View Full Version : trouble storing sat positions

06-08-2010, 04:15 PM
Hi,ive got a motorised system and the correct longitude & latitude settings on spiderbox 9000hd but when i move the dish say to 16dg east i get no signal, but if i use the step function in the setting i get 98% signal so then i store that position and exit the motor setting it goes back to no signal. Is there anythink else you have to do to store the setting after using the step function, thanks for any help baz.

06-08-2010, 04:27 PM
can you view any channels on that sat for example?
or try using disec motor and store your sats that way,are you sure your
settings are correct

06-08-2010, 04:32 PM
usals does not store a sat position , it stores your location and works it out from that from say 1 west

so you cannot store a position in usals , but you can alter the sat position from say 16.0e to say 15.8e or 16.2e or anything you need to do

ideally you would sort your arc out so that the positions were exactly correct , but you can use the actual position of the sat and change it in small steps and store

for storing positions you would use diseqc v1.2 instead

06-08-2010, 05:53 PM
Thanks echelon,just changed from usals to disque 1.2 on 16dg east and stored sat position and working perfect.:respect-057: