View Full Version : Spider box router

12-08-2010, 11:17 PM
Hi, just bought a spiderbox , does it require a router or will work straight through the broadband line , i am new to this

12-08-2010, 11:31 PM
needs a router

12-08-2010, 11:43 PM
If your Modem/router as 2 or more RJ45/Ethernet Ports, Should Work !


13-08-2010, 08:22 AM
Can I change the the the setting in my router so it is prioritize the data traffic to the spiderbox?
Can I change the sort of data traffic that should be prioritize?
Or can I change the ip adress that my router should prioritize?

I have a SMC7908VoWBRA router.
This my data under the adsl:

Operation Data
Upstream: Noise Margin 6bd Attenuation43db
Downstream: Noise Margin 15bd Attenuation 37db

Fast Path FEC Correction 0 0
Interleaved Path FEC Correction 0 690347
Fast Path CRC Error 360 0
Interleaved Path CRC Error 0 53819
Loss of Signal Defect 0 ---
Fast Path HEC Error 211 0
Interleaved Path HEC Error 0 0

I have to much attenuation! So sometimes my router reset itself every 3-5 minutes.

Thanks Fredde

13-08-2010, 08:50 AM
the router should not reset itself and no messing with it will help your spiderbox , apart from fixing the ip address of the spiderbox like I do

so you could turn off dhcp and fix the ip address , and add that ip address and mac address to the list of attached devices that are authorised , like I have done with mine

but if you have a router issue then nothing you do with the spiderbox will change that issue , fix the router or net issues and your spiderbox will work properly , otherwise it wont

16-08-2010, 10:56 AM
Hi echelon, I hope you can help me, trying to connect spiderbox 9000 to a netgear DG834GT 4 port router.
Neither recognise each other, I read in one of your posts that fixed the ip address of the spiderbox.
So I have gone into the netgear settings and clicked on LAN ip setup, turn off dhcp.
You say fix the ip address, I know the mac address, but where do I find the ip address of the spiderbox.

regards konvekta

16-08-2010, 11:08 AM
Hi echelon, I hope you can help me, trying to connect spiderbox 9000 to a netgear DG834GT 4 port router.
Neither recognise each other, I read in one of your posts that fixed the ip address of the spiderbox.
So I have gone into the netgear settings and clicked on LAN ip setup, turn off dhcp.
You say fix the ip address, I know the mac address, but where do I find the ip address of the spiderbox.

regards konvekta

I have a Netgear DG834 and the SpiderBox worked immediately after connecting the two with an Ethernet cable (RJ45-5E)

16-08-2010, 11:19 AM
Hi John dat
I have 3 pcs connected to this router, and they all work fine.
I disconected every thing thats connected apart from ethernet cable linking spiderbox to router, the cable is ok, the spiderbox works in the shop were I bought on a netgear router, but not on my router, any suggestion that I can try
Regards konvekta

16-08-2010, 11:36 AM
if you set the netgear with dhcp to on then it should get the first available IP from the netgear router

if you turn off the dhcp and fix your own ip on the spiderbox , it will use that ip on the netgear , then you add that to the allowed settings for the lan and ip address , making it exclusive to the spiderbox

either method will work , but I prefer fixed and unique ip,s on all my equipment

16-08-2010, 11:52 AM
Hi John dat
I have 3 pcs connected to this router, and they all work fine.
I disconected every thing thats connected apart from ethernet cable linking spiderbox to router, the cable is ok, the spiderbox works in the shop were I bought on a netgear router, but not on my router, any suggestion that I can try
Regards konvekta

I assume you loaded the latest Gift patch into the SBox and then registered the NeuvoXtreme in the Networks menu ?

16-08-2010, 12:16 PM
hi again echelon, I have tried with dhcp to on, but no luck,
please have pity on me for being so thick. I turned dhcp to off and you say fix your own ip on spiderbox, what ip ? and where do you get it from, is one of these ADSL PORT ip address or LAN PORT ip address
regards konvekta

16-08-2010, 12:27 PM
check the range of ports on your netgear for starters

if your netgear is on , then it is likely that the following ip,s are available to you from the netgear to , or thereabouts

choose spiderbox menu , network , ip setup

so if you set your spider to say, with netmask to

it would read

network setting manual

IP Address

Subnet Mask


1st DNS

2nd DNS

MAC Address ( your personal box mac address is here , same as on your internal motherboard sticker )

then hit apply at the bottom and reboot

then go into your netgear control admin panel

and add that fixed ip and mac addy to the local allowed lan equipment ( read your manual for this )

you can do similar tricks with your pc , lappy and any other connected equipment

16-08-2010, 12:46 PM
For some reason there is an issue with Spiderboxes and Netgear routers.I have one and no way could I get it to connect automaticaly. My son,a bit of a computor wizz-kid managed to get it connected manually. He entered all the parameters ,ie the Ip address ,Mac address and dhs parts manually and I have had six months great service out of it. The router issue has been well debated on the site dedicated to this box. Unfortunatly I have been in hospital for the past two weeks and now my Spiderbox is constantly disconnecting. I have reloaded most of the patches from Dec 2009 to date but the problem still presists. I am wondering if it is the Netgear router but my pc is behaving great.Unfortunatly I do not know how to advise you how to do this manually myself but the younger generation seem to be into this computor connecting business more than us old fogies so maybe that is where you may get help. TMULL

16-08-2010, 01:04 PM
Many thanks echelon for your brilliant help, everything working ok now.
Regards konvekta
PS instructions were great

16-08-2010, 09:47 PM
with a netgear dg834 it will not work unless the spiderbox has a fixed address.
if the router is (its default setting) with dhcp still on in netgear
set the spider in networking to-

network setting- MANUAL
ip address (set high to keep it out of other pc's address range)
subnet mask-
1st DNS-
2nd DNS-

Hope this helps