View Full Version : Mosers getEPG 2.0

31-08-2010, 10:03 PM
This is fantasic by far the best tool for epg on azbox thanks morser:respect-055::respect-040:

Well, here you have the latest version of the plugin to install on any firm since 4890 (KGD or not).

The main novelty of this version is the use of epg.dat file has been replaced load the EPG function for the creation of epg.dat file you need in principle less memory and is faster, after the creation of free file memory and then loads the EPG from the archive, which is very fast, as a result, use less memory, speed of loading is at least 6 times faster, we have the file generated for the subsequent charging a startup script in order to restart and not lose the info is loaded into the appropriate field, allowing more characters.

Examples approximate speed:
Loading EPG Digital + (140 channels) for 2 days - 45 seconds
Loading EPG Digital + (140 channels) for a week - 1:30 minutes
Loading EPG from Sky Italia (channel 530) for a week - 3:30 minutes.

Besides this, there have been some fixes in the xml (for example, has fixed the bug that did not eliminate the previous xml) and something more on the topic of memory and has been added to getepg the parameter-A EPG convert all charged with capital letters (for those who have vision problems, lol) and the-l parameter to load the files generated epg.dat (when getepg launches and loads the files but if you just want to do load without the whole process, this parameter does).

KGD 4890 Installation on firm
1 - Unzip the contents of the zip file to your hard drive.
2 - Copy files getepg, and getepg.conf DaemonEPG the epg folder to / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg Azbox and give our 755 licenses and DaemonEPG getepg
3 - Change getepg.conf to everyone's taste
4 - If we have a script in / DISk2/etc/start.d to recharge the old EPG epgdat program, delete it.
5 - Copy the script files into the folder the file start.d have downloaded and unzipped to / DISk2/etc/start.dy give 755 permits
6 - As I suppose you will have the daemon loaded from the menu of the getepg panelKGD or you throw through the crond, to amend the last startup script and remove the line it says. / DaemonEPG.

Installation on non-firm KGD> 4890
1 - Unzip the contents of the zip file to your hard drive.
2 - In Azbox generate / PLUGINS a folder called PanelKGD (respecting upper) and within this another call epg
3 - Copy all files from the epg file we downloaded and unzipped to / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg (which we created before our Azbox) and give 755 permissions and DaemonEPG getepg
4 - Change getepg.conf to everyone's taste
5 - Copy the script files into the folder the file start.d have downloaded and unzipped to / DISk2/etc/start.dy give 755 permits
6 - Connect via telnet to Azbox and type:

cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg

The second instruction sets in memory the daemon to load automatically every night and the third loading the epg.

Note: I found that almost always fails in the end when epg.dat file loads into memory but apparently the EPG is loaded with no problems, so do not give him much importance.

can anyone confirm this is working with the latest fw?

thanks guys am using kgd fw:respect-040:

31-08-2010, 10:23 PM
this is sick! .....cabo and meo (hispasat) 5 days..
49 seconds..and light as feather! :)

yes it works with latest firmware from opensat.

but i moved to KGD because zapping is just amazing and channel list response.

01-09-2010, 03:57 AM
If I go to plugins on remote and select PanelKDG do I get a menu,or is this only run on startup?


01-09-2010, 08:06 AM
I especially like the fact when you reboot the box you dont loose epg data... well impressed with this azbox community are very lucky to have guys like morser and the ripper :respect-053: doing their magic with this box as far as i am concerned now this box is right up there with the best all I was really missing was a decent epg now we seem to have it. it loaded sly uk 7 days in 2mins 45 . I might set epg up to run sly uk, germany and others see how this fairs running multiple packages

with the ripper and a few others working hard with e2 and openshat apparently: taken on coding them selves am quietly confident the naysayers and doubters will be eating their words shortly...

01-09-2010, 05:54 PM
Cann't get this to work properly does 0.9.4923 work or do I need later image?

01-09-2010, 06:29 PM
Working nice with latest 0.9.5020 and rytecnordic :respect-069:

01-09-2010, 06:30 PM
is it me, or after you reboot epg isn't lost ?!? :)
loads epg info for 5 days even if u reboot. (using the info u downloaded, without the need to run epg plugin again)
that's pretty awsome.

