View Full Version : installing IPKG problem

04-09-2010, 03:51 PM
Trying to install IPKG and ushare on Az Premium plus to make box DNLA enabled so I can view hard disk via Sony Bravia TV.
When I try to install IPKG it's Ok up to the point where it says:
Power off/on box

Next it says try ipkg without arguments for help
ipkg update
ipkg list

All I get is:
-sh: ipkg: command not found

total newbie to this, can you help guys?

I used directory:

Thanks in advance guys :respect-054:

05-09-2010, 08:25 AM
you need to create a link to /opt from your directory and put the ln command in the S10 user startup script in /DISK2/etc/start.d

05-09-2010, 04:31 PM
I have followed the idea to install a DLNA server into azbox using ipkg and uShare. The server starts up ok, I have added some directories, containing jpg, mp3, ts formatted files, to the server. From my Samsung TV I can see the directories and their contents, but none of the files will show up. I get only "mediaformat not supported".

It looks like the ffmpeg package (installed together with uShare) doesn't work properly. Does anybody know how to check this?


05-09-2010, 04:53 PM
it doesn't ave anything in common with ffmpeg package. Samsung tv just doesn't talk "the same language" as ushare. You may try fuppes, i got better results with that one, but for mkvs you have to modify some config anyway. Samsung tv are quite picky about media servers :(

05-09-2010, 07:54 PM
luky, thank you for your hints. I was under the impression that at least jpg and mp3 files might be usable for Samsung. I will try fuppes and see where it gets me.


05-09-2010, 10:48 PM
I guess mp3 and jpegs should work without modifying some config files, but as I said I found samsung TV's picky about media servers. Let me know if you succeded

06-09-2010, 10:51 AM
you need to create a link to /opt from your directory and put the ln command in the S10 user startup script in /DISK2/etc/start.d

Could you type the code as I'm no expert...just a copy and paste man!:redface:

Thanks for all your help guys!

06-09-2010, 01:19 PM
set your path for /opt

mount -o bind /DATA/usb1/sda1/opt /opt

06-09-2010, 04:46 PM
I telnet "mount -o bind /DATA/hdb1/sda3/opt /opt " (which is my directory on hard drive)

or do I need to put a line in S10UserDefinedShell

or in S90UserScripts?

Thanks for your patience...think I may be getting out of my depth!

06-09-2010, 06:32 PM
the mount command is only necessary when installing. The "once.sh" shell script installs th "S90UserScripts" in the correct path, so that, when starting up the receiver at a later time, "S90UserScripts" is executed automatically, and there is a line

" mount -o bind $ROOT_OPT /opt"

in it that does the mounting for you.

06-09-2010, 07:28 PM
Thanks for the help guys but haven't resolved....out of my depth I think...thanks for the help anyway guys!
Appreciate it!

Basically I've done this:
1. Choose root folder on hard disk and create opt dir there

mkdir -p /DATA/hdb1/sda3/opt

mount it on /opt it will be mounted every system startup


mount -o bind /DATA/hdb1/sda3/opt /opt

2. Copy ipkg_set.tar.gz to some temp folder on azbox by ftp, /root is ok, cd to /root and untar ipkg_set.tar.gz


tar xzf ipkg_set.tar.gz

S90UserScripts ipkg.conf once.sh* rcS*
ipkg-cl* ipkg_set.tar.gz rcK*

3. Edit S90UserScripts you have to change ROOT_OPT to your location

for me it


4. Lanch once.sh


5. Lanch ipkg-cl


./ipkg-cl update

6. Check ipkg work with repo
./ipkg-cl list

you should se packets list

7. Install ipkg from repo


./ipkg-cl install ipkg-opt

ipkg and uclibc sould be installed

8. Forget ipkg-cl , now use only ipkg
9. Power off/on box (reboot? or switch off power?....done both to no avail!).....ok up to this point

But next it says

You are all set now

10. Examples

try ipkg without arguments for help


ipkg update
ipkg list

All I get when I do this is:

-sh: ipkg: command not found

10-01-2011, 01:41 AM
Never did solve this :eek: