View Full Version : anyone braved .37 firmware yet>?

26-08-2010, 11:10 PM

im gonna try now

26-08-2010, 11:27 PM

im gonna try now

no , not me !!

after the last one I am not man enough to want all my channel list destroyed !! LOL ;)

26-08-2010, 11:31 PM
i'll let u know, im coming from .26 to .37

27-08-2010, 12:10 AM
first impressions, the box seems snappier, faster menus and channel zapping, channel lists seem ok.

i'll leave it a few days, and see how it behaves with timers.

Midnight R
27-08-2010, 02:04 PM
Yep, I just installed the new FW, seems fine and didn't mess up the channel list.

I can't seem to find the tuner settings adjustment in the service list anymore?

I need this as I use both a motorised feed and a fixed 28e feed.

So when I record from 28e on one tuner I can still watch other sats on the other tuner.

I'm hoping its still adjustable?


My bad, I had the dish settings on loopthrough.

All is well!

27-08-2010, 08:47 PM

what about the main settings. Did the box loose it after switching off.

28-08-2010, 11:00 AM
can u be more specific? what "did" it lose after u turn off the box?

28-08-2010, 11:27 AM
I found that video files is not playing smoothly (AVI) and have choppy sound.
Everything else is ok because of the video playback problem I am going back to .26

28-08-2010, 08:32 PM
Installed .37, used for 2 days now no major problems, only minor one is every time i go into keyeditor and finish entering new key box freezes and have to do a restart using the rear swtch, happened occasionlt on other firmwares but usually a main power switch off would work.

30-08-2010, 02:05 PM
can u be more specific? what "did" it lose after u turn off the box?
for example: language-, time-, AV-settings.

31-08-2010, 09:53 AM
Its definitely snappier with quicker menus. It "feels" smoother. The channel list names problem is solved for me and the timer appears to be more reliable with the first tests.

I do find that occasionally when scanning channel lists the plugin turns itself off and needs restarting. I have had odd freezes when viewing the channel list. I've also had odd freezes with xcam requiring a reset (I've never had xcam freeze completely before). Despite these niggles its an improvement in the right direction and I'm hopeful that we are soon going to get everything that we want.

02-09-2010, 03:51 PM
I found that video files is not playing smoothly (AVI) and have choppy sound.
Everything else is ok because of the video playback problem I am going back to .26

You need to do a factory restore to dump the original AV drivers(which is causing your jerky video/audio). Don't forget to store your settings before carrying out the restore.
Please note that earlier recordings from previous firmwares might suffer jerky playback using this newer firmware due to the different A/V drivers now being used.
A 20mS audio delay can help cure Lip-sync issues on certain HD channels.
I can confirm that this latest firmware is causing the odd crash with the plugin's but other than that no Major issues have been reported or found.
The promised EPG is still being worked on, and before anyone asks "No" I don't know when a working version will be released it should have been ages ago.
It has to be reported as a good release and proves that development is still going in the right direction on this receiver.

02-09-2010, 04:55 PM
Have not played old recordings yet. Everything else seems stable.

02-09-2010, 10:23 PM
You need to do a factory restore to dump the original AV drivers(which is causing your jerky video/audio). Don't forget to store your settings before carrying out the restore.
Please note that earlier recordings from previous firmwares might suffer jerky playback using this newer firmware due to the different A/V drivers now being used.
A 20mS audio delay can help cure Lip-sync issues on certain HD channels.
I can confirm that this latest firmware is causing the odd crash with the plugin's but other than that no Major issues have been reported or found.
The promised EPG is still being worked on, and before anyone asks "No" I don't know when a working version will be released it should have been ages ago.
It has to be reported as a good release and proves that development is still going in the right direction on this receiver.

I don't have any problem with recordings from previous firmware to the newest firmware, everything playbacked fine.
What I am trying to report is that AVI video files from the pc which I already transferred to the STB is now not playing smoothly (choppy sound) with the newest firmware.
Can anyone confirm this please?

10-09-2010, 11:37 AM
in terms of stability this f/w has to be the best yet - i have had the box on for over a week now, and its recorded all timers, and no LOCKUPs yet.

my Virgin V+ box has more issues now than my ICECRYPT

10-09-2010, 05:38 PM
Yeah I really like this firmware, with the caveat that the plugins don't work as well as previous firmwares. I'm guessing that everyone will have a play and we'll come up with the best combination. I'm still using the xcam from the start of august although I will give mgcamd a try soon.

10-09-2010, 09:26 PM
i use an old MCAS and its working with a WHITE SLY card, and clearing the usual EMU stuff with latest key.tmp

12-09-2010, 09:42 AM
I´m running .37 with plugin 278010 only on fixed dish. Card clears all entitlements although the epg is flakey. Only clears one scrambled service at a time. Generally pleased with the box. Will be even more pleased when the long awaited 7 day epg for 28 deg arrives.
First post.