View Full Version : Going from motorized to Toroidal T90

27-08-2010, 11:22 AM
Anyone else gone from motorized dish to Toroidal T90 multilnb dish?

I have my Channel Master 120cm wirh Jaeger 1224 dish now but the noise is as always intolerable and i am getting crazy of waiting for the dish to move.

I had Toroidal T90's before but it seems i go back to them all the time, something is tempting about them and that's no wait when changing sats and noooo noise from a motor.

I will loose Astra2D completely but i am thinking of setting the CM 120 fixed on the wall for Astra2D only and the Toroidal T90 for all other sats i want to get.

Anyone running this solution and happy with it?

Also it's much more fun playing with a Toroidal than a motorized dish as there is always something to tweak on it.

27-08-2010, 11:30 AM
not your solution, but similar: fixed dishes on most important sat locations, motor for the lesser viewed locations. Should work more or less similar? https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=646296