View Full Version : What it is for you the top feature of this box?

10-08-2010, 03:34 AM
To me the best thing that this box has to offer it is the switch at the back :respect-047:

The sooner as I switch it off the box stop to give problems instantly and turns into something really good to look at :smash:

But when I turn it on another cool feature it is the hold on power button that reboot the box so that I don't have to switch off and on from the back every time it loose the sound or the picture or the cam get bugged up etc. etc.

Sometime I think!!! how this box has made so much sales and worst of it all how I ended up buying it? :banghead:

What stop me to sell it on flee b a y ? I'm scared to get a bad feedback :Angel_anim:

10-08-2010, 06:48 AM
To me the best thing that this box has to offer it is the switch at the back :respect-047:

The sooner as I switch it off the box stop to give problems instantly and turns into something really good to look at :smash:

But when I turn it on another cool feature it is the hold on power button that reboot the box so that I don't have to switch off and on from the back every time it loose the sound or the picture or the cam get bugged up etc. etc.

Sometime I think!!! how this box has made so much sales and worst of it all how I ended up buying it? :banghead:

What stop me to sell it on flee b a y ? I'm scared to get a bad feedback :Angel_anim:

If you put this box in it's original packaging and cover me thinks with paper you could alway Raffle it!!!!!!!!:number-one-043::respect-054:lol

Or maybe car boot lol

10-08-2010, 09:04 AM
If its really that much of a nightmare i could give you a tenner to cover the postage and ill look after it to save you all those worries and problems. Think how stress free you would be.

10-08-2010, 09:42 AM
i have same opinion...but only thing that makes me stick to azbox, is mediacenter, plus i can watch tv.. tv part won't do what enigma2 does...but...well i can watch benfica..that's the only tv i watch.

10-08-2010, 09:53 AM
That's interesting. I have an elite used as my main reciever with CS on 1 satellite. It's on all day every day and it hasn't crashed once.
Wonder what I am doing right?

10-08-2010, 09:58 AM
yeah i'm not talking about crashes, because i don't remember having one, i even use hardware acceleration.
but yeah i would like some picons more channel info, better zapping (out with openxcas) etc etc.

it "works" , and for me that's enough.

12-08-2010, 10:45 PM
That's interesting. I have an elite used as my main reciever with CS on 1 satellite. It's on all day every day and it hasn't crashed once.
Wonder what I am doing right?

MMM! maybe your box stays always in standby then when you wake it works fine... But I have smart plugs everywhere in the house because I hate to have electrics items on standby... the bill I pay it's genuine for what I use it for.
So when I wake the box 98% times I have to restart again and sometimes again after fews minute... the other 2% of the times I have to restart it because it loose the audio or the video or (mind you this can be my tv) some times if I start the box with my tv off then I have to restart first tv box at the same time.
That's why I'm so affectionate to the reboot button... In fact I hope the power button on the remote control it's made by a good quality rubber.

:o21: and guys for a tenner I keep it as dust collector :p... or I might wait for xmas and throw it out the window to see how thought is the case ( I will have a Vu + by then anyway)....

Then I don't know what box guys you had in the past but I always had the top stuff

My first box was a Humax 5400 and I still own it because I cannot see it going

Second was a DM500 original and after a 7020 till today they are my most used boxes because they just works!!!

But I must say this!!!
Azbox will never get a penny from me and my friends ever :smash: and anybody want bet a 10 to 1 that they will release a new box before even sorting out those boxes?

But hey it's not them at the end.... it's me :iamwithstupid: I had 14 days to return it and I didn't :smash:

12-08-2010, 11:29 PM
MMM! maybe your box stays always in standby then when you wake it works fine...
Nope! It's powered and running at 7.30 am and turned off at roughly 11pm. That's all day by my standards.

But I have smart plugs everywhere in the house because I hate to have electrics items on standby... the bill I pay it's genuine for what I use it for.

