View Full Version : 12-digit vs 16-digit keys

17-08-2010, 05:57 PM
As you know, professional BISS keys are always based on 12 digits. Using TANDBERG or similar decoders you just insert it and go! All our consumer boxes has 16-digits line, how can I add loose characters? I believe 12-digit key is "real" key, probably remaining digits are checksum or similar.... any idea? Thank you in advance.

17-08-2010, 09:54 PM
yes, 4th and 8th are checksums.
You can remove them and have the 12 digit key.

17-08-2010, 10:56 PM
OK, I believe you say 4th and 8th position in the line. My goal is converting 12-digit key to 16-digit one; so probably I must add checksum in 4th and 8th position to make 16 characters. How can I calculate or find this checksum characters starting from real keys?

18-08-2010, 02:16 PM

18-08-2010, 05:04 PM
Oh Snackie.... I never thought it could be so simple..... unbelievable.... many many thanks!

18-08-2010, 06:07 PM
Snackie... unfortunately it doesn't work. Happy for little time! I tried to make hexadecimal calculation using my scientific calculator, but I obtain 3-digit result, obviously too long for 2-digits field. In other hands, all field accepts codesw from 00 to FF, you can't insert 114 or so.... maybe this calculation is not enough. Any other information is appreciated.

19-08-2010, 01:29 PM
if lets say you have A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 then you split to A1 + A2 + A3 = 1E6 == A1 A2 A3 E6 ( you remove the leading digit from the sum calculation)
B1+B2+B3= 216 == B1 B2 B3 16

19-08-2010, 05:43 PM
Yes Snackie, and now I'm really happo! Not for a little time! It works! Fantastic! Thank you very much!

20-08-2010, 12:13 AM
may i ask for what provider you test? pm me if you dont want to say here

25-10-2011, 11:09 PM
Hi Snakie with this BISS key what can be done? It's missing some parts.



25-12-2011, 03:00 PM
12digits= BISS 1
16digits= BISS E

30-12-2011, 10:53 PM
new year all feed make Tandberg Director Encryption System ' new encryption like Biss
maybe all biss encrypted change to this new encryption!
if any one have idea ubout this??