View Full Version : prio and providers help

24-08-2010, 08:19 PM

1) can anyone point me to the latest cccam providers list for dm800HD running dreamelite v1.3.3 ( the latest one I think ). it just says inknown on all my caids in cccam info at the moment

the last one I could find was last feb , and I am sure a newer one that was a sonic amended juli one was posted somewhere here recently

2) can I set a priority file ( prio ? ) somewhere so that it uses servers in a preferred order , preferably my local lan card before the net ( for lower ecm times )

on my spider box its as simple as pressing the FN1 key to set a priority server


24-08-2010, 08:26 PM

ill pm u a good link where to get the latest from, with lots of good info about prio.

i set a prio but didnt really help because you really have to make your own up. it`s too time consuming for me. the ones i have downloaded ignore certain channels..so u just need good peers ;)

24-08-2010, 08:31 PM
Try This Ones :

24-08-2010, 08:38 PM
thanks , I will try them files out

the thing is they dont seem to do what I want as regards servers

what I wanted to do was be able to specify an order of preference for servers

so that I can make the dm800 a card on the local lan in preference to one from the net , in other words give the local lan a higher priority so that it is used first

so lets say I was watching c4HD , I would want that to be served by my local lan card and not by the net

hope that explains it better , and thanks for the other files regarding the naming of the caids/ providers

24-08-2010, 08:43 PM
With This Config, my locals are always readed First !
But of course, my cards are seca and via, so you must give a try to see !
I understand, i have 3 servers with 6 local's, they always "search" the Fast ecm coming, usually they come from my Servers, But sometimes from Friends, after a few seconds they return to my Local's.

24-08-2010, 08:49 PM
i cant see why the dm800 wouldnt read the local first.
only other thing is if u have a cline going to that card say on your lan for example i would put that at the top of the cline list?
i may have misread what setup u have.

24-08-2010, 08:54 PM
A prio file is a very personal file that means his prio may not work for you as you dont have the cards he has in his network share.
Its easy to make your own prio based on the cards you have in your share.
I suggest you dont use that prio but make your own like

P: 0963:000000 # SKYUK
P:0500:041700 # ELITE FUSION
P: 0500:032500 , 0500:021700 # PRIVATE SPICE
P: 0500:042700 # SCT
and so on so see your cards and do it

24-08-2010, 08:56 PM
i cant see why the dm800 wouldnt read the local first.
only other thing is if u have a cline going to that card say on your lan for example i would put that at the top of the cline list?
i may have misread what setup u have.

aha , I think that was the clue I needed

its an N line from the spiderbox , but have just rejigged the cfg file to make sure its sorted from the top down so will check it now and see , thanks

24-08-2010, 09:57 PM
My experience is that C lines seem to take preference over N lines.
C lines are usually taken in order but not always, I don't know why. Some people have reported no success either with the top lines being used first so possibly down to response time for an ecm.

24-08-2010, 10:08 PM
looks like you may be right there crabber , seems to prefer the c line over the n line ;)

25-08-2010, 06:36 AM
yes because newcs is slower than cccam and cccam chooses the fastest

25-08-2010, 08:33 AM
As long as you have 256 at the end of your N line CCcam will see it as local.

The other option is to add the sid to the prio line for each channel you can provide.

25-08-2010, 08:54 AM
as sonic says,unless you put 256 at the end of the N line CCcam will always choose a C line from your peers first of all.its a well know pain and bug with CCcam.you could as he also said put the sid in the prio file for each channel the card opens,but its far easier to use 256.

as for the prio file mate.its a personal thing that you create yourself over time when you establish which channels are problamatic for you in particular.
i could upload mine for you but it wouldnt work correctly as you dont have the same peers as me.
for example,i may have a digiturk peer with an irdeto card so i would put this in my prio file

P: 0664:000000, 0d00:000000

this tell CCcam to select and irdeto digiturk card over a cryptoworks card.
if your peer has a cryptoworks card and not irdeto like mine then digiturk will take an eternity to open for you as CCcam will search through all irdeto cards first of all,before even looking at cryptoworks cards.

and if i have this in my prio

P: 0664:000000:1d5e

this tells CCcam to only ever search for an irdeto card for the EPL channel,so if as i said your peer has a digiturk cryptoworks card,then you will never be able to open the EPL channel.

also i may ignore cetain provider id's

for example i ignore 0919 in my prio and only use 093b
but if you have 0919 peers and not 093b peers then you will never open sky italia when using my prio file.

this is just an example for one provider,but its the same with all others,so if you use someone elses personalised prio file,you are giving yourself major problems in opening certain channels and packages.hope you understand this better now ech.Ian.

25-08-2010, 08:58 AM
Forgot to add you must use CCcam 2.1.3 with 256, if you use 2.1.4 forget it as your card shares in excess of 10hops and goes out of control.

25-08-2010, 09:01 AM
I get the gist of it but in that case this prio feature is above my pay grade and I dont want any part of it to be honest

I only wanted to choose the N line over the C line ( I am using cccam 213 btw ) as a local priority for a local card in another lan box ( a spider sending in newcamd )
my dm800N line does have the 256 on the end of it and is at the top of the cfg file , so that does seem to be working now

what I didnt want was what I am now seeing above

frankly , I thought I would be able to list the source as a priority , in other words be able to set a boot list like on a pc

1) try local card

2) try C line blah blah 1

3) try C line blah blah 2


in which case is there a default prio list I can add instead ?

or can I remove it altogether ?

and when you use cccam info for a check on servers , is one of the files above the list so that the dm will say the provider name as well as the caid ? ( in easy terms please , thanks )

25-08-2010, 09:16 AM
ok ech the best thing for you to do then is to ignore the channels from your peers that your card opens.

so in the C line of the peer thats opening the channel before your local put { 0:0:2, 0963:0 }

this will stop CCcam from opening sky from your peer.
but this is not ideal as your peer may have MUTV or Setanta and you do not,also you may wish to use his card as backup for when you have to update your own,so you dont wish to ignore the whole provider id from him.so you have to use sids.

so in the C line you insert { 0:0:2, 0963:0:1233, 0963:0:12cc }

in this example you are preventing CCcam from opening sky premier and sky premier+1 from your peer and so CCcam will always open these two channels from your local.

ive said all along,gbox was far better than CCcam and these issues and bugs are a pain to sort out,but it can be done mate with time and a bit of patience.Ian.

ps when your checking on servers in CCcam info it doesnt work quite as you would like it to mate.
you see the caid and what you have to do is highlight it,then in the box below it tells you the provider name.
and yes if you wish,you can completely do away with the prio file,but personally i would recommend getting your head around it because when you have it sorted correctly,its the only way of making CCcam comparable to gbox in terms of speed in opening channels.

25-08-2010, 09:53 AM
added a bit of extra info for you in the post above ech.hope it helps.Ian.

14-10-2010, 06:14 PM
Gentlemen, I have a Private Spice Irdeto card in my 800HD and am running cccam 2.1.4 when I share with friends they sometimes do not get the ecm. How can I configure my Prio file to help them access my card each time? Or am I looking in the wrong area to achieve this?