View Full Version : Dummies guide to setting up Vu+ Solo

17-05-2010, 06:37 PM
Dummies guide to setting up Vu+ Solo by Lee Goldwafers.com

This guide assumes you are installing the VTI image.

1. Install image.
Download a USB image file, eg VTI Image from
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=583 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=583)

When you download a new USB image file you may find the folder names in the ZIP/RAR archive are incorrectly labeled.

So what you need to do is make a folder on your USB pen drive called vuplus

Then inside the vuplus folder you make another folder called solo

So now you should have a folder on your PEN drive root like this


Copy the following USB Image files from the ZIP/RAR achive to the vuplus/solo folder on your PEN Drive.


Power Off Solo
Insert USB Pen Drive in the front USB socket.
Power on Solo

The display window will show an orange/red LED constantly lit.
This means it's reading the data from the USB Pen into the buffer.


The display window will show the orange/red LED flashing.
This means it's now flashing the data to the receiver.

Wait until the LED changes to a Green Flashing LED.

When Green LED is flashing you can now safely power off the receiver and remove the USB Pen Drive.

Now Power on and wait for the receiver to boot.

Image is now installed.

2. Network
Connect an Ethernet LAN cable from your router to your Vu+ Ethernet port.
Press Menu
Select Set Up Press OK
Select System Press OK
Select Network Press OK
Select Network w i z a r d and press OK.

3. Setup Motorised Dish using USALS

First get your longitude & latitude info from _http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm

Enter your post code into satsig.net and you'll get the correct LON & LAT info for your location.

Example if I enter the following UK postal code: SE1 6JZ into _http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm

I get the following LON & LAT:
Longitude: -0.1042°
Latitude: 51.4979°

Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select Service searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configure Tuner for Motorised Dish using USALS.
Use the < > buttons on remote to select Simple.
Use the down button to select mode and use the < > buttons to set to Positioner.

Configuration Mode: Simple
Mode: Positioner
Longitude: 0.104 (Make sure you enter your own Longitude settings here)
Latitude: 51.497 (Make sure you enter your own Latitude settings here)

Press OK to save.

Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select service searching Press OK
Select Positioner Setup Press OK
Select goto 0 Press RED Button

Dish should now goto 1w.

4. Download Channel List
Press Blue Button
Select Plugins
Select Green Button - Download Plugins
Select Settings. Press OK
Select a suitable list for you and Press OK

4.a Upload a Channel List
Download a pre-configured channel list example catseye's from


Unzip the Channel List to your local HDD.
Example C:\Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West

Use VuCC to upload channel list to Vu+

VUCC is an essential tool to have.
Download VuCC From


5. Install cam
Press Blue Button
Select VTI Cam Center Press OK
Press Blue Button
Select the cam you want to install and press OK
ideally use the cccam v2.30 to avoid problems

6. Activate cam
Press Blue Button
Select VTI Cam Center Press OK
Use up & down Keys to select an installed cam and press Green Button to start CAM.

These instructions are for VTI Image other images button configurations might be slightly different.

ie:- the cccam cfg file is located in var/etc after the correct cam emu has been installed
( On E2 Boxes the 3C.config is Located at /etc with Attributes set to 755 or All config files can be found in /etc )
These instructions are for Blackhole Image other images button configurations might be slightly different.

so for BH try this

4. Install Cam
Download CAM TGZ file from https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?142280-VuPlus-Community-Black-Hole-Image-EMU-S



FTP the cam-filename.tgz or ipk file to the /tmp folder on Vu+ (usually this is var/tmp)
Press Green Button then Yellow Button on Vu+ remote control.
Select Manual Install Bh Package.
Select the cam-filename.tgz file and press OK.
Message will appear - Do you want to install cam-filename.tgz
Select "Yes" and press OK.
Message will appear - Installed.
Press the exit button on remote a couple of times to come out of all the menus.

5. Activate Cam
Press the Blue button and use the < > buttons on remote to select the CAM
Press OK to run the CAM.

the cccam cfg file is located in var/etc after the correct cam emu has been installed
( On E2 Boxes the 3C.config is Located at /etc with Attributes set to 755 or All config files can be found in /etc )

These latter instructions are for Blackhole Image

How to setup Vu+ with VBox II DiSEqC 1.2 Positioner.

If your VBox II already has the satellite positions stored and your changing from an old receiver to Vu+ then follow this procedure.

Write down your VBox II satellite position numbers. These are the numbers displayed on the front of the VBox II when moving to a
specific satellite position. These position numbers can also be found in your old receivers motor setup menu.

Example lets say...
Position 1 on VBox II = Astra 19e
Position 2 on VBox II = Eutelsat W2 16e
Position 3 on VBox II = Hotbird 13e

You get the idea...

First send the dish to Astra 19e using Vbox II.

On Vu+ Remote Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Now set Configuration Mode to Advanced. Use Left or Right keys on remote to select.

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Astra 19e
LNB: 1
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to botton of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 001

Press OK to store.

OK that's Astra 19e setup now to setup Eutelsat W2 16e

Now send the dish to Eutelsat 16E using Vbox II.

Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Eutelsat W2 16e
LNB: 2
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to botton of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 002

Press OK to store.

OK that's Eutelsat W2 16e setup now to setup Hotbird 13e

Now send dish to Hotbird using Vbox II

Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Hotbird 13e
LNB: 3
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to botton of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 003

Press OK to store.

You get the idea, now repeat for the rest of the satellites and your done.

This is enough to get you started, the fun starts learning the rest.

I've written a small program to backup your Vu+ Settings.
It'll come in handy for restoring all your settings after upgrading to a new image.


