View Full Version : 6900 super+ hd motor problem

19-09-2010, 03:56 PM
Hi guys
just happened today, my motor wont move east, i have the latest patch on it and am using a tm diseq motor with 98cm dish. all was working fine prior to going on holiday, receiver has been off at mains for 2 weeks. everything else is working perfectly, dish drives west as normal, all pictures perfect.

any ideas?

PS. i dont have any limits set and have tried deleting them anyway.

19-09-2010, 04:55 PM
usals: check longitude and latitude settings on receiver
diseqc: can you still move the dish with the remote? while viewing channel press ● left right remote cursor?

19-09-2010, 05:13 PM
Hi Giga,
checked longitude and latitude, 7.2W / 55N. im sure this is what they have always been.

Have tried moving the motor as you suggested but it wont move either way, it makes a slight noise when i press the direction both ways, but doesn't move.

Does this tell you anything?

19-09-2010, 05:24 PM
Have you easy access to the motor? Drive it on the motor to position 0 on its dial. With button on motor:
Press once & keep pressing moves west
Press twice within 0.5 seconds & keep pressing moves east
short step: press once and release 1 step west
short step: press twice within 0.5 seconds and release 1 step east
If motor is postion 0 then use pinhole to hardware reset motor with toothpick (press 2 seconds)
Led starts blinking orange, when turn green reset is complete.
this is for TM-2600 Super, should be very similar, check your manual.
IF motor is not moving with green led: check if nothing is blocking the dish.

19-09-2010, 05:47 PM
Hi again Giga,
Have tried your suggestions, the motor will not move using the button on the motor. the light was green when i got up there but when i pressed the button it turned orange and stayed orange. i disconnected and reconnected the power and the light was green again, i then tried a reset, the light blinked orange twice, then stayed green, but when i tried to move the motor using the button, the light turned and stayed orange again.

What do you think?

20-09-2010, 08:46 AM
looks like the motor has a defect? Contact your vendor or Technomate.

20-09-2010, 10:11 AM
Ok i'll try that
Many thanks for your input, much appreciated.

20-09-2010, 01:00 PM
Hi again Giga,
Have tried your suggestions, the motor will not move using the button on the motor. the light was green when i got up there but when i pressed the button it turned orange and stayed orange. i disconnected and reconnected the power and the light was green again, i then tried a reset, the light blinked orange twice, then stayed green, but when i tried to move the motor using the button, the light turned and stayed orange again.

What do you think?

That mean is Faulty on the Gears...the circuit is sending the power,but the gears are not responding,.,.

Usually is MOTECK TW manifature fault when TM is pordusing...
Many people has report the same Think.