Bully for you! I bow to your energy saving prowess, even though it seems a bit OCD and even somewhat anal to have that many smart plugs. Not sure what the hell this has to do with an AZBox mind!

So when I wake the box 98% times I have to restart again and sometimes again after fews minute... the other 2% of the times I have to restart it because it loose the audio or the video or (mind you this can be my tv) some times if I start the box with my tv off then I have to restart first tv box at the same time. That's why I'm so affectionate to the reboot button... In fact I hope the power button on the remote control it's made by a good quality rubber.

AH now I see! OK try unplugging it! It's what I do When you say "Wake" that to me refers to you leaving it in standby. Also clean out all the crap you have in there apart from you emus. I have found that people load 3rd party plugins with a shovel. Like your PC any satellite system doesn't like it too overwieght. PS for good rubbers try Durex. ;)

:o21: and guys for a tenner I keep it as dust collector :p... or I might wait for xmas and throw it out the window to see how thought is the case ( I will have a Vu + by then anyway)....

Ah so you do like it really. You just want to kick up trouble. If you hated it that much you'd have burned it in the garden, bitten the heads off bats and chanted rituals.

Then I don't know what box guys you had in the past but I always had the top stuff

I guess you fell over then with the DM500.. Cheapskate! If you wanted TOP you'd have had the DM7000.

My first box was a Humax 5400 and I still own it because I cannot see it going

PAH! Newbie! Try D2MAC in 1995!

Second was a DM500 original and after a 7020 till today they are my most used boxes because they just works!!!

Like I said DM500 Top Stuff? Oh come on! Who are you trying to kid? Barely more features that the Humax.

But I must say this!!!
Azbox will never get a penny from me and my friends ever :smash: and anybody want bet a 10 to 1 that they will release a new box before even sorting out those boxes?

But they did get your pennies, and you have the box to prove it. Now why not work with it to get yourself a half decent working HD Box. Clean the crap out and give it some maintenance instead of moaning and ****ing about it.

But hey it's not them at the end.... it's me :iamwithstupid: I had 14 days to return it and I didn't :smash:
Yep. Here's your party bag, now go and enjoy your DreamBox.. Good Lad.

Note. I am sorry for ridiculing this post, however I saw it as a pointless rant directed at myself so I thought I'd have fun with it.

12-08-2010, 11:44 PM
only thing that makes me stick to azbox, is mediacenter

I find it useless as a media centre. My PS3 is far better!

Even my TV is a better media centre, which I use for playing movies from USB HDD.

14-08-2010, 01:07 AM
Nope! It's powered and running at 7.30 am and turned off at roughly 11pm. That's all day by my standards.
No point to me!!! my plugs switch on when I need them only as I do work most of the day and have 2 max 3 hours to watch tv a day.

Bully for you! I bow to your energy saving prowess, even though it seems a bit OCD and even somewhat anal to have that many smart plugs. Not sure what the hell this has to do with an AZBox mind!
Dude I suggest you a nice OWL... put few timers on all your transformers (cordless phone, mobiles, etc etc) I got them for a £1 each and watch what your OWL says in a week... I know it's not going to make you reach but why wasting??? I don't want even want mention the pollution because I personally don't believe that we (normal citizen) are responsible for polluting the earth...

AH now I see! OK try unplugging it! It's what I do When you say "Wake" that to me refers to you leaving it in standby. Also clean out all the crap you have in there apart from you emus. I have found that people load 3rd party plugins with a shovel. Like your PC any satellite system doesn't like it too overwieght. PS for good rubbers try Durex. ;)
Seriustly dude!!! i have done all sort of stuff with this box but then I got bored and wiped it, Now it has cam + 1 client cline to my dream only now... could it be that I got 8400 channels on it??? to be honest I only tried the azbox toolbox and the tool for channel listing was piece of ..... and I use it only to reload a ready made ch list (no bothered deleting all them ch I'll never watch).

