View Full Version : Rustavi2 on 42°E

16-08-2010, 08:59 PM
can u manage to lock in on:

Rustavi2 on 42°E

12596V S/R 3700 FEC 5/6

i cant get it?

16-08-2010, 09:05 PM
it comes up as IMEDI TV for me

16-08-2010, 09:11 PM
80 percent here 90 dish n west uk

16-08-2010, 09:26 PM
thanks , strange

17-08-2010, 08:44 PM
stupid ICECRYPT!!!!

when i do a manual search it EVEN displays RUSTAVI2 as the provider, but when i scan, nothing pulls in.

get it fine on my AZBOX!!! which is LOOPED out the ICE!!!

17-08-2010, 11:23 PM
ManikM I had the same problem on my receiver as well what I did is I adjust the frequency slightly and I managed to lock the channel on Rustavi2 it is a strange station the signal is fairly strong yet for some reason the picture breaks when it shouldn't as the dish is dead on center of the signal must be their end very poor transmission to say the least.

17-08-2010, 11:42 PM
ahh the plot thickens, it was breaking up on my azbox, but we did have really bad rain and grey clouds today, so was probably that

what firmware r u on? im on old 1.09

18-08-2010, 01:13 PM
Haha I have a different receiver mate using the trusty Echostar 3600 it can't be the firmware at all so Rustavi is a pain to receive when it wants to be sadly.

May be when I get a DM won't have to put up with a rubbish feed in future.;)

19-08-2010, 01:13 PM
The worrying thing is after watching two good games on Rustavi 2 it seems to have disappeared from LJ's listing for at least the next two weeks, and in it's place is Idman TV which uses the Tu*ksat 3 weak (in UK) easterly beam, not receivable at all in NW England on 1mtr dish.

Anyone have news about football on Rustavi 2 please.

Regards mahler