AZBox or a winner like the VU+.

16-08-2010, 01:06 PM
TM800 got presented in a greek sat magazine, together with its minor bugs.
PLI modded enigma2 version,which is done by europeans.
So i guess they are progressing ...

18-08-2010, 01:02 PM
hi guys

just tested a box which was lent to me from a friend and i can say i am impressed.

just like any other box that comes out it has its flaws but didnt the mighty dm start that way just give it time and see what happens.

also if so many units have been sold as the previous thread states why is there no negative feedback from them?????

its a hobby not a war guys, people prefer different machines.


20-08-2010, 10:54 PM
TM800 got presented in a greek sat magazine, together with its minor bugs.
PLI modded enigma2 version,which is done by europeans.
So i guess they are progressing ...

Progresing !?

Can you explain who is progersing !?

It gate FAIL...!

TM has no developers!?

Ur Team with their website they have disaper !?

yes is progersing only by "What satellite magazine" "Telesatelliet magazine" "Grek Magazine"

becouse the money for the magazines payd like 6-12months deal...in advance and now is no way to take off...lol

21-08-2010, 12:03 AM

I think this thread is getting my head upside down.Too much beer, maybe and sorry :)

I´am not going to buy this box nor selling it.

But if I google it.

"Tm800 Image Building wikidot"

I get only more confused :respect-060:


21-08-2010, 09:30 AM
i think that the only problem that TM maybe will have to deal with is that no team untill now is supporting them, they have based their product on a chipset that is totaly new and no other producer or team is building anything on it, maybe this is why TM has failed ?

for me i think they will come back, but they will need time this time, as they are left alone i think.

21-08-2010, 04:31 PM
Perhaps it's like another box that is poorly supported.having been out for about a year.

22-08-2010, 03:31 PM
Perhaps it's like another box that is poorly supported.having been out for about a year.

its been a year since 29/05/10 already??

i had one to beta test way before release, and only had that at the begining of april 2010

28-08-2010, 07:06 PM
I have also had a play with one of these a short while back and while, just like Dreamboxes in the early days, there are still features to be implemented, but they are cracking little boxes. The HD picture is excellent and build quality good. CCcam runs fine also. They are certainly a step up from a DB clone. They have got a proper integrated PSU and the processor seems to handle Enigma well. Certainly on my short list as it seems to compete well on price and features with VU+ solo & DM500HD.

28-08-2010, 07:49 PM
I have also had a play with one of these a short while back and while, just like Dreamboxes in the early days, there are still features to be implemented, but they are cracking little boxes. The HD picture is excellent and build quality good. CCcam runs fine also. They are certainly a step up from a DB clone. They have got a proper integrated PSU and the processor seems to handle Enigma well. Certainly on my short list as it seems to compete well on price and features with VU+ solo & DM500HD.

Is shame and is extremly geting us for fool...to compare
NXP CPU...and Broadcom CPU...

DM 5000 HD and Vu + are BoardCom...CPU and many Teams on their back..

TM = Itgate NO Broadcom but CPU China NXP...

Boradcom has support...
NXP is new CPU no supported for Linux.
if you buy a box for next futures to be to after 2 years ..is better you buy a box works ready now...and after 2 years buy new box when the futures are OK..

This is the real point...

28-08-2010, 11:05 PM
The real problem with linux based units, is that the DB has ruled for a long time, the Technomate 9100 series are also now established
VU+ DUO/SOLO are also more or less established
clone DB units are established (some with update issues)
There have been several failures as well
Dragon box for example along with a few others
The TM800 has now moved into a crowded market (along with the TM 500/600)

I am sure that the TM800 will move forward, but in a small pond, think there will be a few big waves (cccam etc)


28-08-2010, 11:34 PM
TM 800 never will move is all ready DEAD.. READ The Fist Post..

2010 for TM been very bad with their failure progects...they trying advertise and keep pouting people up here and there to tell people they have the best boxes ,but this year they had Nothink...this is the reality.

