View Full Version : Lost all East satellites

20-09-2010, 10:24 AM

Can someone please help me

I have just done a factory reset having set up and reloaded the spiderbox 9000
I pressed the sat button on the remote and all my west satellites are gone not even my dish will move west

I have set lon/lat

The only two sats I can use to get some channels are 16.7 east and 19 east the only way to get channels on these two sats is to do a blind search

I live in the south esat of england i have 1 mtr motorised diah and a spiderbox 9000hd before my factory reset i could go from 42 east to 30 west
and every thing in between

so can somebody let me know where I go from here as to what to do


20-09-2010, 10:33 AM
did you save your channel list?if so reload it.double check your long and lat settings,can you move your dish in the motor set up menue?


20-09-2010, 11:06 AM
Thank you mister-t for your quick reply

Yes I did save my channel list and I have reloaded it again

I have had to do a blind search to get the channels working an 26 east and 19 east

I have doubled checked my lon/lat on multi ma*

I can't move my dish west in the motor sat up menu

I dont know what els I can do

20-09-2010, 11:46 AM
The chann' list, was it a 'current' one with all your updates / additions on 26 and 19E ? Maybe not........;)

Check motor settings - USALS ? and re-check your Long / Lat setting

terry l
20-09-2010, 12:08 PM
Go to installation in menu select motor setup enter pin code [0000]..
select DISeqC 1.2..
Select sat that you want put the frequency in [eg 10710 v 27500]..
scrole down to drive step move dish [east or west[using remote < > button on remote..
when you get S [SIGNAL] in green and Q [QUALITY] IN BLUE,,Go down to search [select all or whatever]..
after the search select store sat position..
repeat untill all sat's are back to normal..

20-09-2010, 01:03 PM
If you saved channel list there is no need to scan again just save sat position.

20-09-2010, 03:20 PM
Yes I have tried that and can't get it ti work on west sats

Is it possible that my dish is out of line

20-09-2010, 05:26 PM
does the dish move freely?can you see the dish moving say from the window?
unless you had say hurricane winds then cant see why dish has moved
have you checked all connections?
sat cable to motor?you say you can get 16e and 19e so dish moves from one to the other.check dish alighnment,maybe it has moved?tilted downwards perhaps


21-09-2010, 01:13 PM
Yes master-t my dish dose move freely

It moves freely from turk sat 43 east to sirius 5 east I can walk outside and see it move

Either the west postioner in the spiderbox has gone or like I said the dish is out off alinement

21-09-2010, 01:43 PM
Yes master-t my dish dose move freely

It moves freely from turk sat 43 east to sirius 5 east I can walk outside and see it move

Either the west postioner in the spiderbox has gone or like I said the dish is out off alinement

and you can not get any channels on say 5e?
if you dish has some how moved it must of moved a great distance not to be able to get any sats after 5e and only geting the 2 you mentioned


21-09-2010, 02:05 PM
The only way that I can get channels on an east satellite either 42 east to 5 east
is to do a blind search

So I can get some channels working an all east sats by doing a blind search

Then only channels I get are the Canal channels

yes I agree I at last are getting something

21-09-2010, 02:06 PM
In motor set up menu scroll down to command,use left or right cursor until you come to limit off, and disable limit, then see if dish will go further right.Worth a try!

21-09-2010, 03:03 PM
Hi 2colby many thanks

Now able to turn dish to west sates did what you said and took the east west limit off

I must have done something to knock the dish limit off what I don't know

Now that that bit is up and running ( I hope )

I am at this moment doing a blind search on HispaSat 30 west

What about the rest of the channels as I have said I am getting all canal channels that is all that I can open for now how do I go about getting the rest

I have patch 830 loaded dated 30 Aug can you please let me know as to what els I neeed to get the rest of the channels

21-09-2010, 03:41 PM
Just had a look in software section ,the 830 patch was for the 7000hd so may have the wrong one loaded.

21-09-2010, 03:52 PM
Just had a look in software section ,the 830 patch was for the 7000hd so may have the wrong one loaded.

i think he means the 0830 one,its the one in this section at the top
its the one i am using at the moment Spiderbox 9000 HD / 30.08.2010


21-09-2010, 04:11 PM
yes mister-t Isee the one you refer to now, I am using the one posted by brutus earlier this month

22-09-2010, 10:22 AM
Yes Master-t you are right I am using the 830 for Spiderbox 9000 HD dated 30 Aug 2010 Glenn_911

The latest update I can now move my dish west by taken off the west limit as 2colby told me what I am finding now is that I can't get any channels on any west sats even If I do a satellite search or a blind search or any other search I can't get any channels at al
Yes the dish moves from one west sat to another and that is itl

22-09-2010, 12:13 PM
have you tried loading someone elses channel list?then re-enter the long and lat settings in usuals and see if you can get anything


22-09-2010, 02:06 PM
Master-t thanks for all your help so far

I have been looking at my Lat/Lon settings on my position and find that both of them as showing 00000's

At this moment every thing is working on 16 east and 19 east what I mean working is that I can get the Canal channels on both sats

As soon as I input Lon/Lat my position I get a massage No Signal I then go back and delate Lon/Lat I get the channels back

I got my Lon/Lat from Multi Map

Every time I turn their is an new problem

22-09-2010, 03:57 PM
so what channels you getting now,a bit more info than canal channels
for example you getting tring on 16e?
the more info you supply the easier for everyone to help you
also can you post exactley the settings you put in for usuals for example mine
longtitude 001.2w latitude 52.3n


22-09-2010, 07:22 PM
Hi mister-t many thanks once for your help so far

Can I PM you with my address so you can check my lon/lat

The one I am trying to use is 31.4 Lon --- 51.2 Lat I got these from multi map

As for a list of channels I can get I will send them to you tomorrow

22-09-2010, 08:56 PM
The one I am trying to use is 31.4 Lon --- 51.2 Lat I got these from multi map

