View Full Version : TV2 PLn HD don't clear for me any pointers?

27-08-2010, 06:26 PM
Whilst TV2Sport2,3,4 and TV3(N) are all clearing for me with Service+, I can't clear any of the TV2 PL HD channels. I've rescanned them, have plenty of signal strength, so what could the problem be? Surely not because they are HD? Any help much appreciated.

27-08-2010, 08:12 PM
make sure they are tuned in by scanning thor and not intelsat as only on thor will they clear i dont know why but i have them on both and intelsat does not clear.

27-08-2010, 08:30 PM
agreed , you need them in thor on 0.8w , and there are a few others including tv2sport 1 and 5 too

27-08-2010, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the tips. In fact I am scanning them in from Thor. But what I found was that I suddenly had PL1 and 2 in the clear (10934V). Then when I scanned in PL3 (10841V), that cleared, but 1 and 2 were no longer clear and it seemed that the frequency had been changed to 10841V for 1 and 2 !! Very strange......

Now I just scanned in C+ film hd (10934H) and the details of PL1,2,3 have now been changed to 10934H.......... does this make sense to anyone?

27-08-2010, 10:30 PM
you are seeming to be changing a transponder on screen , instead of using the GREEN button and adding a new transponder and then scanning ;)

28-08-2010, 01:29 AM
Thanks for the tips. In fact I am scanning them in from Thor. But what I found was that I suddenly had PL1 and 2 in the clear (10934V). Then when I scanned in PL3 (10841V), that cleared, but 1 and 2 were no longer clear and it seemed that the frequency had been changed to 10841V for 1 and 2 !! Very strange......

Now I just scanned in C+ film hd (10934H) and the details of PL1,2,3 have now been changed to 10934H.......... does this make sense to anyone?

Are you able to clear C+ film HD, its coming up scrambled on mine. (I just bought & hooked up my box this evening)
PL1, 2 & 3 HD are all clearing but nothing else on Thor is for me. Can anyone please advise what else on Thor is currently clearing?

28-08-2010, 06:18 AM
echelon - good spot! What a t@@t I am......

madmac99 - although I could clear these a week or so ago, I can't right now

28-08-2010, 06:45 AM
Thor is currently down, except for a few TV2 channels, including the TV2 PL channels, hopefully it will be back soon, for now try the other available packages on 30W, 13E, 16E, 19E.