View Full Version : USB power down in standby

18-09-2010, 08:38 PM
Im looking for a way to power the USB sockets down in standby.
The reason for this is to kill the laptop cooler when in standby.
I read that people in the past have powered it from pin8 on the scart to work around this issue but I was hoping that there may now be a plugin that will make this possible.

19-09-2010, 12:08 PM
hi m8.. iv done this very same thing wiv my cooler pad.. :respect-055: the only way i could do it was to put an in line switch in the wiring to the fan...and discreetly attach it to the pad... it works a treat :respect-040: the switch u can get for a few quid from a model shop :respect-050:

19-09-2010, 08:03 PM
Yeah its looking like I will have to take the same route. I just thought it was worth an ask, just incase somebod had written something clever.:respect-063:

20-09-2010, 09:25 PM
I'll be doing the same. A trip to local electronics shop methinks.