01-09-2010, 06:31 PM
Can't get this to work at all.

AZBox[/]$ cd / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg
AZBox[/]$ . / DaemonEPG
-sh: .: /: is a directory
AZBox[/]$ . / Getepg
-sh: .: /: is a directory

Nothing appears in Plugins menu...

I am not using KGD.

Is there an idiots guide to get it working?

What do I need to edit in getepg.conf for sky uk?

01-09-2010, 06:40 PM
Can't get this to work at all.

AZBox[/]$ cd / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg
AZBox[/]$ . / DaemonEPG
-sh: .: /: is a directory
AZBox[/]$ . / Getepg
-sh: .: /: is a directory

Nothing appears in Plugins menu...

I am not using KGD.

Is there an idiots guide to get it working?

What do I need to edit in getepg.conf for sky uk?

I had the same thing,dont put spaces in telnet commands and Getepg is getepg with a small g.

01-09-2010, 06:41 PM
It's ok...I fixed it now... I think?

01-09-2010, 06:46 PM
is it me, or after you reboot epg isn't lost ?!? :)
loads epg info for 5 days even if u reboot. (using the info u downloaded, without the need to run epg plugin again)
that's pretty awsome.

yes it isnt just you that is one of the features of this.. again well done morser and KGD team :woot-035:

01-09-2010, 06:47 PM
why r u using spaces?

just go to folder and run ./getepg

01-09-2010, 06:49 PM
It's ok...I fixed it now... I think?

open epg config file in maz. and simply delete the # for sly uk and where theres a 2 change that to how ever many days worth of data you wish to download.

and yes in telnet if using maz ./getepg is the command


01-09-2010, 06:49 PM
why r u using spaces?

just go to folder and run ./getepg

It says no such directory exists?

Still not working.

If I use remote control on Plugin PanelKGD it says there is no executable file. Reinstall plugin.

01-09-2010, 06:51 PM
is there any chance we can get greek encoding because the font iso-8859 is only latin , and utf is also non readable in greek .

01-09-2010, 07:07 PM
I'll have to come back to this later, as have to go out...

I think problem was i didn't have epg directory.

Now I have 2 PanelKGD Plugin directories, and I can't delete them.

Am going out now...try later. thanks to all.

01-09-2010, 08:15 PM
it is briliant!!! It evens keeps the epg after reboot and it is super fast...well done to the developers.

02-09-2010, 12:31 AM
it is briliant!!! It evens keeps the epg after reboot and it is super fast...well done to the developers.

What image are you using that works?

Can someone who have this working tell me if he gets a menu when this plugin is selected with the remote?

02-09-2010, 04:59 AM
i use KGD, all good and working.

what do u mean a menu? thisplugin doesnt have menu.

02-09-2010, 07:07 AM
menu? i think people are getting confused with kgd panel .. you can install this seprately if you like go to azboxhd.es it will explain but the getepg is activated through commands


02-09-2010, 07:19 AM
at about 04:01 this morning the skyuk.epg file was emptied to 1k I assume this was the started by the daemon starting the load procedure. 3 hours later and it's still the same.
if I do a ps I see /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg/ etepg -c 0
it did not appear to look correct but when I ran manually at the command prompt getepg last night it ran ok.
Is the daemon working correctly?

also last night around 22:00 when I did a reboot it loaded data into the epg.dat file ok.

Might have been a space problem so moved my plugins to hdd,

I cleared it all down ran it all again, will see what happens tonight.

02-09-2010, 08:23 AM
I did finally get this working last night on Sly UK, but the EPG data was still downloading after an hour, so I decided to abort, but it did load the data ok, not sure how many days, as I left it at the defaults which I think is 2 days.

02-09-2010, 08:42 AM
Worked great for me last night though didn't stay in memory after reboot. Anyone shed any light for me?

02-09-2010, 10:28 AM
What image are you using that works?

Can someone who have this working tell me if he gets a menu when this plugin is selected with the remote?

0.9.5020....it keeps the epg in the memory even after reboot but it seems to have lost it overnight..had to manually reload it...the startup script didnt seems to work when I restarted azbox but otherwise good.

