View Full Version : Disappearing channel names

28-07-2010, 11:18 AM
On latest firmware is anyone losing all their channel names when the box is turned off. They are replaced by SVC_ and a number. You then have to view the channel or rescan the whole sat to get them back. Just wondering if it is just my box doing this.

Looks like its back to the old firmware again.

28-07-2010, 11:24 AM
does the box have auto channel rename function, if so turn it off.

Some broadcasters give the channels serial numbers and swap them about to confuse non subscribers, the box is instructed what is what so it appears normal to the legit subscriber,

28-07-2010, 11:29 AM
On latest firmware is anyone losing all their channel names when the box is turned off. They are replaced by SVC_ and a number. You then have to view the channel or rescan the whole sat to get them back. Just wondering if it is just my box doing this.

Looks like its back to the old firmware again.

I reported channel list problems here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=136053&page=2 and you replied

this was part of the problems I had too

28-07-2010, 03:20 PM
dizz, when you put the new firmware on did you do a factory reset? or did you leave the existing channels as they were?

i exported my channel list when i was on 1.08.09 before going to .31 thinking id be ok, but when i imported after upgrading, it kept rebooting my box, and factory resetting and wouldnt take the list.

ive ended up having to build my lists again from scratch, but havent noticed and going missing or renaming ....but its only been a day ....

i will update when i know more, the box seems quite stable, no crashes yet, and timers are kicking when when they should

28-07-2010, 06:49 PM
After exporting my channel list to an usb memory stick ,then doing an overall reset and then uploading latest software I was unable to import my channel list and had to build up my channel lists again.The box did crash a few times aswell when switching between HD and SD when using the new channel lists,but that appears to have settled down.

28-07-2010, 07:31 PM
This happened after a couple of days, before the channel names were ok. I just had to start redoing my various favourites lists. This didn't just happen on one sat, it was across all satellites and has happened more than once. I'll look into the auto name section bit, but if I get no joy I'll go back to the old firmware because I still have a backup of my channels in that format. Cheers for the ideas guys.