View Full Version : Booting Difficulties 9000HD Error 80

08-08-2010, 02:01 PM
Apologies in advance if this is in the wrong subject area but Iam not sure what the problem is.

Some time ago I bought a new Cuberevo HD twin satellite tuner with HDD and I couldn't get any sense out of it. Rather foolishly, due to work pressures, I assumed it was due to my incompetence in setting it up and left it pending having some time available, whereas I probably should have sent it back to the retailer.

My other excuse for inaction was the fact that somebody from one of the forums (thank god for satellite forums!) had just suggested that I load EDG Nemesis 4.4 onto my totally unpredictable DM7000S and it suddenly became transformed beyond belief, so much so that I totally fell in love with it for the first time and couldn't leave it alone.

Eventually returning to this sleek, expensive and sulking Cuberevo goddess in the corner, what I found it was doing was consistently booting to error 80 on its front screen. A hard to find para at the end of the handbook suggested wrong communication between cpu and motherboard and contacting authorised service somewhere.

As it is possibly a bit late for that now, I have this week experimentally fired quite a few flash images, downloaded from this forum, at the Cuberevo using a Windows box and USB cable link.

One image displayed error 10, another continuously showed booting but no onscreen menu. Nevertheless this was an improvement on constant error 80!

The first sign of a new dawn came with AAF_Winterimage. This showed Module Loading, Enigma 2, Tideglo on the receiver and produced my first "on screen" menus enabling set up of Video Mode, Language and Communication Parameters (in my case DHCP). After that it just happily wandered off into a green screen apology in English for software errors and continuously auto soft rebooted with a screen of errors the substance of appears to be about tuning eg "service unavailable, check tuner configuration". A "cold" reboot works itself through to a start up screen warning in German which I don't quite understand but I think it refers to repairs, so no doubt it is unhappy about the same thing. Needless to say I had no opportunity to put in any satellite configuration data whatsoever so I am slightly baffled by all this.

The really good news is that this "almost working" image brings up the DHCP communication parameters and I can now potentially access the Cuberevo, using a dedicated Linux box with Telnet or FTP, and maybe perform a heart transplant. I regret that although I have a lot of experience of installing early Linux distros (and temporarily losing the boot facility in the process) I have no experience of reformatting or installing the hard drive on a satellite box if the problem is likely to be in there somewhere. Equally I am unsure of the actual link beween flash memory, the kernel and the operating software. Whether to use ext2 or ext3 etc

Presumably the hardware is OK, maybe the receiver is inherently OK and Iam using an incompatible image or maybe I have just got problems.(If needs be I can dive into the Cuberevo and drag out out error scripts etc)

Whichever it is I would be grateful for any advice that anyone can give me on where to head next.

Failing that a showroom condition Cuberevo for sale, delivery mileage only!

10-08-2010, 12:24 PM
Sorry nobody has helped you out, I bought one of these boxes almost a year ago and have really only just got to grips with it, when it all works it is impressive.
Try a google for The largest DGStation, there is a lot of info out there on the net and plenty of bright people who can help.

10-08-2010, 02:00 PM
Thanks to dypcdiver for a bit of encouragement, I was just polishing the sledgehammer!

By way of update, I decided to stop firing at the Cuberevo randomly, and flashed it furtively with DGS Official Image 9341. This displayed "booting" continuously and nothing else happened.
Reflashed AAF Winter Image which half-worked exactly as before. A Telnet visit uncovered a stack of error logs, all the same, talking at great length about "close failed in object destructor". Apart from this apparent violence, I did notice that the HDD was mounted as /dev/sda2 (ext3) which struck me as a bit odd but maybe that is standard with flash?

Following that (in an almost exact replica of replacing the official image on my DM7000s, with one recommended by practitioners) I gave it an injection of the latest Neutrino.
Utterly baffled, I now have a stack of beautiful menus, selectable skins, adjustable fonts, satellite options, the works! I haven't been able to find a single satellite yet but who cares, the team behind this lot is the greatest!
A telnet into "the box" shows the HDD hasn't been mounted at all. Should I tamper with /etc/fstab or use the dangerous looking menu item "format HDD".

I don't like to slate any manufacturers who appear to put out unstable devices before they are ready, but I will!

Hope this exceedingly welcome looking image will work with the installed dual tuners etc

11-08-2010, 08:52 AM
Well done, strange, BTW the latest official image is 13078 which will format your hard disk to ext2 as it is quicker. I am running PGI 7a and have found it to be quite stable.
Picture quality of these boxes is stunning especially in HD. I flash mine using JonDoe's P.C.Editor 1.2.58. Set up a Lan and then flash the image from the program, but make sure that you tick the box "Flash from Hard disk" as it seems there is not enough internal memory. I have a Enigma 2 image on a USB stick but hardly ever use that now. There is an issue with some 36volt positioners which took me ages to sort, had to buy another positioner in the end.
Have fun

11-08-2010, 06:54 PM
Hello M8, I have in the past had a few error codes on my ***** 9000HD+ but not the error 80..........Here is all I could find......From the manual:
Er 1 - Error CRC - check the image
Er 2 - Error CRC - check the image
Er 3 - ID Seller Not correspondent - check the image
Er 4 - ID Product Not correspondent - check the image
Er 5 - Name H / W Not correspondent - check the image
Er 6 - Version Model H / W Not correspondent - check the image
Er 8 - Erase (cancellation) fail - contact Service Center
Er 9 - Flashing (writing) fail - contact Service Center
Er 10 on the front panel - Unable to update via usb stick - View thread highlighted "upgrade with UBOOT1.3.1 with pendrive
ERR 79 - version db (settings) incorrect - aggionare settings to correct version (with a flashing image containing the db)
ERR 80 - Problem communication CPU / Motherboard - contact the service center
ERR 81 - Problem communication CPU / Motherboard - contact the service center
ERR 82 - Tuner improperly inserted - Remove and verify the installation of tuner
ERR 83 - Tuner improperly inserted - Remove and verify the installation of tuner .............Regards N.

12-08-2010, 07:38 PM
Thanks to you both above.

Acting on your tip off I downloaded the latest DGS Official Image 13078 for flash and loaded it. The front screen came up with booting , then disappeared and then the panel lit up, and then it went back to the booting message again and so on.

Having had half- success with AA - Winterimage, I found AAF _ Summer Image (for flash) that had been put on another satellite forum only yesterday. This ran to booting - error 80. For what it is worth, I have only just noticed that a very infrequent green error script runs on an otherwise blank screen with this fault.

I reloaded the "it can do no wrong" Neutrino and took a chance on formatting the HDD from the monitor menu. Telnet eventually told me that it had mounted it as sda1 and put a swap partition on sda2. That looks healthy to me!

I believe there are issues with Neutrino and the tuner(s) and Iam not very optimistic about being able to see a satellite yet, if ever, but I will plug on.

However all this does seem to raise the question that if everyone with these boxes has got the same amount of flash memory potentially available, why do some images work on my receiver and the ones that don't work on mine work on somebody elses? Presumably these wonderful teams of developers work within the the same constraints for flash images.

Admittedly a generous capacity but small sized usb stick (or hdd booting) might be the ultimate answer but all I want in the short term is to prove whether this ere box is inherently duff or not! If I'd ever seen anything remotely like the glossy handbook portrays I wouldn't be writing to this forum.
Thanks for your help so far.

06-09-2010, 07:26 PM
By way of update....
This has taken some time as had to replace my two LNBs which have just dissolved after 15 years.
Have given the Cuberevo an easy task and basically pointed it a single LNB on 28.0 E (measured at 90 per cent signal strength and 80 per cent quality on anther device). The speed it comes up with nothing found gives me a gut feeling the software isn't actually talking to the one or either of the tuners or it hasn't got a tuning list or, or....