02-09-2010, 06:41 PM
Any tips on getting this installed? I've tried to install it 6 times so far I'm using filezilla to ftp and the directories all appear as though they are created correctly and kgdpanel appears in plugins on the azbox itself, but as soon as i go to telnet using zoc it tells me the directories don't exist and in the azbox itself ok'ing kgdpanel tells me that there is no executable and to reinstall the plug in. Any ideas guys?

02-09-2010, 06:50 PM
Any tips on getting this installed? I've tried to install it 6 times so far I'm using filezilla to ftp and the directories all appear as though they are created correctly and kgdpanel appears in plugins on the azbox itself, but as soon as i go to telnet using zoc it tells me the directories don't exist and in the azbox itself ok'ing kgdpanel tells me that there is no executable and to reinstall the plug in. Any ideas guys?

Problem I found is the original post is full of bad english and wrong information, so if you follow the instructions in the ops post it will not work! :smash:

02-09-2010, 06:54 PM
Do you have the upper and lower case followed precisely. For the folders, the files and the commands.

02-09-2010, 07:01 PM
5 - Copy the script files into the folder the file start.d have downloaded and unzipped to / DISk2/etc/start.dy give 755 permits

There is NO start.dy directory.....Unzip to start.d directory which exists as default.

6 - Connect via telnet to Azbox and type:

cd / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg
. / DaemonEPG
. / Getepg

Don't use spaces in the commands.

This command should get you in the epg directory, so that you can run DaemonEPG and getepg

After running getepg, you should see the EPG data loading, and your Azbox display will say Loading EPG data or something like that...

Don't forget to edit getepg.conf file for the EPG you require....remove the # and change the days if required..

02-09-2010, 07:25 PM
menu? i think people are getting confused with kgd panel .. you can install this seprately if you like go to azboxhd.es it will explain but the getepg is activated through commands


Yes you are right something is confusing about kgd panel. Can you please put here link to this plugin for I do not understand Spanish.


03-09-2010, 08:53 AM
Now i've got it all working, i'm really starting to love my azbox!!
Many thanks team!

03-09-2010, 09:26 AM
I have also installed the getepg-plugin 2 days ago. And I'm really happy. All works fine. Many thanks to morser.:respect-040:

03-09-2010, 09:34 AM

Please can you edit your post in the first thread this

cd / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg
. / DaemonEPG
. / Getepg


cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg

All users who have no knowledge with linux, have many problems if the spaces are not correct and the command getepg is written not in case-sensitive.

Thank you

03-09-2010, 05:36 PM
Thanks for replies guys from what you say I think I have been following correct procedure, I've tried again but still no luck. Can you spot anything wrong here? Files all seem to be where they should be all 755 conf hash removed?

AZBox login: root
AZBox[~]$ cd/PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg
-sh: cd/PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg: No such file or directory
AZBox[~]$ ./DaemonEPG
-sh: ./DaemonEPG: No such file or directory
AZBox[~]$ ./getepg
-sh: ./getepg: No such file or directory


03-09-2010, 05:40 PM
Can you spot anything wrong here?
AZBox login: root
AZBox[~]$ cd/PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg
-sh: cd/PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg: No such file or directory

There should be a space in this line between cd and / as shown below...

cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg

03-09-2010, 06:11 PM
Well spotted, we make progress...

AZBox[~]$ cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg
AZBox[epg]$ ./DaemonEPG
./DaemonEPG: can't load library 'LD_MAP'

Ahh now I get it more spaces

AZBox login: root
AZBox[~]$ cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg
AZBox[epg]$ ./DaemonEPG
./DaemonEPG: can't load library 'LD_MAP'
AZBox[epg]$ . / DaemonEPG
-sh: .: /: is a directory
AZBox[epg]$ . / getepg
-sh: .: /: is a directory

03-09-2010, 06:20 PM
But azbox doesn't appear to be doing anything, nothing on display not much in epg as usual, what am I missing....polite suggestions only please

03-09-2010, 08:38 PM
Hello luis88. Which firm do you use? This plugin only works from 0.9.4890 firm

03-09-2010, 09:22 PM
Hello Morser, Have tried it on 4991 and 5020 which is the one I have made most progress with today.
Thanks for all your efforts, by the way

03-09-2010, 09:51 PM
morser, I still think you are using too many spaces. There should be no space in the commands "./DaemonEPG" and "./getepg". (remove the quotes)

In linux you use the ./ to advise that you are running a command from the directory you are currently located in. The "DaemonEPG" or "getepg" ar the programs that are being run.