18-09-2010, 05:28 PM
hi i just install new image to my vu+ solo and i install cccam 2.1.4
now i want to put my cline but when i open DCC FTP its ask for the password which normaly for the dreambox is dream1 and user is root can someone pleas tellme whats the user and password for the Vu+ solo pleas

18-09-2010, 06:22 PM
Username: root

Password field is left empty.

Use VUCC instead because with VUCC you can connect to FTP without a password.

Download from
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=138422 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=138422)



setting a password on a VU box (or any linux box)


22-03-2012, 12:45 PM
How to update Vu+ Solo CFE

To avoid large size(>48M) image update problem, please update CFE of your Solo.
** Brief explanation of Solo's bootloader update **
1. Unzip the solo_cfe_2.0_usb.zip to USB stick.(There should be /vuplus/solo/cfe_cfe_auto.bin)
2. Insert USB stick into the USB port of solo and power on the box.
3. It takes just a few secs to update.
4. If solo's front led blinks continuously, restart box.
5. To proceed with image update, you should delete the cfe_cfe_auto.bin at /vuplus/solo in USB stick once bootloader update is finished.
Download Link: Solo CFE File (http://archive.vuplus.com/download/cfe_solo_2.0.zip)

22-03-2012, 01:25 PM
hda5 what do you think is the best image blackhole vix or pli thanks

22-03-2012, 04:35 PM
Images are all down to personal taste. Try all of them and see which one is best for you.

I’m a Black Hole user.

If you have any other questions, please open a new thread as this thread isn't really the place as it's going off topic.

simon 2003
31-12-2012, 07:23 PM
put latest blackhole on mine today mate,it already comes in a folder ,just unrar and put on a formatted memory stick ,put it in front slot and hard reboot then press standby button on front when told bty front panel display ,worked for me

only thing i found different to lee's guide for solo2 was the long /lat same as when i set my dream box up if you have a - (minus) before the number on longitude you have to subtract that number from 360 that gave me my best signal at 1w, so mine was -1.xxx so 358.xxx worked best for me

26-11-2013, 01:22 AM
Anybody with a windows pc or laptop can use this tool to determine the box was actually on the network -

Advanced IP Scanner.

See it in action and/or download from here:::

It's free for home use and it's quite a handy little tool.
With just one button to click it becomes an extremely user friendly tool.
A right click on an entry in the results pane opens up a list of options and tools such as ping, tracenet, telnet and ssh.

It just takes a couple of seconds to scan a network and gives you the
STATUS, NAME, IP, MANUFACTURER - and- MAC address of everything on your network in the results pane.

Armed with this information it just is not possible to enter the wrong IP address in any software -
either in the VuCC by Lee or in any ftp program such as filezilla without using the VuCC.

thanks go to teduk for telling this forum about it

11-04-2015, 12:06 AM
consider the following forum comments to be preferred when setting up a VU box (any) or a dreambox (any) or any similar linux box

I prefer to call it MANDATORY myself , but consider it "best practice" , especially for newbies to these boxes

I ALWAYS set a password in BH on any linux box using BH or VIX or OpenPLI

I also ALWAYS fix the IP address too, always have done on my old dm800 and tm9100 boxes

so ALWAYS set a fixed ip and always change the password too , as soon as you install an image

in this case I would set the box to something like or higher

ensure you have fixed the IP on the box , dont let it just choose its own as this will tend to change regularly depending on the order devices connect

also ensure you have telnetted to the box and changed the password , or used the tuxbox commander password changer plugin

then check your router admin panel and ensure you know the correct ip address for the box and that its logged onto the router (lan devices connected)

The IP will only change if DHCP is set to yes in the box , and this really needs changing to no

But this can only happen if the box has been turned off then on again in a different order to the last time it was used,ie last time was pc first then box,this time box first then pc.

With DHCP set to on the router will automatically assign the lowest available ip,so if last time the pc was turned on first that would get and the box would get

just in case go into the router and look at the attached devices,this will tell you the IP thats assigned to the box,then go into the settings of the FTP program and ensure they match.if not change these settings to match the IP shown in the routers attached devices.

set it to dhcp so all settings are correct , then untick dhcp and just alter to ip you want use the same one previously used saves me altering settings on pc.

when checking the network on these boxes, you should use DCC , as DCC will tell you more about failures and DCC will allow a conenction to any linux box , not just dreamboxes

DCC is also used to telnet to the box and change the password using the passwd command

routers can reserve the IP address you have chosen so that it always uses the same one anyway as the mac code is saved

I use flash fxp and DCC as FTP programs

DCC can also be used for telnet purposes which allow you to change the password and in my opinion it is imperative that people change the password as soon as possible after flashing an image. I have done this for about 7 to 8 years now, starting with my dreambox and also with vu boxes too

it is the height of stupidity NOT to set a password on your box, same as the same can be said if you dont password your pc login or bank login or paypal login

to stop ip addresses changing due to the switch on order of devices (like Ian said earlier) then you should fix the lan ip address of your vu box (or dreambox) and that way your FTP program will be set to use the same ip address , same name and same password each and every time you log into the box using it

if it all stays the same, nothing changes, therefore is easier , simpler and no room for errors

it would also stop somebody accessing your box and playing april fools on you by changing your box password (same applies to your router too)

if you think about it, those default logins are what caused all the phone hacking scandal too (in simple terms)

all seems common sense to me, nothing clever about it at all, its the K.I.S.S. principle

I believe in setting a password so that the laptop or pc or dreambox or vu are "happy" , same with setting a fixed ip on all boxes, including non-linux , plus on a NAS too (its obvious to set login password and fixed ip address on a NAS)

its important to do regular backups of your vu and your laptop or pc etc , if you dont , on your heads be it