Thats wrong, must be a typo :D

23-09-2010, 08:55 AM
Hi mister-t many thanks once for your help so far

Can I PM you with my address so you can check my lon/lat

The one I am trying to use is 31.4 Lon --- 51.2 Lat I got these from multi map

As for a list of channels I can get I will send them to you tomorrow

got you pm and messaged you the usuals settings,as john.dat says that is wrong.from your location i get the settings as
longitude 005.3w latitude 51.4n


23-09-2010, 11:13 AM
Hi Master-t

Many many thanks for sorting out my Lon/Lat

I input what you said Lon 005.3w -- Lat 51.4n

On all the east satillites all I get is No Signal when I go back in and delete the lon/lat I get all the channels back

So what it looks like to me is that when I did a back up of the files STB_ALL.UAD and STB_DB.UDB the lat/lon was reading 0000 then I did a factory reset

That is why I think that when I now do a factory reset and load these two files back I get some channels BUT as soon as I input the longitude latitude all I get is No Signal

I will send you a list of channel I get with out using Lon/Lat

23-09-2010, 11:47 AM
Here is a list of channels I am getting

Sirius 5E Nothing

Hotbird 13E Novasport 1,2
JSC Sports1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Eatelsat 16.7E Canal +

Astra 19E Canal +

23-09-2010, 12:03 PM
Here is a list of channels I am getting

Sirius 5E Nothing

Hotbird 13E Novasport 1,2
JSC Sports1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Eatelsat 16.7E Canal +

Astra 19E Canal +

ok first thing first 16.7e it dont exist 16e exists and no canal+ on that sat
personally i would re-load someone elses channel list,re-enter the long and lat settings i gave you,you seem to be scanning wrong sats somewhere
are you saving when you exit after putting in lat and long setings
seems to me for some reason you are scanning in the wrong sats


23-09-2010, 12:09 PM
16e channels check on king of sat
check the link as i am even more sure now you aint scanning the right sats
hotbird alone 13e should give you at leas nearly 900+ channels


23-09-2010, 12:42 PM
just thought of something
press sat on remote,satellite list should now be viewable.do you see eutelsat w2 16e,if yes scroll to it then press ok,then go to menue motor setup.
motor type should say usuals,scroll down to satellite position it should say
016.0e if not then change it with remote to 016.0e,maybe your satellite settings have altered for some reason


23-09-2010, 02:05 PM
Hi master-t

How about you sending me your channel list and let me try that with the Long/lat you give me and see what happens

I have changed 16.7 east back to 16 east some of the codes is in Conax where do I get the codes for Conax ???

As for Hotbird 13 east I get total of 977 channels

As you can see this is all new to me having to do all of it myself all the time it is a shot in the dark befour when I had a Technomat super 1500 + Ever time something went wrong my next door M8 would come and sort it out now he has move i am down the river with out a paddle

As I have said I have changed from 16.7 eest to 16 east for example go to the first channel on the list channel 0001 Film Thriller it opens for 2 seconds and then I get Scrambled channel by the way I get 359 channels on 16 East

Again I am working with NO Lat/Lon Like I said as soon as I input the setting that you sent me for Lon/Lat I lose all the channels

23-09-2010, 03:11 PM
not sure why you keep losing signal when you change to usuals,i will upload my channel list for you,if push comes to shove then just use diseqc motor
and manually move dish with east west untill you get signal then store
give me a few mins ok,


23-09-2010, 03:17 PM
uploaded my channel list for you,these are the sats that i can get from my location


23-09-2010, 03:29 PM
you wrote So what it looks like to me is that when I did a back up of the files STB_ALL.UAD and STB_DB.UDB the lat/lon was reading 0000 then I did a factory reset
did you re-load the above files?because if you are you are just going back to an earlier patch.load the latest patch click on sw update only,wait for box to reboot ,reload channel list
set lon and lat settings as before then see what happens


23-09-2010, 04:28 PM
Thank you master-t

Can you please let me know where i can find the latest patch

I have looked but I don't know what i am looking for

mister-t i thank you very much for sticking with me on this with you are very helpfull and very understanding I just don't where to turn to

23-09-2010, 04:51 PM
look in spider box section patch and gift
New and Improved software for Spiderbox, 03 Sept
this is the latest patch by brutus


23-09-2010, 06:07 PM
Master-t you are a star

Thank you

Will let you know later how I get on

23-09-2010, 06:13 PM
no problem,we are all here to help each other


25-09-2010, 09:49 AM
Hi master-t

I have loaded the latest patch and still on change put the Lon/Lat in and get No Signal put 0000 in and I get some channels

I have booked a satellite guro for Monday to see if my sat is out of lione so keeping my fingers crossed so whtch tis space

25-09-2010, 10:09 AM
Hi master-t

I have loaded the latest patch and still on change put the Lon/Lat in and get No Signal put 0000 in and I get some channels

I have booked a satellite guro for Monday to see if my sat is out of lione so keeping my fingers crossed so whtch tis space

ok m8,let us all know the outcome


25-09-2010, 10:14 AM
Master-t you will be the first to know

Once again I thank you very much for all your help so far

27-09-2010, 11:37 AM

All sorted M8

The dish was 5mm out of alinement it took him 5 minutes to sort it out

Let me once again say to you M8 thank you very much indeed for alll your help I now know where to come went I am in trouble

27-09-2010, 12:28 PM

All sorted M8

The dish was 5mm out of alinement it took him 5 minutes to sort it out

Let me once again say to you M8 thank you very much indeed for alll your help I now know where to come went I am in trouble

good to hear mate and hope you have trouble free viewing from now on