04-09-2010, 09:05 AM
strggling a little bit here, can anybody help.

i have everything where it should be but i get the following errors when i run the ./getepg command

unlik fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No such file or directory.

ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:767 Fail to open 'DISK2/DVBC.dat'
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:775 Fail to read networks from 'DISK2/DVBCTa.dat'
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:767 Fail to open 'DISK2/ISDBT.dat'
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:767 Fail to open 'DISK2/ATSC.dat'

Display Mode: FND

Comp: July 23 2010 15:32:39
Ver: SDecoderCtrl.so, NormalPushCtrl

g_msg_client_connect : key_request 0x59075AB key_responce 0x59075AB
ERROR: TVSDK_LockTuner: 1084 Fail to lock tuner freq =11778000

and thats as far as i can get. My picture changes to scrambled and the OSD says Loading EPG (but doesnt)

And sure enough the 3 files it fails to open do not exist and the 1 it can read is because the file exists but its empty.

Any suggestions?


04-09-2010, 09:26 AM
Do you have DVB-C tuner, DVB-T tuner, ISDB-T tuner, or ATSC tuner in your AZBoxHD?

If, you don't have, than these error-messages are normal.

04-09-2010, 09:40 AM
morser, I still think you are using too many spaces. There should be no space in the commands "./DaemonEPG" and "./getepg". (remove the quotes)

In linux you use the ./ to advise that you are running a command from the directory you are currently located in. The "DaemonEPG" or "getepg" ar the programs that are being run.

The problem of space is caused by google translation

strggling a little bit here, can anybody help.

i have everything where it should be but i get the following errors when i run the ./getepg command

unlik fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No such file or directory.

ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:767 Fail to open 'DISK2/DVBC.dat'
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:775 Fail to read networks from 'DISK2/DVBCTa.dat'
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:767 Fail to open 'DISK2/ISDBT.dat'
ERROR: ChannelSDK_LoadNetwork:767 Fail to open 'DISK2/ATSC.dat'

Display Mode: FND

Comp: July 23 2010 15:32:39
Ver: SDecoderCtrl.so, NormalPushCtrl

g_msg_client_connect : key_request 0x59075AB key_responce 0x59075AB
ERROR: TVSDK_LockTuner: 1084 Fail to lock tuner freq =11778000

and thats as far as i can get. My picture changes to scrambled and the OSD says Loading EPG (but doesnt)

And sure enough the 3 files it fails to open do not exist and the 1 it can read is because the file exists but its empty.

Any suggestions?


Your problem is this

ERROR: TVSDK_LockTuner: 1084 Fail to lock tuner freq =11778000

Check the netindex of the satellite in MaZ in your channel list (the number to the left of the satellites names) should be 14. If not, put the correct number in the getepg.conf

SkyUK skyUK 2 0 i 14;11778000;1 y /Download/skyuk.epg

04-09-2010, 10:17 AM
Any suggestions why I'm now getting this, only slyuk enabled in the conf file?

AZBox[epg]$ ./ DaemonEPG
-sh: ./: is a directory
AZBox[epg]$ ./getepg
./getepg: can't load library 'mariesSKY'

Thanks again for all help

04-09-2010, 10:21 AM

use no spaces

04-09-2010, 10:25 AM
i dont have any probems with loading the data itself .. however with sly uk i find on certain channels it misses some time slices to when your viewing epg data it might show for example bbc news 18.00 - 18.30 next would show something like eastenders 20.00 so skips what ever was in between

i am using latest firmware now but also seemed to do this on kgd firmware anyway to correct this blip morser?

04-09-2010, 10:59 AM
./DaemonEPG produces this

AZBox[~]$ cd /PLUGINS/PanelKGD/epg
AZBox[epg]$ ./DaemonEPG
./DaemonEPG: can't load library 'LD_MAP'
AZBox[epg]$ ./ DaemonEPG
-sh: ./: is a directory
AZBox[epg]$ ./getepg
./getepg: can't load library 'mariesSKY'
AZBox[epg]$ ./ getepg
-sh: ./: is a directory

as you can see introducing one space allows it to find directory but it won't load after getepg. Very strange

04-09-2010, 11:20 AM
Your problem is this

ERROR: TVSDK_LockTuner: 1084 Fail to lock tuner freq =11778000

Check the netindex of the satellite in MaZ in your channel list (the number to the left of the satellites names) should be 14. If not, put the correct number in the getepg.conf

SkyUK skyUK 2 0 i 14;11778000;1 y /Download/skyuk.epg

Thanks boss - it was indeed my sky is 0 in my list as i ahve peed around with the satellites and channels files so only sky uk with the latest TP is on the box as thats all i want it for now.

Now it starts but i get different errors now..

Ill pop them up when i get a mo as i have to go out now.

thanks for helping though to get as far as i have

04-09-2010, 08:16 PM
I get this message over and over again. Yesterday I managed to load D+ epg, but today it doesn't work anymore, without having anything changed. Same for SkyIT and SkyUK.

g_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x59075AB key_response 0x59075AC
ERROR: TVSDK_GetEvent:307 timeout !! cmd 0x15
ERROR: TVSDK_GetSystemLanguage:525 fail to receive 15
ERROR: TVSDK_GetEvent:307 timeout !! cmd 0x15
ERROR: TVSDK_GetSystemLanguage:525 fail to receive 20

05-09-2010, 10:39 AM
I get this message over and over again. Yesterday I managed to load D+ epg, but today it doesn't work anymore, without having anything changed. Same for SkyIT and SkyUK.

g_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x59075AB key_response 0x59075AC
ERROR: TVSDK_GetEvent:307 timeout !! cmd 0x15
ERROR: TVSDK_GetSystemLanguage:525 fail to receive 15
ERROR: TVSDK_GetEvent:307 timeout !! cmd 0x15
ERROR: TVSDK_GetSystemLanguage:525 fail to receive 20

These continuous timeout errors occur due to lack of memory. Possibly you have running at the same time several emus or the priority manager. The solution may be to use the swap.

05-09-2010, 10:58 AM


I try your plugin on firmware 0.9.5020 it works except that I have a time difference.

My setup is GMT+1 , daylight saving is ON, so meaning that I am now in GMT+02:00

When I use your EPG with:
Can***** mhw 2 0 i 9;12363000;1 y /DATA/hdb1/MorserEPG/csat.epg

Then all the program are set in memory with +2hours, so the TV News is planned at 22H00 instead of 20H00 in the Azbox EGP.

I try also with:

Can***** mhw 2 -120 i 9;12363000;1 y /DATA/hdb1/MorserEPG/csat.epg

To try to fix the problem but it seems that -120 is not properly handled because then I have only the normal current - next program.

Another point in the MHW implementation it seems that there is a reccurent flag that is not handled. So for example, everyday at 20H00 it is the TV News, day 1 you have it in the EPG day 2 there is a blank at the TV News time, so I guess that to spare memory MHW EPG has a repeat feature that says that eveyday at the same time it is the same TV show, this doesn't seems to be supported in your implementation.



05-09-2010, 11:09 AM
is there any chance we can get greek encoding because the font iso-8859 is only latin , and utf is also non readable in greek .

any progress with greek encoding?
i tried the"i" and the "u" option and also a few fonts with no luck.

any suggestion?

07-09-2010, 03:10 AM
Hello all,

I am trying to install it, I followed the instructions and all I get is a Segmentation fault when I try to execute:

AZBox[epg]$ ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Sep 7 02:06 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 1024 Sep 7 01:44 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15111 Sep 7 01:39 DaemonEPG*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1057 Sep 7 01:39 epg.equiv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 949 Sep 7 01:39 epg.excl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 234868 Sep 7 01:39 getepg*
-rw------- 1 root root 4747 Sep 7 02:06 getepg.conf
AZBox[epg]$ ./DaemonEPG
Segmentation fault

AZBox[epg]$ ./getepg
Segmentation fault

I Have a Az HD+, FW 5020, fresh installed.

