View Full Version : Problems with spider9000

19-09-2010, 04:46 PM
Went to use box to watch manu v liv & remote not working right,have to press 7/8 time for it to work & then sometimes it dosn`t work.So i did a rs232 reset & started loading patches back on,not sure which order to install them but i started from earliest date,first 3 loaded ok & remote works but after loading next patch D A R K M A N I A V2_Spiderbox_HD_9000_0506 remote acts up again.Did the rs323 reset again but just the same first 3 patches all ok then i missed the above patch & loaded Darkman Patch Spiderbox_HD_9000_0814,the same happend again remote don`t work.
Any ideas please as it`s got me licked & could some kind soul tell me what order patches need to be applied.
Thanks in advance


19-09-2010, 04:54 PM
not sure why you re-loaded patches if remote not working,i did reply to a post on here some time ago concerning remote not working,remove battery cover on remote,press down on batteries with your thimb and at the same time press butons on remote if remote works now then use a bit of folded card or paper place on top of batteries the replace battery cover carefully
also before you do the above,have you tried new batteries?


19-09-2010, 04:59 PM
Have done all that m8 first before i reset box,nothing worked.
It`s just funny how remote works for a start with first few patches then packs up.


19-09-2010, 05:05 PM
ok,has it just started to happen again? as for patches if your box is like mine
the non eco box then load the non eco patch i think its the one dated 30th aug 2010


19-09-2010, 05:14 PM
Have done all that m8 first before i reset box,nothing worked.
It`s just funny how remote works for a start with first few patches then packs up.


If you remote been damage or is faulty ,,.that has nothink to do with patches !

Please if remote do not work are two thinks....

or Batery problem or Remte it self damage or faulty.,...NOTHINK ELSE>.....

usually they are no remote Faulty ...Thst is the Most Expensive RCU in all Satellite market in this moment ,just for yoru info....but that do not mean can not be damage or be one or two faulty....

19-09-2010, 05:15 PM
Thanks 4 the info,yes it`s been fine 4 a bit now,it just started today & i didn`t do anything.Not sure if it is a non eco box,how do you tell ?? only had it a month or so.Will try that patch you mentioned when i`ve done a reset again as i can`t do naff all with it @ the moment.


19-09-2010, 05:19 PM
Batteries are new & tested,remote not been dropped or anything,just strange how it suddenly stopped working,& as i`ve said it works no problem after a reset & the first couple of patches have been loaded but stops working when the latest patches have been loaded


19-09-2010, 05:28 PM
the eco spiders are the newer ones,with latest patch it lets you alter the power saving in standby,1w in standby.there is a thread about it on here somewhere,even if your box is the older type like mine then it wont give you the power saving option but wont damage your box if you load it


19-09-2010, 05:31 PM
Batteries are new & tested,remote not been dropped or anything,just strange how it suddenly stopped working,& as i`ve said it works no problem after a reset & the first couple of patches have been loaded but stops working when the latest patches have been loaded

No no mate you case can be different ..i am sory to says is not true ..the patch has no think to do with RCU in this case..

I do not like to believe you have universal RCU and by mistake you have touch TV in part to touch SAT....that is the worse case...
anyway can even be for certain reason even the front panel Connection by pins lose connection with the Mather board ...that can be check if you open the box and see if the clamp pins are proper in.....in other way is some think interfering between your box and some think else frequency,,,but that strange ...

In all the cases ....if you think remote is faulty...can be always change if is not damage...

19-09-2010, 06:00 PM
Remote not @ fault the box is.
Pulled box out to connect rs232,reset box then loaded patches back in,remote still working,removed rs232 & put box back & remote stopped working so something must be loose or whatever.Will have to wait till my Bro comes round tuesday before opening box as i have to much electric in me & tend to blow things so will let him look.

Thanks all for reply`s
