View Full Version : tm 5400ci+

11-09-2010, 03:25 PM
hello guys
ive got the above reciever some times my control works and sometimes it doesn't,or is the box @ fault is there anyway i can test the control b4 getting a new box,cheers pimps
beamish :banghead:

11-09-2010, 03:38 PM
remote control? yes: film with video cam. point the lens and press buttons should see white flashes. Replace batteries, is there bright light hitting front panel of receiver? Have you TL tube lights close? This remotes uses infrared light emissions, so lot could interfere. Check manual where IR eye sits on front panel and clean it.

11-09-2010, 03:55 PM
the remote works when i havnt used it for a bit,just wondering weather it cud be the box,cos ive got a battery tester and that shows te batterys are ok
beamish :bowing-036:

11-09-2010, 05:54 PM
Wipe the infra red emitter clean on remote.
replace batteries from another remote controller AAA or if you have new Alkaline to test with.
Check for oxidation on batteries top and bottom, same for contacts in remove.
open the remotes battery compartment and roll the batteries in the compartment and see if response improved, if this is the case: gently stretch the springs in remote by a couple of mm's, don't over stretch.
I'm using recharbles, when this happens I replace with newly loaded. Battery tester shows for both 12 V here. Both should be same type! 1.2V Ni-MH AAA 650mAH. Never should have like 1 x 500 mAH and 1 x 650 mAH

14-09-2010, 07:33 PM
I had the same problem on my 5400.
After trying all the above it still did not work so i opened the remote (carefully) and cleaned all the circuit board with "Switch cleaning lubricant".
The one i used is called Servisol super 10 and it was from map*ins part No
JP17T £4.39.The connections to the battery terminals were a little corroded for some reason but this stuff did the trick about 4 months ago and it has been ok since.Make shure you clean the battery contacts before spraying.
Hope this is of some help but realise i maybe should not have put where i purchased it from but if it is not allowed mod please remove.
Good Luck


15-09-2010, 01:55 AM
the remote works when i havnt used it for a bit,just wondering weather it cud be the box,cos ive got a battery tester and that shows te batterys are ok
beamish :bowing-036:

If it works when you haven't used it for a "bit"/while, then it sounds like a Sticking Key... i.e one of the keys most used on the remote is sticking in the On position.....?????
This will most likely drain the batteries also......

Have a close up look at the remote/ does it feel/operate like it used to ?

If the worst comes to the worst a brand new one can be purchased on-line delivered for about €15.....

I would Not recommend spraying Servisol on remote control internal pads as this is used mainly for potentiometers/Switch Gear and volume control applications in general audio equipment which develop crackle noise after years of usage........

15-09-2010, 07:41 PM
it worked ok last night,it dont work when i use it alot like on a sat flicking from match to match,it feels okive pressed all the buttons and their seem fine ,i will give it another bashing this sat and if no joy i will get another one,thank you for all the post guys