Thanks for any help !


I decided to reformat my Az HD+. After reformatting, I was getting the same error. But after I rescan all channels and reboot, the Segmentation Fault stopped. Now I am getting the same error as luis88:

AZBox[epg]$ ./getepg
./getepg: can't load library 'mariesSKY'
AZBox[epg]$ ./DaemonEPG
./DaemonEPG: can't load library 'LD_MAP'

07-09-2010, 08:21 AM
You must give all files 0755 permits!

07-09-2010, 12:29 PM

if you are answering to me, my files (DaemonEPG and getepg) are 755, exactly as I posted. The others are not necessary, because they are just text files that are read by the program. Anyway, I put all of then 755 and I got the same error.
Seems to be some library that KGD has and default official dosen't.


07-09-2010, 02:42 PM

if you are answering to me, my files (DaemonEPG and getepg) are 755, exactly as I posted. The others are not necessary, because they are just text files that are read by the program. Anyway, I put all of then 755 and I got the same error.
Seems to be some library that KGD has and default official dosen't.


the problem is the program that you use to send the files, try with another ftp software.
in my mac i cant use filezilla to send to azbox, all files go with that kind of issues.

07-09-2010, 05:44 PM
tul, what programmes are you using with mac, i'm using filezilla and zoc6 for telnet?

07-09-2010, 06:13 PM
I do not know these libraries but I do something like that happened long ago and the problem was to send files via ftp in text mode. When I send files in binary mode it worked without problems.

07-09-2010, 06:13 PM
the problem is the program that you use to send the files, try with another ftp software.
in my mac i cant use filezilla to send to azbox, all files go with that kind of issues.

That's strange that filezilla puts errors on the files in AzBox, and only these getepg, because Every other file is sent perfectly.

Does anyone has a hash to comprare ? I don't think this is the problem now, the problem is some missing libraries...

Thanks... I'll try anyway to upload with linux command line.


The problem is not filezilla, it is really something related to the software. I've just installed KGD and it ran whitout any error message, no SegFault, NO missing libraries....

07-09-2010, 07:32 PM
I do not know what the problem, but many people have installed the plugin on non-KGD firmwares and they work without problems.

10-09-2010, 08:33 PM
Hi all,

I just registered to say a huge thank you to morser for some excellent work in creating this! Absolutely brilliant and thanks again! :)

11-09-2010, 10:48 AM
Can anyone help me? I cannot locate the file that starts up the KGD daily epg grab. Any help out there guys??

12-09-2010, 04:56 PM
Does anyone know how to download EPG for all Digitürk channels?

Thanks in advance..

12-09-2010, 09:23 PM
Has anyone tried the latest version?

Well, here you have the latest version of the plugin to install on any firm since 4890 (KGD or not).

The main novelty of this version is the use of epg.dat file has been replaced load the EPG function for the creation of epg.dat file you need in principle less memory and is faster, after the creation of free file memory and then loads the EPG from the archive, which is very fast, as a result, use less memory, speed of loading is at least 6 times faster, we have generated for the file subsequent charging a startup script in order not to lose the info to reset and loaded into the appropriate field allowing more characters.

Examples approximate speed:
Loading EPG Digital + (140 channels) for 2 days - 45 seconds
Loading EPG Digital + (140 channels) for a week - 1:30 minutes
Loading EPG from Sky Italia (channel 530) for a week - 3:30 minutes.

Besides this, there have been some fixes in the xml (for example, has fixed the bug that did not eliminate the previous xml) and something more on the topic of memory and has been added to getepg the parameter-A EPG convert all charged with capital letters (for those who have vision problems, lol) and the-l parameter to load the files generated epg.dat (when getepg launches and loads the files but if you just want to do load without the whole process, this parameter does).

