View Full Version : new patch

06-09-2010, 04:15 PM
just been doing a bit of reading about the new patch.it seems it only works in newer spider receivers,i mean the power saving benifits in standby is a good feature,just not sure if i should try as i got my spider in may,so has anyone tried it on a older box?if so did it work?


06-09-2010, 04:36 PM
well i took the plunge and loaded new software,no energy saving mode on my box,so looks like what i had read was correct,only works on newer receivers


06-09-2010, 06:11 PM
I must have an older box bought May this year, have got the other changes but not power saving.
It's a pity because i tested today and the box uses quite a hefty 17w in standby, think I will start switching off at the back when not in use.
However I was amazed to see it was only using 27w, when switched on.
I think we should wait and see if an update comes out because they have asked for feedback and i have beta tested for a few teams in the past and the facility for deep standby or normal was always software related, but of course in power saving mode all boxes take longer to boot.

By the way way i have seen mentioned on another forum 1w regulator does anyone know what this is?


06-09-2010, 06:23 PM
My box is only 1 month old and patch installed OK :respect-048:

08-09-2010, 03:04 PM
I must have an older box bought May this year, have got the other changes but not power saving.
It's a pity because i tested today and the box uses quite a hefty 17w in standby, think I will start switching off at the back when not in use.
However I was amazed to see it was only using 27w, when switched on.
I think we should wait and see if an update comes out because they have asked for feedback and i have beta tested for a few teams in the past and the facility for deep standby or normal was always software related, but of course in power saving mode all boxes take longer to boot.

By the way way i have seen mentioned on another forum 1w regulator does anyone know what this is?


1 W Regulation Rule is Obligatory from 1 FEB 2010
to all STB receivers for EC Country
This rule is ( stand by saving power energy )

In 2009 this rule has been implemented New with time Limited in FEB 2010 no production will pass to custom without this Rule License from produser....

This rule in UK is Obligatory...By LAW...

Many people and even traders do not know or do not need to know because this rule will increase their COST...

Even our Famous competitors and Big Companies producing in Korea with OEM here are ILLEGAL now without that License.

We have try our Best to pay our license to be the fist in UK by LAW about this New Regulation like CE and ROSH and 1W even that increase our COST...But to the consumer we keep same price.

08-09-2010, 07:47 PM
My Latest LG TV Has this Implanted + Sky HD Terabyte Box :) Not Tried on the Spiderbox [ Old Model ] Probely will not work ? So will not even give it a TRY:smash: Hopefully getting a [ 3D TV ] Shortly , Busy at work at present, Getting one SOON:001_302: