View Full Version : Problem With Usals and Motorised Dish

09-08-2010, 10:33 PM
Hi All

I received my 9000HD today and went through the setup guide and got everything working fine. I entered my Longitude and Latitude and the first 3 or 4 satellites worked fine and then the it stopped finding the satellites, by the look of the motor, it is not in the correct position. I connected my old Dreambox and it found the satellites no problem - any ideas please?The motor is a Cryptik Digital H-H 100 Mount - a few years old.

I've just tried to tune in to 28.2 and it downloaded channels from 19.2 - have I altered the positions of the satellites somewhere?

I'd appreciate some help!


09-08-2010, 11:25 PM
Perhaps by accident the east limit was set at 19.2e.You could try going into motor set up menu and disabling the limits, then trying 28.5e. again.
Regards, 2colby

10-08-2010, 12:13 AM
Did you load someone elses channels list? If so check your longitude and latitude are correct.

10-08-2010, 07:54 AM
Thanks Guys

Played around with it this morning and the same problem - I check the Longitude and Latitude and they were ok - so I put some incorrect ones in and it moved the dish. The dish at one point was moving very slowly.

And then tried 5E and it locked on - checked positions either side and again locked - is working fine on all now.

Can you tell me where the motor limit setting is - haven't come across that yet

Thanks again

10-08-2010, 09:45 AM
motor control
store sat position
goto sat pos
goto centre
limit off
set east limit

installation menu

10-08-2010, 04:53 PM
motor control
store sat position
goto sat pos
goto centre
limit off
set east limit

installation menu

I haven't got those in the Installation Menu?

10-08-2010, 06:45 PM
you have:cheers2:, when you move to store sat, use right arrrow and see what appears!!



10-08-2010, 06:53 PM
I haven't got those in the Installation Menu?

hi m8
motor control,
select the postion using < > press the ok,
store sat position,
goto sat position,
goto centre,
limit off,
set east limit,
its menue in receiver.:)

10-08-2010, 08:12 PM
Truly Magical!:respect-037:

12-08-2010, 05:49 PM

Problem has returned - I have no control of the dish from the receiver, on start up it moves the dish to a position - Not necessarily the correct one and then I can't move it from there. It has worked for the passed couple of days. I have tried - Go to center - go to sat position - drive w - drive e.

On the receiver I have tried a factory reset, it generally goes to a different position - any suggestions please?

Using the loopthrough I have it working by getting my Dreambox to move the dish and have turned the motor off in the Spiderbox settings.


keith mawer
12-08-2010, 07:40 PM
hiya am sure u will get it to work ok ,, as for me i am on the brink of buying a receiver but have a v box drives my dish ,,, so having read your post wont alter it!!!!

12-08-2010, 07:48 PM
this is what you do, move dish to your refernce sat ie 1west, turn off box, get ladder, go to dish, check motor position, if it is not at 0 you know it needs a rest, you now have to move dish to 0 and I dont know if your dish has buttons east west, if not use spider box, when at O. Go back to motor, have usals on, now enter your location ie lat/long, double check it with dishpointer.com, save. sel ect your reference sat and bingo you should be back in business.

Not advisable to swap between dseq and USALS. And when you load a new channel list make sure you enter your lat/long immediately.


ps check dish for alignment as well eg perfectly straight, due south etc. check leads.

12-08-2010, 08:04 PM
get ladder,

It's 5 foot off the ground!;) No problem checking the settings!

The Spiderbox won't move the dish to where it should - it seems to move it somewhere on startup but thereafter - nowt!

I know the connections are good because now the Dreambox is looped through the Spiderbox - also the alignment is fine!

12-08-2010, 08:07 PM
hiya am sure u will get it to work ok ,, as for me i am on the brink of buying a receiver but have a v box drives my dish ,,, so having read your post wont alter it!!!!


It is as good as people say - I have another on it's way, courtesy of our sponsor for a mate.

This is a hobby -it's not allowed to be striaght forward!

Tell us when you get one - why oh why didn't you get one sooner!

12-08-2010, 08:08 PM
i know i had same problem, do as above, use the step thing to move dish but u may need a second person. I moved my dish to 0 by hooking up a humax 5400 outside,


12-08-2010, 08:10 PM
dont ****** his thread, this is serious. send him a pm instead


12-08-2010, 09:03 PM
Tried it and it didn't work - it's dark now - I'll try again tomorrow.

The main problem is that the Spiderbox does not move the dish under DiSEqC whereas the Dreambox does.

13-08-2010, 05:16 PM

I've managed to temporarily fix it by resetting the dish, using a rotor control - zeroing it and then it moves back to the correct position - after moving it to a few sat psoitions it gets lost again - presently I've got the control inline - any suggestions as to whether it the Receiver hardware or software or the dish motor?