KGD 4890 Installation on firm
1 - Unzip the contents of the zip file to your hard drive.
2 - Copy files getepg, and getepg.conf DaemonEPG the epg folder to / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg in our Azbox and give 755 permissions and DaemonEPG getepg
3 - Change getepg.conf to everyone's taste
4 - If you have a script in / DISk2/etc/start.d to recharge the old EPG epgdat program, delete it.
5 - Copy the script files into the folder the file start.d have downloaded and unzipped to / DISk2/etc/start.dy give 755 permits
6 - As I suppose you will have the daemon loaded from the menu of the getepg panelKGD or you throw through the crond, to amend the last startup script and remove the line it says. / DaemonEPG.

Installation on non-firm KGD> 4890
1 - Unzip the contents of the zip file to your hard drive.
2 - In Azbox generate / PLUGINS a folder called PanelKGD (respecting upper) and within this another call epg
3 - Copy all files from the epg file we downloaded and unzipped to / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg (which we created before our Azbox) and give 755 permissions and DaemonEPG getepg
4 - Change getepg.conf to everyone's taste
5 - Copy the script files into the folder the file start.d have downloaded and unzipped to / DISk2/etc/start.dy give 755 permits
6 - Connect via telnet to Azbox and type:

cd / PLUGINS / PanelKGD / epg
. / DaemonEPG
. / Getepg

The second instruction sets in memory the daemon to load automatically every night and the third loading the epg.

Note: I found that almost always fails in the end when epg.dat file loads into memory but apparently the EPG is loaded with no problems, so do not give him much importance.

Note 2: I modified the tutorial according to these changes.

================================= ============
Changes version 2.1
- Fixed a bug in mediahigway time difference with
- Fixed bug with negative offset values in the getepg.conf
- Now add events in mediahigway 1 retransmissions
- Added support for multiple character sets.

(Files that change are the getepg.conf getepg and the rest remained even though I placed the last epg.equiv and epg.excl published).

13-09-2010, 05:53 AM
Does anyone know how to download EPG for all Digitürk channels?

Thanks in advance..

In getepg.conf , have a look at line 6 , find out these epg details of your provider and edit accordingly one of 39-43 lines . After that , make this line active (no# in front of it) .

Cheers ,
Val .

14-09-2010, 08:48 PM
thnx mate
now it is working fine with greek encoding characters .
no bug so far .

14-09-2010, 10:01 PM
I am back to AzEPG because GetEPG 2.0 misses out last chunk of time slices and when it is updating EPG, you cant watch TV during the duration of update. Has this been resolved with the new GetEPG 2.1.

14-09-2010, 11:18 PM
well, all is ok here. and epg updates take only like 90 seconds for me

15-09-2010, 01:22 PM
Does anybody else have to reboot to get the picture back after an update ? The last thing that the script does is change channel up 1 and then back down 1, but the picture stays blank and no channels show until after a reboot for me.

15-09-2010, 03:04 PM
i believe i also experienced this type of problem.

15-09-2010, 09:51 PM
ive been trying to get the epg working for the last few hours and this is the error i get back.

ERROR: TVSDK_LockTuner:1084 Fail to lock tuner freq =2146340188

ive checked the getepg.conf file and slyuk is listed as:

SkyUK skyUK 2 0 i1 14;11778000;1 y /Download/skyuk.epg

i dont know why it is trying to lock onto freq 2146340188, when it is listed as 1177800 in the config file.

firmware is 9.4890 kgd
azbox premium plus

ps is there a problem if i load priority manager onto this firmware. thanks for any help.

17-09-2010, 12:51 PM
when I install this plugin my AZbox power on every night
can it do update in sleep mode?

18-09-2010, 04:48 PM
ive been trying to get the epg working for the last few hours and this is the error i get back.

ERROR: TVSDK_LockTuner:1084 Fail to lock tuner freq =2146340188

ive checked the getepg.conf file and slyuk is listed as:

SkyUK skyUK 2 0 i1 14;11778000;1 y /Download/skyuk.epg

i dont know why it is trying to lock onto freq 2146340188, when it is listed as 1177800 in the config file.

firmware is 9.4890 kgd
azbox premium plus

ps is there a problem if i load priority manager onto this firmware. thanks for any help.

I use the XMLTV option rather that 'skyuk' and it works perfectly.It doesn't lock the tuner.

19-09-2010, 12:02 PM
ive been trying to get the epg working for the last few hours and this is the error i get back.

