View Full Version : Service + Questions.

02-08-2010, 09:53 PM
Hi can anyone explain about Service + ? i have been reading different threads on the subject and realise it opens more channels. My questions are how do you get it or turn it on ? does it effect gift patch is it updated by separate patch and would it effect Darkmans latest patch ? Best johnhenry.

02-08-2010, 10:04 PM
which spider box do you have?? and have you loaded the latest patches?

did you try

Select network-service+-ON-Register
It can take a little while to connect to begin with.


ps as long as it works dont worry about updates and it does not affect patches but it wont work unless you have the latest patch

02-08-2010, 10:28 PM
.....but it wont work unless you have the latest patch

My Spiderbox 900 HD could arrive tomorrow - could someone put a link to the latest Free Gift patch please - thanks :respect-055:

02-08-2010, 10:57 PM
Hi gbmitie thanks for reply i have Spiderbox 9000 HD i am getting channels but just wondering if i can do more than i have done already at present i have added darkman latest patch and registered but like all new equipment wondering if i am using it to full capacity. Best johnhenry

02-08-2010, 11:56 PM
sounds very interesting, think Im gonna buy one spiderbox 9000. Found the plug and play + gift... guess I dont even have to mess around with patches and stuff right? :)

gonna wait to see if c+ swe gonna work before i decide.... read its down

03-08-2010, 07:34 AM
yes you do need patches , 2 in fact , as listed by me in this mini tutorial


and you need to add the softcam every now and then

the 2 servers register you for 12 months and show an expiry date once connected

you can find lists of various satellites and open channels in the spiderbox sections

pressing info twice will tell you the ecm and source of the decoding in the second box down

add c lines or n lines if you require more channels to open than just the gift and ucas ones ;)

03-08-2010, 12:22 PM
c+ sweden up and running on spiderbox here

03-08-2010, 12:35 PM
is it the same sellers behind sponsors as on fleeb@y, - in other words does it matter what site I order from?

03-08-2010, 12:44 PM
is it the same sellers behind sponsors as on fleeb@y, - in other words does it matter what site I order from?

Order from our sponsor. (Goldwafers)

03-08-2010, 04:19 PM
is it the same sellers behind sponsors as on fleeb@y, - in other words does it matter what site I order from?

Yes it matters, make sure you get it from the sponsor as said above and you will have the support available when needed.:congratulations-008

03-08-2010, 11:34 PM
Hi to all Satpimp forum support excellent, echelon m8 reference post #6 your tutorial for service + very good all now working i am blown away with what opens although when setting up i seemed to take slightly different route but ended up with what i was after. When i turned on my Spiderbox 9000 i connected to web loaded darkmans latest patch in the all sw + all data box update and rebooted. Went into " Network " eventually did the 1111 in the right place switched on NuevoXstream and registered all channels opened straight away. When i found out about sevice + i went to " Network " service + was already there so i just turned it on and registered and it connected i then went to keyedit turned on ucas as you said loaded your latest softkey 31/7/10 and rebooted now i have channels in West 1. Thanks again echelon brilliant . johnhenry :chinese-bow-005: