View Full Version : My Vu+Duo Call my USB Stick "hdd"

07-09-2010, 06:34 PM

1/ My vu+duo doe not have neither an internal nor external hhd yet.

2/ Meantime am using a USB stick in the rear back of the Vu+ inserted specifically in the lowest USB port.
3/ When I go to / media , I find hdd folder and usb folder.

4/ I go to Vu+ Menu>Setup>system>HardDisk I find that my external USB stick there . Apparently my Vu+ recognises my USB stick as "hdd".

5/ How can I have Vu+ recognise my inserted external USB stick as a USB Drive rather than an "hdd" drive.

Note: am ignorant about mounting and mapping drives/ports so please execuse my ignorance.

Your help would be highly appreciated.

08-09-2010, 10:45 AM
21 viewers and not a single reply.

help please

08-09-2010, 10:53 AM
I don't think it matters what your box calls it as long as it works :D

My Windoze OS calls one USB stick a removable disk and another storage media but they both work as a USB stick - could be the OS in your box and / or the firmware written on the USB stick to identify itself ;)

08-09-2010, 12:27 PM
I don't think it matters what your box calls it as long as it works :D

My Windoze OS calls one USB stick a removable disk and another storage media but they both work as a USB stick - could be the OS in your box and / or the firmware written on the USB stick to identify itself ;)

Thanks for reply

The problem with this is that am using barry allen for multiboot> Am using the USB stick to store the multiboot images. However when I go to /media all the data are stored under hdd thus instead of using USB memory ,am using the vu+ internal memory . This defeats the whole purpose of using a USB Stick.

Your advice please.

08-09-2010, 04:56 PM
Login to the box using Telnet

Type df -h

Paste the results.


root@bm750:/# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 118.0M 43.2M 74.8M 37% /
udev 2.0M 28.0K 2.0M 1% /dev
/dev/sdb1 3.8G 68.0K 3.8G 0% /media/usb
/dev/sda1 931.2G 569.9M 930.7G 0% /media/hdd
/dev/mtdblock2 4.0M 388.0K 3.6M 9% /boot
tmpfs 68.9M 476.0K 68.4M 1% /var
tmpfs 68.9M 20.0K 68.9M 0% /tmp
tmpfs 68.9M 0 68.9M 0% /dev/shm

08-09-2010, 06:44 PM
Login to the box using Telnet

Type df -h

Paste the results.


root@bm750:/# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 118.0M 43.2M 74.8M 37% /
udev 2.0M 28.0K 2.0M 1% /dev
/dev/sdb1 3.8G 68.0K 3.8G 0% /media/usb
/dev/sda1 931.2G 569.9M 930.7G 0% /media/hdd
/dev/mtdblock2 4.0M 388.0K 3.6M 9% /boot
tmpfs 68.9M 476.0K 68.4M 1% /var
tmpfs 68.9M 20.0K 68.9M 0% /tmp
tmpfs 68.9M 0 68.9M 0% /dev/shm

Thanks a lot for your reply.

Apologise for my ignorance with linux system

Can you please guide me stepwise regarding this procedure.

!/ I go an tenet my vu+ and type Type df -h

2/ Presume after pressing "enter" there will be a result of this command.

3/ where should I paste the result? How can I do that?

Your patience would be highly appreciated as you would be doing me a great favour.

Best regards

08-09-2010, 07:32 PM
Download PuTTY Telnet Client from _http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe

In PuTTY enter the IP Address of the receiver in the Host Name (IP Address) field
Select Connection Type: Telnet
Click Open.

Login: root
Press Enter key
Just hit enter key at password prompt.

type the following
cd /
Press Enter Key

df -h
Press Enter Key

To copy and paste the information press the left mouse button and highlight the output data and press the right mouse button to copy it to your clipboard.

To paste the output data on the forum click reply button and press the Ctrl and V key to paste the data.

08-09-2010, 08:43 PM

Thanks a lot for your help. Here is the the result of the telnet session

root@bm750:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 7.3G 298.3M 6.6G 4% /
udev 2.0M 8.0K 2.0M 0% /dev
/dev/sda1 7.3G 298.3M 6.6G 4% /media/hdd
/dev/sda1 7.3G 298.3M 6.6G 4% /media/ba
udev 2.0M 8.0K 2.0M 0% /dev
/dev/sda1 7.3G 298.3M 6.6G 4% /media/ba
/dev/sda1 7.3G 298.3M 6.6G 4% /media/hdd
tmpfs 68.9M 560.0K 68.3M 1% /var
tmpfs 68.9M 20.0K 68.9M 0% /tmp
tmpfs 68.9M 0 68.9M 0% /dev/shm

09-09-2010, 01:24 AM
Everything looks OK to me.

Because you have no internal SATA HDD installed your USB Stick is on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda1 is mounted to /media/hdd and /media/ba

If you had an internal SATA HDD installed it would be on /dev/sda1 mounted to /media/hdd

The USB stick would then be on /dev/sdb1 and mounted to /media/usb and BA would be on /dev/sdb1 and mounted to /media/usb/ba

So anything your writing to the /hdd folder or /media/hdd or /media/ba folder is being written to your USB stick for now.

Hope that helps.

09-09-2010, 10:28 AM

I would like to sincerely thank you for your great help. Am really impressed.

In an effort to see what happens if the meoboot image was changed. I changed the previous image which was VTI version 2 to the latest Open Pli image . I noticed that a /media/usb folder was created but still there are /media/hdd and /media/ba folders containing the same data files.

Here is the result when I used the df-h command:

root@vuduo ~ # df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 7.3G 246.8M 6.7G 3% /
udev 64.0K 12.0K 52.0K 19% /dev
/dev/sda1 7.3G 246.8M 6.7G 3% /media/hdd
/dev/sda1 7.3G 246.8M 6.7G 3% /media/ba
udev 64.0K 12.0K 52.0K 19% /dev
/dev/sda1 7.3G 246.8M 6.7G 3% /media/ba
/dev/sda1 7.3G 246.8M 6.7G 3% /media/hdd
tmpfs 64.0K 12.0K 52.0K 19% /dev
/dev/sda1 7.3G 246.8M 6.7G 3% /media/usb
tmpfs 69.1M 228.0K 68.8M 0% /var
tmpfs 69.1M 8.0K 69.1M 0% /tmp
root@vuduo ~ #

Is this Ok or there is a waste of USB stick memory because we are just duplicating the same data in /media/usb and /media/hdd as well as /media/ba.

I hope you can clarify this for me and apologize for any inconvenience.

Best regards

09-09-2010, 10:48 AM
It's fine the data isn't being duplicated onto the USB Stick.
The files and folders on the USB stick only exist once.

Mount just tells the operating system where the files are located on the USB Stick.

So for example, mount /dev/sda1 /media/hdd tells the operating system a folder called /media/hdd exists on the storage media connected to /dev/sda1

09-09-2010, 12:52 PM
Again thank you and God Bless