ERROR: TVSDK_LockTuner:1084 Fail to lock tuner freq =2146340188

ive checked the getepg.conf file and slyuk is listed as:

SkyUK skyUK 2 0 i1 14;11778000;1 y /Download/skyuk.epg

i dont know why it is trying to lock onto freq 2146340188, when it is listed as 1177800 in the config file.

firmware is 9.4890 kgd
azbox premium plus

ps is there a problem if i load priority manager onto this firmware. thanks for any help.

are you sure that you have version 2.1?

19-09-2010, 12:04 PM
when I install this plugin my AZbox power on every night
can it do update in sleep mode?

Only if you use xmltv files. To download the epg from the satellite it is necessary that the decoder is on.

19-09-2010, 05:55 PM
are you sure that you have version 2.1?

Yea cos I only downloaded it a few days ago from this thread. I haven't had any other epg program running on the box before if that makes any difference.

I also tried dostolinux on the conf file in case there was a problem that way but got the same result.

I also tried the xmltv but it just shows loading epg on the display for hours and nothing is loaded.

I'm probably doing something stupid, i'll try again during the week. Thanks for the help

20-09-2010, 07:45 PM

Which firmware version do you use?


21-09-2010, 12:03 AM
Firmware is 9.4890 kgd. If you look at my posts above there's a bit more info.

I haven't tried it since but with beta e2 looking like its imminent i'll be spending time on it rather than the epg.

Thanks for the help

26-09-2010, 06:40 PM
Hi. New here. Thanks for this epg as it looks good.

I do however have problems when loading it. I get the following -

AZBox[epg]$ ./DaemonEPG
./DaemonEPG: '/lib/' is not an ELF file
./DaemonEPG: '/usr/lib/' is not an ELF file
./DaemonEPG: '/MMP/lib/' is not an ELF file
./DaemonEPG: '/MMP/usr/lib/' is not an ELF file
./DaemonEPG: '/MMP/lib/' is not an ELF file
./DaemonEPG: '/MMP/usr/lib/' is not an ELF file
./DaemonEPG: '/lib/' is not an ELF file
./DaemonEPG: '/lib/' is not an ELF file
./DaemonEPG: '/usr/lib/' is not an ELF file
./DaemonEPG: can't load library ''
AZBox[epg]$ ./getepg

What am I doing wrong?


26-09-2010, 07:24 PM

When you transfer a file always ensure that the transfer is done in BINARY and not ASCII mode.
You should setup your FTP program to always use BIN file transfer this will avoid lots of problems.


26-09-2010, 07:35 PM

When you transfer a file always ensure that the transfer is done in BINARY and not ASCII mode.
You should setup your FTP program to always use BIN file transfer this will avoid lots of problems.


Just changed azbox manager to binary but still get same result. Do I need to remove all traces of the azboxepg 1.8? That stopped working as of yesterday for me.

Seems to work when using Maz but not ACC. Not how exactly do I edit the conf file? Do I use notepad in windows then put it back?

EDIT. Sussed it all out now thanks. Though it loaded 2 days even though the conf file said to do 7 but never mind it works.

01-10-2010, 06:37 PM
Managed to get this working but the programme titles all have 3 exclamation marks before the name i.e !!! - what am I doing wrong?

19-12-2010, 02:28 AM
I use the XMLTV option rather that 'skyuk' and it works perfectly.It doesn't lock the tuner.

How do I go about using this option please?

UPDATE: Never mind, found it. For anyone else wondering the above, here's a small guide..

1. Choose which satellite EPG you would like and unhash that particular rytecxmltv line. In this example we require Sky UK EPG so I will unhash rytecxmltv_UK

2. Decide where you wish to store the EPG data and change line according, making sure to create any missing folders, such as XMLTV on your chosen storage device. I would like to store my data on harddrive so I change this line to /DATA/hdb1/getepg/XMLTV/

3. Save the file and run ./getepg

NEW QUESTION: I understand that getepg will update everynight, but what is the defaul update time please and how do I change it?

13-01-2011, 03:57 AM
Huge thanks to all who posted here - the ***ulative brain-power is amazing. After a bit of messing around, I now have the EPG working perfectly for all my satellite channels.