View Full Version : 9000 hd VCR?

happy camper
26-08-2010, 11:42 AM
Hi everyone can anyone suggest what type of hard drive to use on my Spider 9000 hd to use the vcr facilities ? Thanks...

26-08-2010, 12:17 PM
Depends if you have Betamax or VHS VCR.

Most people have a PVR these days.

26-08-2010, 01:08 PM
I think he is wondering what hard disk drive to use to enable the pvr function on his spiderbox 9000HD

I have no idea why he said vcr ( video cassette recorder ) LOL ;) ( probably showing his age there )

26-08-2010, 01:11 PM
It's connected via your USB so any type, that is in a USB caddy, should work, providing you format it, although I think there is a size limit.
Hopefully someone, who has one fitted, can recommend the largest you can use, I seem to recall a thread mentioning a 1.5TB hard drive but I can't remember if they got it working or not.

happy camper
26-08-2010, 01:45 PM
I think he is wondering what hard disk drive to use to enable the pvr function on his spiderbox 9000HD

I have no idea why he said vcr ( video cassette recorder ) LOL ;) ( probably showing his age there )
Yes all very new to me i did mean hard drive? Any suggetions,just want to maximize use of my Spder 9000 hd .Thanks...

26-08-2010, 01:48 PM
we know you meant hard drive , it was the vcr part that caused the thread to go off on a tangent

I do not think you meant vcr , but pvr , seeing as that is what it is called in the instruction manual

I would suggest you try an external powered usb connected hdd from a reputable manufacturer , or make your own using a sata hdd and buying a powered case from fleabay

anything of say 250 gig to 1tb should be fine , like say a 500 gig

using an unpowered one is likely to cause you problems , especially if its 3.5 inch and not 2.5 inch

26-08-2010, 03:24 PM
The Western Digital Passport harddrives work very well with the Spiderbox. And they work straight out of the box. Just plug it in and away you go. TMULL

26-08-2010, 05:48 PM
Yup, I have a 1tb western digital and a 500gb western digital, both formatted in fat32 and they are literally plug and play..........Regards N.:D