Anybody got any bright ideas, this receiver is sliding quickly towards the bin!

06-09-2010, 09:56 PM
i had same problem are you using splitter or loop through ?

07-09-2010, 09:01 AM
For what it is worth, you need to do a channel scan before it will allow you to get out of the initial set up screens, if you have a signal then do a default scan on that sat and I'm sure all will be fine!!!

07-09-2010, 08:21 PM
Thanks for your replies.
I have just set up my Triax 1m dish with a fixed 4xLNB set up. For the purpose of the "Cuberevo exercise" I have by-passed the disecq 4-switch and brought the Eurobird LNB feed straight into the house and (having test confirmed the outside meter set up through a Topfield receiver which tuned in quite happily to the usual channels at good strength under a single satellite set up) plugged it into tuner 1 input only on the Cuberevo with no loop through.
When I set the Cuberevo menu system to a single satellite input (Eurobird)and perform a scan (say FTA channels) it runs through 99 in no time at all, recording failure.
The SI indicator and SNR indicator remain unwavering at 48 per cent all the time and this is just what happens if you set up any of the satellites the dish obviously isn't pointing at. These figures look like "I am not working but have something to be going on with in the meantime" sort of default to me.
One other source of confusion is that whilst Neutrino produces a perfectly sensible set of HDMI on-screen menus, I have not yet been able to get a single visual flicker from the Pal SD set up and RGB scart sockets at all.
Any further help or suggestions gratefully received.
I wish I was a brain surgeon not a newbie!

08-09-2010, 03:06 AM
Maybe this manual can help you. (Beginning with IPBox)

ER 80 is always a hardware problem of some kind and you should have send the box back.

However I had some other people that where having the same error code and then it disappeared.

Maybe they flashed a corrupted image or had an issue with low voltage while flashing.

The best way to flash your box is with the USB cable, renaming the unpacked image to usb_update.img but first flash the latest uboot from the Cuberevo HP, that must be renamed usb_uboot.img.

When the flashing is over you can see "Done" on your display.

To be completely certain that it is not a hardware problem you should telnet to the box (in Windows start menue -cmd-> telnet (ip-of-your-box) or with a program like putty) then save a detailed log and then post it here.

08-09-2010, 09:06 AM
I am assuming that when you say you checked the signal on your Topfield that it was the same cable and F connector etc. Have you set the power to the LNB etc. in the Cuberevo Antenna setup menu. You sound quite knowledgeable so I expect you have, hope I don't sound as if I'm talking down to you, just trying to help.

I think you need to follow Grizzlyt suggestions above and then report back, but it is starting to sounds as if you might have a faulty box.
Best of luck.

08-09-2010, 08:07 PM
Another thing you should check is if your two tuner are well en-clenched in their sockets.
Try swapping them and look if they are on the same level.

09-09-2010, 12:43 AM
Firstly thanks for the useful suggestion so far, which encourage me to keep trying.

Before I attack it again with a very sharp chisel, some progress, some facts and regrettably some more questions!

I operate with the Cuberevo on top of the Topfield and basically plug the input cable into the Topfield first, see what this does then transfer the same cable onto the Cuberevo. Bearing in mind I have only been able to progress so far using the Neutrino release, I can not find anywhere a Cuberevo Antenna set up menu. However plugging a Digisat meter into the Topfield signal input socket demonstrates that 17.8 volts comes up just past "boot up" whereas nothing at all comes out of the Cuberevo on by the time it attempts to hone in (unsuccessfully) on its first decided channel. If the voltage "switch on " process is determined in a software process I could Telnet inside and do some tweaking to the file structure if I knew where to look. (always assuming there is some voltage available to be switched on)

I did look inside the box last week in desperation and couldn't see anything physically adrift. The two tuners incidentally carry the label "Cuberevo DVB S-II Tuner Ver C 2007,11,15 which I presume is standard. I will follow the suggestion shortly to reseat them, swap them around etc.