( Only if they get new manufacture different Hardware and different CPU and put same name ,that the last trick TM can do now .lol)

TM 500-600 are SD cheap stuff 40 dollars stb...and i still can recommend DM clones they working better( even is Shame )

But we are talking here about HD and TM 800 i think is better siting in Topic..

To move box over £250 even card reader not working and many ether options...i think will be very dificult...
why people do not like to listen !

i have done one post in December and January mean 7 -8 months agou...and we are in same stage...

28-08-2010, 11:58 PM
TM 800 never will move is all ready DEAD.. READ The Fist Post..

QUOTE "TM 500-600 are SD cheap stuff 40 dollars stb...and i still can recommend DM clones they working better( even is Shame )"

To move box over £250 even card reader not working and many ether options...i think will be very dificult...
why people do not like to listen !

i have done one post in December and January mean 7 -8 months agou...and we are in same stage...

No Disrespect to you Darkman..
But "TM 500-600 are SD cheap stuff 40 dollars stb.."

Cheap and cheerful and still working ! even with BullSat ;)

For many of those that cannot afford or Justify spending £250/€304 on a new S.T.B (DUE TO ECONOMIC DOWNTURN) that their OLD Television doesn't support... I for one can say;

Why throw something away when there are a lot of people out there that simply dont have the Money to Buy a New Sat Set-up....

I can understand your reason for promoting your product Spiderbox amongst others, but I for one will not be buying one in the near or distant future, for I am not a dedicated Satellite TV junky !

Best respect to you and your product, but like many fine Motorcycles/Motorcars of the past, There are some Classics Worth holding on to........ And My OLD Technomate will Be up there with the Classics from the Past.


This is a Word/Punishment That I have never "Experienced" with the Friendly People on this Forum.

Regards: Plessy :respect-051:

29-08-2010, 01:01 AM
respect old TM.

Cheap and cheerful and still working im not that worryed beouse all working on CS my old best TM6900HDSuper

yes i dont respet who makes the tm i respet all my friends that is got old tm`s becouse from my opinean they should not trow them away if they can take an other 2 years why not and you can give them help. If by a cupal of months more my tm dont work or by an other 2 years on cs dose not conet any more opinean if cs stops then every body will be trowing the boxs everybody can see this with out cs is nothing left not like 9 years ago we had full beouse it use to be full up of chanalls.

sorry for my bad Language not that good in english.

Cheap and cheerful and still working im not that worryed beouse all working on CS my old best Tecnomate6900HD

29-08-2010, 08:01 PM
No Disrespect to you Darkman..
But "TM 500-600 are SD cheap stuff 40 dollars stb.."

Cheap and cheerful and still working ! even with BullSat ;)

For many of those that cannot afford or Justify spending £250/€304 on a new S.T.B (DUE TO ECONOMIC DOWNTURN) that their OLD Television doesn't support... I for one can say;

Why throw something away when there are a lot of people out there that simply dont have the Money to Buy a New Sat Set-up....

I can understand your reason for promoting your product Spiderbox amongst others, but I for one will not be buying one in the near or distant future, for I am not a dedicated Satellite TV junky !

Best respect to you and your product, but like many fine Motorcycles/Motorcars of the past, There are some Classics Worth holding on to........ And My OLD Technomate will Be up there with the Classics from the Past.


This is a Word/Punishment That I have never "Experienced" with the Friendly People on this Forum.

Regards: Plessy :respect-051:

The only reason i have nominate cheap stbs is some one here come and nominate them for no reason to compete with HD stbs ...

Here this thread open from Me...

For TM 800 HD Project FAIL...
if all you have Any info please replay to that...if no do not come here and change discussion and ****** therads...like Tm 500 has work well or not....This thread i have open for TM 800 and It gate manufature... That no think to do with TM 500 Cheap...stbs..
Those stbs can be done from any Chinese manufature...and is no think special..

