View Full Version : rustavi 2

21-08-2010, 02:47 PM
can anyone with the icecrypt s4000 get this channel? it keeps on coming up with imedi tv, i can get it on my azbox, but the ice just wont bring it in....im on .26 firmware (as .09 wouldnt get it either, and thought it might be a f/w issue)


(if you have got it, what freq does it report it to be on?)


12596.00 V

3700 sr


21-08-2010, 08:50 PM
come on guys, please try it.


22-08-2010, 01:03 AM
come on guys, please try it.

thanks Yes ,comes up as " imedi tv" rustavi2 appears to be the network ,using 1m dish in S.Wales

24-08-2010, 04:30 PM
so there is a problem then, as it should come up as a channel called RUSTAVI2

25-08-2010, 03:40 PM
i reported this to turbosat, and have had this reply:

I’ve had a look at your reported tuning error with our test S4000 and found I had the opposite of your Error.
I can tune in Rustavi2 on both 11596 and 12609 but no IMEDI TV.
I then tried a couple of other receivers(Echostar and Humax) and got other confusing results.
These small S*** (Single channel per Carrier) can really mess around Domestic receivers which are primary designed for Multi Channel services.
It seems that the tuner is not being set to be selective enough to separate these channels correctly. The AFC(auto frequency control) is too wide so it is allowing the incorrect carrier to be captured(which one will depend on your set up and signal strength at the time of tuning).
I have reported the Error to the Manufacturer and hopefully it will be corrected in the next firmware release.

26-08-2010, 11:55 PM
ive managed to pull this in, using 12593 V 3700