View Full Version : Audio level

18-09-2010, 12:18 PM
When I load new channels in my TM6900 Super audio level seems low. I can change it in audio menu between low, medium and high; if I select high it seems good. Is there a way to change all channels together? If not, I would change every channel one by one......

18-09-2010, 05:54 PM
No hope,mate.Have a look here : http://satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=137917

19-09-2010, 09:03 AM
Hi sat_rrstm, sorry I lost your post. Yes it seems we have no chance, but I discovered this:
1) Change all channels to High one by one (it's a very bad job but it's possible);
2) Save a setting file from the box using a good editor (I use ClarkeTech Studio 3.13).
When you reload setting in the box you will find again all audios at High position. Form that moment you must only modify new loaded channels.

19-09-2010, 05:12 PM
Very good news,thanks mate!
I 'll have it in mind next time I 'll need a factory reset.
I use ClarkeTech Studio 3.13 as well,but the last 2 times I did it via usb stick,so I faced the same problem you did.
P.S. I just tried to edit audio volume using ClarkeTech Studio 3.13 (I set it to value 100 selecting all ch's & the option "Modify Union"),but no use,the audio of channels is still to medium value after downloading the list back to the receiver.
So what's the trick?

19-09-2010, 09:09 PM
I'm afraid that in setting editor is not the chance to modify this value. You must select High in audio menu of the box, then uploading setting file and downloading it again it stays High.
I solved in this way because I don't use "precooked" setting files; I make settings on my own, so when I load new channels I modify only new one but all channels just stored stay OK.

20-09-2010, 05:43 AM
Strange! I had adjusted all my music channels to "high" level before testing,but it didn't work though.
Thanks anyway for responding,I 'll give it one more go later today and let you know.

P.S. Like I said.After one more test,the result is negative again.
All reload channels have the volume level reverted to "Medium" again.