If I understand these Linux receivers at all (and I don't!) there seems to be something of a Catch 22 scenario. So far I have only found one image (Neutrino)that gets through to a menu system that appears to work and one other (AAF Winter Image) that has menus but falls over pretty quickly. If you can't get an image to produce a set of menus, presumably you have little chance of knowing what communication parameters have been set or whether the receiver has arrived at a file system that will actually communicate. I did try at one stage Telnetting with one of the failed images, using the most likely set of numbers DHCP might allocate but failed.

Thanks for pdf file but apologies in advance for my ignorance. Whilst I can happily flash usb_update.img(s) by usb cable I don't understand what is meant by "the latest uboot from the Cuberevo HP, that must be renamed usb_uboot.img" and how it fits into the general start up process.

Many thanks.

09-09-2010, 10:14 AM
OK so now I understand a bit more, regrettably I don't know my way round the Neutrino image. In all the images I have tested, to access the menus it is via the remote control button (menu) then standard right, left, up and down buttons to navigate through the menus. If that doesn't work, then there is definitely something wrong.

I do think you should remove and re-seat the two tuners and perhaps even swap them around, by default the tuner that is nearest the side of the box is number 1. but also selectable in the "Installation-> Antenna setup-> LNB setup menu"

As you say you have been able to flash your box I assume you have loaded the USB driver etc and use the program "Flashtools v1.0.2" to flash the image directly from the computer via a USB cable into the "Client" socket. Alternativley you might like to try it via the Serial interface of the same program, (I'm clutching at straws now)

PCEditor 1.2.58. is the way I talk and flash my box.

16-10-2010, 07:51 PM
I suppose, finally, before I hurl this thing at the wall!

Reseating or switching tuners or leaving them out altogether or disconnecting the hard drive makes no difference.

Foolishly I have re-flashed the DGS official image onto the box and now I am totally stymied. It runs consistently to err80. Worse than that a switch off or cold boot followed by the power button and direction up button fails to hold the usb update message once you release either one of the buttons whereupon Err 10 then pops up on the receiver .

To avoid this and holding them both down with your right hand and operating Windows and Flash Program V1.02 with your left hand leaves Windows (not unsurprisingly) reporting that it cant find a USB connection.

The only good news is that the receiver will hold the Serial Upgrade button combination message. Unfortunately, whilst I have installed a Serial Connection using a standard null modem (RS232 crossover cable) the Windows Flash 1.02 software whilst recognising COM 1 connection doesn't actually do anything. This feature isn't mentioned in the Cuberevo handbook. Maybe it isn't supposed to work or alternatively maybe I shouldn't be using a null modem connection.
Plan 99a left me searching through my old invoices but I cannot for the life of me find who supplied it.
Plan 99b is to take it down the tip after removing the hard drive.Are the tuners worth hanging on to ?
Plan 99c is to seek more inspiration from members or ask if anybody knows a man who might tweak at a reasonable price.

Its a bit of an expensive beastie to scrap!

Many thanks for your inspiration to date

17-10-2010, 08:57 PM
And finally, finally,I remembered that the front button switching was not anything like the manufacturers supplied handbook but as the very useful pdf. guide which also provided the table I had forgotten about which indicates that you can't do a serial transfer on the 90000HD
Flashed the latest official DGS .img as per this site which unfortunately didn't work in any capacity, reverted to the Neutrino which worked as much as it did before and then the menu ball button switch on the front of the receiver gave up the ghost.
I can take the hint that this receiver is just not fit for purpose so its plan 99b down the tip, and back to Dreambox 7000 sd.
Many thanks. You may perhaps understand if I don't feel able to give it any votes in the best Linux HD survey!!

18-10-2010, 08:25 AM
Bit like banging your head against the wall, it's such a good feeling when you stop!