View Full Version : A Tutorial for meoboot using Barry Allen that work smoothly .

17-09-2010, 04:33 PM
A Tutorial for meoboot using Barry Allen that work smoothly .

For those interested in meoboots for OE 1.6 images here is a short guide. Hope it will be of help.

1/ in flash (internal Flash) install AAF_HOT_SUMMER_V2_fb version

Usb. in the usual manner using the front usb port.
2/ once installed. Switch off Vu+from back using the power button.
3/ Get a usb stick and format it using the hp format utiliy to FAT 32.
4/ While Vu+ is still switched off, insert the formatted usb stick in the

lowest usb port in the back of your Vu+.
5/ Power on Vu+ using again the power button in the back of Vu+.
6/ After a while the AAF_HOT_SUMMER_V2b will appear on your screen.
7/ Go to to Add on Manager and under plugins install Barry Allen Version

8/ After completion of installation of Barry Allen, Use dcc296 and go to

this is in case you donot have neither an internal nor external Hardrive

disks. If you have any one of them then Go to /media/USB/MB_Images.
9/ Once in in MB_Images , Ftp your meoboot image to MB_Images and

give it a CHMOD 755.

10/ Now go to Vu+ > plugins> Barry Allen click it and a screen will appear

go to

(****** for images at / MB_Images click it and a screen will appear,

( Extract nfi image from /MB_Images, Click it another screen appears ,

Here you will select the image which you transferred to MB_Images.

Choose the image and Rename it as you want and the press OK.

the process of extraction or installing will start. Upon completion you will

see the screen of the Flash image.

11/ Now go to plugins > Barry Allen click it> Choose (Wizrd For installed

images) click it> Choose (Select installed image for booting ) click it and

select your Meoboot image and press OK.

12/ Vu+ will reboot automatically and after several minutes your Meoboot

image will appear on screen.
You can repeat the same procedure to install as many images as you like

provided all images are compatabilwith the Flash image,. In this case all

images should be the new versions of VTi 2/Gigant 2 etc. They all must

have OE 1.6 otherwise the system wont work.

Important Notice: Open Pli images do not work with this system because

of O.E compatibility issues.