Ah so you do like it really. You just want to kick up trouble. If you hated it that much you'd have burned it in the garden, bitten the heads off bats and chanted rituals.
I when i will get a decent replacement I will make a nice youtube video :302:

I guess you fell over then with the DM500.. Cheapskate! If you wanted TOP you'd have had the DM7000.
Well I got DM7000 and ended up give it to my best friend as a present and got a DM500 instead (because I was not in need of CS at that time) I had my humax with far too many cams so I bought a dm500 because I like something smaller for my bedroom.

PAH! Newbie! Try D2MAC in 1995!
I was referring to digital equipment and yes I had a D2MAC too in italy well chipped at that time I was getting Sky on astra 1 (now stop here or I will start crying with the good memories) and this also will show our age.
I also had 3 nokias (9200 9600 9800 all modded to the bone)

Like I said DM500 Top Stuff? Oh come on! Who are you trying to kid? Barely more features that the Humax.
No man you should pay some respect to that machine... so many developers came to light just after the release of this box.

But they did get your pennies, and you have the box to prove it. Now why not work with it to get yourself a half decent working HD Box. Clean the crap out and give it some maintenance instead of moaning and ****ing about it.
yes I have... but don't know what to tell you man I'm not a programmer but i get on well with technologies I've study electronics and telecommunications but I work (quite happily) on IT since 1996. I'm that kind of person that don't mind spending some money here and there but I expecting to get some satisfaction from the stuff I buy. I bought this box because I read good things about it, but this is far behind my expectations.

Yep. Here's your party bag, now go and enjoy your DreamBox.. Good Lad.

Note. I am sorry for ridiculing this post, however I saw it as a pointless rant directed at myself so I thought I'd have fun with it.

Not a problem with that! a forum it's a place where people share their point of view. You got mine.

14-08-2010, 01:15 AM
I find it useless as a media centre. My PS3 is far better!

Even my TV is a better media centre, which I use for playing movies from USB HDD.

I got a nice atom netbook 11watts that I use as a mediacenter that plays everything!

I will never buy a game console again!!! I bought one few years ago and I got so addicted to ace combat 3 ( a jet fighting game) that I ended up not sleeping for weeks!!!! since then I decided that games consoles are for people that knows how to stop! (not my case).
But hey I would love to have a PS3.

15-08-2010, 11:11 AM
Hi Digitaly,

In a post in June you said.

"Everyday I'm thinking to just leave it outside for someone to take it!!! but then I rethink of that pour man who going to take it!!!"

"I hope one day enigma2 will be out for this box so that I won't feel that guilty for for ripping off that person who going to buy it on the fle****. And Yes!!! I have feelings.."

In this tread you have posted.

"What stop me to sell it on flee b a y ? I'm scared to get a bad feedback"

" and guys for a tenner I keep it as dust collector ... or I might wait for xmas and throw it out the window to see how thought is the case ( I will have a Vu + by then anyway)...."

So to save you any further hassle, to help you stop getting bad feedback on f****bay, to save you waiting for xmas to throw it out the window, to help you get your Vu+ a little quicker, but most of all to stop any further opinionated posts I will offer you £30 for your elite, thats 200% more than your valuation of the tenner if you keep it as a dust collector, I will also arrange collection too.

You stated you had feeling so you will understand this is not for me but for a disabled bloke in my road that would love a box like the Elite but can't afford it unless I can get him a box for under £50.

Kind regards


15-08-2010, 09:59 PM
- My azbox has no fan (Premium HD). This is "really" a must for me that eliminates strong competitors : VU+, DM 500 HD and DM 8000 HD
I can modify other boxes easily with silent fans, but this breaches of the warranty and may be dangerous if enough air flow is not provided (even may cause a fire )

- Plays 1080P mkv's.

- TV image quality is better than its competitors.

Of course there are some negative items like current DTS problem, channel switch speed sucks, official development sucks ...

But until being convinced that there was a better box that satisfie my needs, I'll continue to use this box...