View Full Version : ftp ing

03-09-2010, 11:42 PM
hi folks this is my first post on the site so if it has been coverd and i have'nt seen the post then i am sorry.
now i just got my duo and i do not have a clue about these type of boxes as i have always been a insert camb type of person.
the problem i have is trying to upload a file via ftp with both dcc and filezila.
they both connect to my duo but then dissconect saying wrong username or password.
i never inserted any password so how do i know what the password or username is.

04-09-2010, 01:28 AM
Username: root

There is no default password. To change password you have to login to the box using a Telnet client such as PuTTY. Google PuTTY to download the application.

In PuTTY enter the IP Address of the receiver in the Host Name (IP Address) field
Select Connection Type: Telnet
Click Open.

Login: root
Press Enter key
Just hit enter key at password prompt.

To change password type the following below and note the spelling is correct.
Press Enter key
Now enter the new password
Press Enter key
Now enter the new password again to verify.
Press Enter key

Write down the new password and keep it safe because if you forget it you'll have problems in the future.

04-09-2010, 02:47 AM
Username: root

There is no default password. To change password you have to login to the box using a Telnet client such as PuTTY. Google PuTTY to download the application.

In PuTTY enter the IP Address of the receiver in the Host Name (IP Address) field
Select Connection Type: Telnet
Click Open.

Login: root
Press Enter key
Just hit enter key at password prompt.

To change password type the following below and note the spelling is correct.
Press Enter key
Now enter the new password
Press Enter key
Now enter the new password again to verify.
Press Enter key

Write down the new password and keep it safe because if you forget it you'll have problems in the future.

cheers for that m8 job done with your info on the password.
however i sent a file to the temp folder, then i rebooted and went to install the file but was given the message only del.tgz files in tmp.
the file that i was trying to load was the satangels uploader, but as i said my box was having none of it.
any ideas ?.

04-09-2010, 10:07 AM
Files uploaded to the /tmp folder will be erased when you reboot the receiver.

Upload the file to /tmp then install.