View Full Version : 'quick and dirty guide' for Vu+ - help please!

09-09-2010, 11:06 PM
my objective was this - to be able to record ch4 HD and ITV HD programs, in their raw decoded form, to play as video files on my pc. That was the mission. This was my only objective, money no object.

After 2 days of trawling through the net, after flitting between dreambox and diablo2, i've settled on going down the linux route, and getting a Vu+ twin tuner box - attracted by its price and its twin tuner ability.

So guys - please help. If i follow the 'dummies guide to setting up a Vu+ Duo' in the forum - and follow it carefully step by step. Will this mean I'll be able to:
1. watch ch4 HD/ITV HD,
2. will have an EPG,
3. and will have the ability to transfer recorded files to my PC to watch

If the dummies guide won't let me reach this tv viewing nirvana - what additional steps do I need to achieve?

im proper desperate to sort this out, after the white cards came along and ruined everything for me. been living with FTA channels for a year now and I can't take it anymore.

please help!


10-09-2010, 12:23 AM
1. If your white card is not activated then you won't get CH4 HD.
If it is activated you'll need the serial number of the sky box it's married too then you'll need to use this tool
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=136111 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=136111)to convert the serial number to hex for cccam.cfg
Edit cccam.cfg and add your boxkey then FTP the cccam.cfg file to /etc folder on Vu+

2. Now and next but there are epg plugins you can download.
3. Recorded Files are in TS format.

10-09-2010, 12:45 AM
yeh it is activated.

thanks for that info so far. so where do i put that in the steps, in that dummies guide?

1. get a USB image file - what do you recommend?
5. 'install CAM' - is this where i do what youve said?

10-09-2010, 02:00 AM
After you've completed the steps in the dummies guide you then need to step up from the role of dummy into the role of novice.

This is where you need to learn how to use FTP.
Use an FTP client like Filezilla to transfer the cccam.cfg file to your Vu+

The cccam.cfg file has to be uploaded to the /etc folder on the Vu+