View Full Version : Hellas 2 on 39E

03-08-2010, 10:36 AM
Hi there,

Got a spare 1m dish and wondered if it would be worthwhile to point it to Hellas Sat2 on 39E. My location is the far NW of County Mayo, Ireland. Anyone out there who can give me some advice if the signal is strong enough for my location & setup?



03-08-2010, 10:58 AM
Hellas 2 on 39°E:
F1 & F2 beams would do with 60 cm dish
S1 & S2 would be out of reach

03-08-2010, 02:43 PM
Thanks for info Giga.
Just wonder . . . tried the other day with a 80cm dish and absolutely no joy . . .

03-08-2010, 03:28 PM
you need clear line of sight. Active FTA transponder: 12606 H SR 30000 FEC 5/6
4E Hellas Orthodox

Address: 53.97°N 9.49°W
Latitude: 53.9723°
Longitude: -9.4863°

Satellite: 39E HELLAS-SAT 2
Elevation: 14.5°
Azimuth (true): 125.6°
Azimuth (magn.): 131.5°
LNB Skew: -28.6° (Left turn when you behind the dish)


03-08-2010, 04:23 PM
I've tried countless times to get 39deg all to no avail. Giga's right - you need an absolutely clear line of sight as it's so low in the sky, I'll try again in winter when the tree's aren't there.

03-08-2010, 04:35 PM
Thanks guys for replies. I'm on an elevated site and there is not even a tiny bush blocking line of sight . . . so should work. Will give it a go again.


03-08-2010, 09:43 PM
According to the polar diagrams both F1 and F2 beams are same signal strength (52 dbw) over southern England but in Somerset I get F1 transponders loud and clear but absolutely no signal on the F2 transponders.

Any ideas?

03-08-2010, 10:14 PM
I definitely get a lot of channels on this bird , including bulsat using a triax td110 dish in the north west uk

not sure about the F1 and F2 part looking at lyngsat , but the bulsat channels seem fine to me

04-08-2010, 12:30 AM
K of S is better for seeing which channels are on Bulsat but Lyngsat is more user friendly and has better links to the footprints.

I don't believe the reception reports from K of S regarding S1/S2 as one guy reports getting them on a 80cm in the English/Scottish border area but 80cm is marginal in middle Europe.


04-08-2010, 01:45 AM
I definitely get a lot of channels on this bird , including bulsat using a triax td110 dish in the north west uk

not sure about the F1 and F2 part looking at lyngsat , but the bulsat channels seem fine to me getting the same in co.down n.ireland same dish

04-08-2010, 07:32 AM
In theory when you get F1 you should get F2 in West-Europe:
F1 Beam 50 dBW = 60 cm dish
12524 H SR 30000 fec 7/8 FTA The Voice (Music) Level 90% Quality 72%

F2 Beam 50 dBW = 60 cm dish
10956 V SR 4123 fec 7/8 FTA GNET (music) Level 89% Quality 70%

S2 Beam 34 dBW = 355 cm dish
11512 H SR 30000 7/8 No Reception

TD110 on Belgian Coast

04-08-2010, 08:13 AM
f1 and f2 beams no problem here in walsall west midlands with 80cm dish
average signal is 75% and quality is 70% and is chucking it down with rain here at the moment so my guess is maybe your not lined on sat correctley

04-08-2010, 08:25 AM
According to the polar diagrams both F1 and F2 beams are same signal strength (52 dbw) over southern England but in Somerset I get F1 transponders loud and clear but absolutely no signal on the F2 transponders.

Any ideas? transponder list/channellist not up to date?
if a multi feed setup:
settings of your LNB, 22 kHz tone for the selected satellite? not switching between low/high band?
F1= 11044 - 12729 (do you receive this transponder: 11044 V SR 14400 FEC 3/4?)
F2= 10956 - 11189
LNB fault, cable, connection, ...

you don't give much information on your setup, hard to blind guess what is going on?

04-08-2010, 10:19 AM
Thanks again for all the feedback. Didn't get a chance to try it out yesterday . . . . it was bucketing down like mad in NW Ireland. Will give it a go this evening and will of course report back (quite confident now . . .should receive Bulsat channels with my 1m dish).



04-08-2010, 12:10 PM
if i may add my bit ,, i have a 1m dish in hertfordshire and signal is always a very good 70!!!! but i seem to get freezing on most channels.. not sure if ,,,
its my diablo2!!does not happen always but it does.....

04-08-2010, 12:54 PM
try adjusting the skew a bit clockwise, this always helps a bit on 39e.