Here was about HD stb talking and specially a project for TM 800 -T gate not Sd TM ..

Why i am now talking against technomate !
Because all their fake advertise come now true.
This is reality..

For that please you tachometers do not mix the Thread...

If any one of you like discuss about TM 500 or Tm 600 do it ..you are free ,but please OUT of this Thread...

29-08-2010, 08:36 PM
respect old TM.

Cheap and cheerful and still working im not that worryed beouse all working on CS my old best TM6900HDSuper

yes i dont respet who makes the tm i respet all my friends that is got old tm`s becouse from my opinean they should not trow them away if they can take an other 2 years why not and you can give them help. If by a cupal of months more my tm dont work or by an other 2 years on cs dose not conet any more opinean if cs stops then every body will be trowing the boxs everybody can see this with out cs is nothing left not like 9 years ago we had full beouse it use to be full up of chanalls.

sorry for my bad Language not that good in english.

Cheap and cheerful and still working I'm not that worryed beouse all working on CS my old best Tecnomate6900HD

if you do not know English is acceptable ,i understand you i am in same stage of your.

But i can not understand you what Tm 6900 have in thread of Tm 800 i have open..

For your Info

Tm800 Linux and is It gate

old TM 6900 non Linux and is Hubteck manufacture ...

They have no think is commune just the sticker Brand Technomate..

TM do not produce nothink...
Please next time when interferer please do not learn language, but technology and keep to the real discussion..

if you like talk about your TM6900 haw good is it open new thread we will discuss together.

29-08-2010, 08:58 PM
The only reason i have nominate cheap stbs is some one here come and nominate them for no reason to compete with HD stbs ...

Here this thread open from Me...

For TM 800 HD Project FAIL...
if all you have Any info please replay to that...if no do not come here and change discussion and ****** therads...like Tm 500 has work well or not....This thread i have open for TM 800 and It gate manufature... That no think to do with TM 500 Cheap...stbs..
Those stbs can be done from any Chinese manufature...and is no think special..

Here was about HD stb talking and specially a project for TM 800 -T gate not Sd TM ..

Why i am now talking against technomate !
Because all their fake advertise come now true.
This is reality..

For that please you tachometers do not mix the Thread...

If any one of you like discuss about TM 500 or Tm 600 do it ..you are free ,but please OUT of this Thread...

Darkman !

First of All.
I Did not Hi Jack your Thread. I simply tried to point out that as a Tm user I am very satisfied with the product and very grateful for all the support that I have received from the member's on this forum even after the warranty has expired.

Yes I dont have a 800 series and although there may be BIG Problems to be overcome, I am sure that they will come to some eventuality in the final product be it Failure or Success. An if it does fail, People will simply buy something else....

Big Deal.. Projects come and go, People Succeed and many fail.... That is life.. But I would never use another product or company's Failure to Promote my own which I think this thread is trying to do.. It is called kicking someone when they fall down....

If and when I upgrade I will buy a DM500 and I don't think any one will care......

Once again Darkman I am not trying to start an argument.

P.S. I wont be reading this thread any more cause it only talks about FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE........

29-08-2010, 09:33 PM
its interesting that constant negative comments are made against the TM800, constant statements stateing this unit is finished

apparently, there are a few teams working on images, only yesterday, a test image went public, and reports are very positive,

I can remember when the TM9100 looked a loser, but it is now a very good unit

DM states he started this post to discuss the TM800, but so far this thread seems to be an attack on the TM800 and TM in general, rather than a discussion

I wonder what the reaction would be, if a well known insect was discussed in the same way


29-08-2010, 10:57 PM
Darkman !

First of All.
I Did not Hi Jack your Thread. I simply tried to point out that as a Tm user I am very satisfied with the product and very grateful for all the support that I have received from the member's on this forum even after the warranty has expired.

