View Full Version : Samba

19-08-2010, 06:52 AM
I try to configure samba on S4000. FW on Icecrypt has implemented very old version of samba (2.2.12). The newest is 3.5.3. The problem was that NMBD daemon was not run at system startup. Now I can change shares, names, permissions etc. The problem I have is proper displaying of my national characters (Polish). I use samba on several computers, servers and clients (both WIN and Linux). My national characters are displaying properly exept Icecrypt samba server. I need file named:
unicode_map.ISO8859-2 and unicode_map.852, not included in Icecrypt FW distro.

The part of [global} section /etc/samba/smb.conf in my Icecrypt looks like this:


workgroup = Skrzypowa
server string = Icecrypt
hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.
netbios name = Icecrypt
dos charset = 852
unix charset = ISO8859-2

How can I obtain necessery charset files?
Can anybody tell me where I Im wrong?

19-08-2010, 07:23 AM
don't know if these are of any help?:

make install/codepage segmentation:
samba-common-2.0.8-1.7.1.s390x RPM:

RPM Search Trustix samba-common-2.2.12-0.2tr.i586.rpm:

19-08-2010, 10:24 AM
I extracted unicode_map.ISO8859-2 and unicode_map.852 from original samba ver 2.2 rpm and now I have in [global} section of smb.conf such lines:

netbios name = Icecrypt
code page directory = /etc/samba/codepages
client code = 852
character set = iso8859-2
coding system = utf-8
case sensitive = yes
preserve case = yes

And now files with Polish characters are not display at all. What the problem is?