View Full Version : New Spiderbox Problem

31-07-2010, 08:24 PM
How does the spiderbox find the server ? I set up today first time all looks okay connected to the Orange box network ip showed as the following :- ip address:
subnet mask:
1st dns :
2nd dns:
mac adress: 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Only trouble still not able to clear. When i first went into Homestream it was showing the word Spiderbox ? should i have registered here any how i put in new patch and when i looked at homestream again the word Spiderbox had been replaced. Spiderbox connected to Orange Livebox with homeplugs and i had turned off Digital Tv as instructed, bloody frustrated but hopeful johnhenry. Sorry if you have heard this problem over and over again. :respect-066:

31-07-2010, 09:03 PM
How does the spiderbox find the server ? I set up today first time all looks okay connected to the Orange box network ip showed as the following :- ip address:
subnet mask:
1st dns :
2nd dns:
mac adress: 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Only trouble still not able to clear. When i first went into Homestream it was showing the word Spiderbox ? should i have registered here any how i put in new patch and when i looked at homestream again the word Spiderbox had been replaced. Spiderbox connected to Orange Livebox with homeplugs and i had turned off Digital Tv as instructed, bloody frustrated but hopeful johnhenry. Sorry if have heard this problem over and over again. :respect-066:

I would say that you havent read any sticky threads or tutorials yet reading this

homestream is used at home to stream from your home pc to your home spider box over your home lan , and so is nothing to do with any gift servers

use homeplus if connecting more that 1 spider on your local lan to share a card from one to the other

if you turn the gift patch on as described in the tutorials , you will see the nuevoXstream server box , and the Service+ server box , go into these and register your box ( its mac code ) with the 2 servers I mentioned , and if they are up you will see connected , and expiry dates in 12 months time , then reboot the box and test

31-07-2010, 10:44 PM
Hi i think i have been stupid i used spiderlover's excellent tutorial ' Turning on patch ' which is also part setting up, my cock up came from not reading carefully. although i think a slight edit would help other new comers, my mistake was reading:- " In the Accessory section of menu, select " network " then spiderlover states the normal view after which he states " if you have loaded a patch press 1111 " so i went into ' home Stream server: and tried to load 1111 in there. After three hours of utter frustration i realised the press 1111 comes upon after entering the " network ". When i tried and it worked i could have kicked myself all the new options were there to see total relief at this point i went made cup of tea came back registered and now well i am blown away with what is there it feels like an early Christmas. echelon thanks for your early reply an to all helpers especially spiderlover thankyou well got to go now i have alot of favorites to set up. Best johnhenry :respect-066:

01-08-2010, 12:51 AM
I'll probably get this box this week - I gotta do some reading first but I knew you had a setup problem due to your post gateway: - thats a standard ADSL Router DNS link as I have the same/similar DNS addy but was unable to reply to you coz I need to read-up first :cheers2:

01-08-2010, 01:17 AM
hope your keeping fine john,, im like you getting one very soon.

01-08-2010, 07:49 AM
I'll probably get this box this week - I gotta do some reading first but I knew you had a setup problem due to your post gateway: - thats a standard ADSL Router DNS link as I have the same/similar DNS addy but was unable to reply to you coz I need to read-up first :cheers2:

that will be the gateway ip address for the router , and his local spider address was on 3 , so his pc would probably have been on 2

I always set my boxes and pc,s to manual setting , and so would have say 10 or 20 as the first satellite box , and nothing in the first 10 , leaving them for your pc,s and laptops is one of the standard router addresses , but in his case it was different , it was gateway: , but there was nothing actually wrong with his settings as he probably had the dhcp on auto so was assigned an ip by the router ( as standard )

the problem was mixing up homestream with the 2 gift ones , and made worse due to the fact he hadnt turned the gift patch on using 1111

just goes how to show a simple mistake gets compounded into a mountain and not a molehill !

but its how you learn and he will now know more because of it