Yes I dont have a 800 series and although there may be BIG Problems to be overcome, I am sure that they will come to some eventuality in the final product be it Failure or Success. An if it does fail, People will simply buy something else....

Big Deal.. Projects come and go, People Succeed and many fail.... That is life.. But I would never use another product or company's Failure to Promote my own which I think this thread is trying to do.. It is called kicking someone when they fall down....

If and when I upgrade I will buy a DM500 and I don't think any one will care......

Once again Darkman I am not trying to start an argument.

P.S. I wont be reading this thread any more cause it only talks about FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE........

I never advertise any other box in this thread ! Please be serious.

But is even serious to tell people truth not advertise the best box of the world have is been done here dishonestly and in other different forums and what we find out ..a box with 1000 bugs and copy Enigma no think else....

29-08-2010, 11:00 PM
its interesting that constant negative comments are made against the TM800, constant statements stateing this unit is finished

apparently, there are a few teams working on images, only yesterday, a test image went public, and reports are very positive,

I can remember when the TM9100 looked a loser, but it is now a very good unit

DM states he started this post to discuss the TM800, but so far this thread seems to be an attack on the TM800 and TM in general, rather than a discussion

I wonder what the reaction would be, if a well known insect was discussed in the same way

You do not need to tell em stories...i know better then every one here...is been Me adverise that £99 and put in market...

any way this has to do nothink with Tm 800 again

,,,new image you talking was 1000 a bugs and is gone away back...no TEAM are after them any way ,Just they spreed rumors and fake thinks ,they still do not tell people truth...Who is stupid only do not realese....

30-08-2010, 12:16 AM
Another new image today 28/8/10 plus a back up image from tm enth. who want to see the box survive. Working epg and rock solid with cccam. Just remeber the spiderbox took 12 months for working pvr. Long live tm, proves there life after *****. :respect-057:

30-08-2010, 08:59 PM
Another new image today 28/8/10 plus a back up image from tm enth. who want to see the box survive. Working epg and rock solid with cccam. Just remeber the spiderbox took 12 months for working pvr. Long live tm, proves there life after *****. :respect-057:

Do not tolk stupid here.....or do not misleed people....and certen not Hi jack....

No Think to do with Spiderbox here...and for your laing information Spiderbox from Fist day Born was PVR and is PVR....
We have advertise less and Gave more to people....

But to TM is been advertise so much and gave no think....

Here about TM 800 , one more new or two images do not mean ..the Box can survive in this market! for sure with People like you .......but to the real costumers i do not think so..

What this Box has more then others can not do !?

1.price ? No i am sorry

2.Software NO £ their own s/w is useless ...
No think works No PVR NO Wirless ..NO Card reader and almost all options not wroking...

In time is advertise from more then 9 months ago was the best box
For wirless PVR or Card reader.

if you read Gift Box is not wrtight Future USE,,,,but calling working...

That mean FAKE ADVERTISE,....

If you like experimet yes i can uderstend, but if you like whatch TV is not the right box for sure.

3.Image Copy ENIGMA £ NO.. never they can implement full...haw are the copy DM..

Look now we are talking about to survive ,before was advertise like best box on the world....

I do not have nothink with the box i can gave the box if certen Time...but what i do not like here or any other forums was puting some donkys and try to misleed peole like this box is SUPERBOX and in end of the day we all so the truth....CPU very cheap and Copy ENIGMA 2 still need 2 Years will be complite...

In time TM will do all China with 50 dollars STB box will be ready this is another tragedy for TM 800 and TM Company in future......

Some one could even says why darkman talk bad for this box ,he scare he do not lose market ?? this can be real question...hmm

To be Honest i Hope TM stay to this box for ever and my Market is GARANTY ..lol .This box do not scare even my Pirates Birds.. and imagine that.. i can put that box in market for HALF PRICE in future..

For that LONG LIFE TM 800 with their COPY Development. lol