View Full Version : a little help please

19-08-2010, 09:04 PM
i have my box up and running but i cant find how to turn the gift on. i find the network ok but from there i cant find the neuvo.. to turn on the gifts. any help please

19-08-2010, 09:10 PM
i have my box up and running but i cant find how to turn the gift on. i find the network ok but from there i cant find the neuvo.. to turn on the gifts. any help please

select network and press ok, you will then see nuevoxstream, select it and turn it On, then press exit to save it. Do the same for Service+.
Then exit the menu to enjoy the best receiver on the market imho.

19-08-2010, 09:13 PM
thanks for quick reply brutus. but when i press network ..ok... all i get is ip adress subnet mask etc no sign of neuvox and service.

19-08-2010, 09:29 PM
thanks for quick reply brutus. but when i press network ..ok... all i get is ip adress subnet mask etc no sign of neuvox and service.

now press 1111 on remote

19-08-2010, 09:34 PM
agaim mr t thanks for the quick reply. i did that eventualy and hey presto. i dont know where to start with it all. thanks again.

19-08-2010, 11:12 PM
agaim mr t thanks for the quick reply. i did that eventualy and hey presto. i dont know where to start with it all. thanks again.

starting with the tutorials would be a good start ( and that 1111 is mentioned in them )

20-08-2010, 06:29 AM
echelon i have started with the tutorials! what i was looking for was a box where you entered the digits 1111 i was not aware of being able to input without the reqd box. i am still a newbie to this sort of thing. so what is obvious to you is not always obvious to me.

20-08-2010, 08:32 AM
echelon i have started with the tutorials! what i was looking for was a box where you entered the digits 1111 i was not aware of being able to input without the reqd box. i am still a newbie to this sort of thing. so what is obvious to you is not always obvious to me.

it does not say anything about having a box for inputting digits , because there isnt one , but had you actually mentioned this problem of a missing box in your post then somebody would have told you this straightaway

the facts are written as presented by the box , not to cover what may not be there !f it says go into network and press the number 1 four times , that is what you should do. trying to second guess a box is no good as you have no idea how the programmer made the firmware up

these secret menus are a common practice in this game , but mind reading isnt !

in future I suggest you follow instructions as presented to you , and dont expect things that are not present as that will only confuse you , like it did in this case.