04-08-2010, 02:08 PM
if i may add my bit ,, i have a 1m dish in hertfordshire and signal is always a very good 70!!!! but i seem to get freezing on most channels.. not sure if ,,,
its my diablo2!!does not happen always but it does.....
Do you get freezes on the FTA channels? Have you tried cooling diablo2 (CI cam(s)) could be a heat problem?

05-08-2010, 05:44 PM
Great input guys and thanks for the footprints Giga.

My mistake, am getting F2 beam but not F1.

Am using a twin inverto black ultra LNB on a Gib 1m dish feeding two Rx. LNB parameters are correct, no problem with other sats on either Rx. Have tried adjusting LNB skew without success. Will have to investigate further.

Thanks all.

06-08-2010, 08:05 AM
Great input guys and thanks for the footprints Giga.
My mistake, am getting F2 beam but not F1.
if you don't get F2 (high band)
You could have a cable problem: oxidized contact, not enough slack on the cable and when tuned in to this location something happens with the cable blocking or causing this loss in signal?
If you have 2 separate receivers: both receivers same brand and model using same firmware and channel list?
Single receiver 2 tuners? check channel list, go 1 firmware back and see if that is culprit?

06-08-2010, 08:26 AM
the black ultra has a long neck and can be moved towards or away from the dish in its mounting , see if it effects signal , away is normally better .

06-08-2010, 08:29 AM
just tested this on my td110 dish and 0.2db inverto twin lnb using a tm1500 here in the north west

the voice comes in loud and clear at 65% level 80% quality on my old motorised tm1500 receiver on 12524H 30000

as for GNET , I get that and also mad tv bulgaria on 10956V 4123 loud and clear at 63% level and 75% quality using the same equipment

therefore both beams are loud and clear here in the northwest uk , so I would say there should be no problem getting these 2 beams anywhere here in the uk as the signals are very strong , and southern england should get even better reception than I do !

06-08-2010, 11:48 AM
att giga.. I NOTICED a post about change caids for any freezing , i checked it out on empbs and downloaded to my diablo ,,fingers crossed!!! IT SEEMS TO BE OK (well was last night)

09-08-2010, 12:15 PM
Over the weekend I found some time to play around with my setup . . . and voila! Hellas comes in loud and clear at 75 % quality (45% when it rains) here in far Northwest Ireland. Just have some difficulties with one transponder of the F2 beam. Sure it only needs some fine tuning (maybe LNB skew).

So thanks again for all the useful advice!


30-08-2010, 02:49 PM
Ok so I finally have managed to cut down enough trees to get bulsat...but not quite. I too am having trouble with the f2 beam.

1m Andrews, invacom 0.3 & tm6800...

I've tried re-making my f-connectors and constantly adjusting the skew.

Any ideas?

30-08-2010, 03:36 PM
if your dish is motorized skew should be 0°. If you get f1 beam, should get f2 beam to? The logic escapes me why this would be the case?
Have you tried auto navigate on 39°E TV channels only?
Main menu: Installation: Auto Navigation:
Left select in Satellite list 39°E and press ok (should have yellow background)
Right select Search Type: TV Network Search Off
select scan and press ok

30-08-2010, 03:57 PM
it's not motorized, so I'm just as baffled as you are. All I can think of is that it's still the tree's that are way off in my next door neighbours garden. Thanks anyway tho Giga!

30-08-2010, 04:57 PM
if you know someone with a laser pen?
check elevation angle and LNB skew for 39E HELLAS-SAT 2 at your location with dishpointer:

then with the given elevation and distance or height you calculate: height or distance


30-08-2010, 05:05 PM
Yeah, I think it's the tree's, I'm a few degree's elevation short of clearing hellas2 fully. Oh well, bring on winter!

30-08-2010, 05:17 PM
have the same problem: a wall mounted 60 cm pole with M mounts. going to replace pole with 2.5 Meter and add one more M mount to stabilize the new pole.

mikey kaine
05-09-2010, 10:28 AM
hi all again but i,m still not sure if i should keep on trying to pick up 39.5e , with a 60cm dish. i,m in berkshire is there, anyone in berkshire that can help or anywhere that can help me i would be most greatful

05-09-2010, 10:36 AM
Your location: e.g. streetname, zip code, (lat, lon): berkshire, uk

Address: berkshire, uk
Latitude: 51.4901°
Longitude: -1.1840°
Satellite: 39E HELLAS-SAT 2
Elevation: 20.2°
Azimuth (true): 132.8°
Azimuth (magn.): 134.9°
LNB Skew [?]: -27.2° http://www.dishpointer.com/wp-content/uploads/images/arrow-l.png

F1 & F2 50cm: http://www.dishpointer.com/satellites/